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QuiteStochastic committed Feb 3, 2023
1 parent 6271167 commit 57e4e03
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Showing 7 changed files with 455 additions and 248 deletions.
49 changes: 38 additions & 11 deletions src/app/test_executive/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ module Make (Inputs : Intf.Test.Inputs_intf) = struct
(* TODO: test snark work *)
let config =
let open Test_config in
let open Test_config.Wallet in
(* let open Test_config.Wallet in *)
let make_timing ~min_balance ~cliff_time ~cliff_amount ~vesting_period
~vesting_increment : Mina_base.Account_timing.t =
let open Currency in
Expand All @@ -36,24 +36,51 @@ module Make (Inputs : Intf.Test.Inputs_intf) = struct
{ default with
requires_graphql = true
; block_producers =
[ { balance = "400000"; timing = Untimed } (* 400_000_000_000_000 *)
; { balance = "300000"; timing = Untimed } (* 300_000_000_000_000 *)
; { balance = "30000"
; genesis_ledger =
[ { account_name = "block-producer1-key"
; balance = "400000"
; timing = Untimed
; { account_name = "block-producer2-key"
; balance = "300000"
; timing = Untimed
; { account_name = "block-producer3-key"
; balance = "30000"
; timing =
make_timing ~min_balance:10_000_000_000_000 ~cliff_time:8
~cliff_amount:0 ~vesting_period:4
(* 30_000_000_000_000 mina is the total. initially, the balance will be 10k mina. after 8 global slots, the cliff is hit, although the cliff amount is 0. 4 slots after that, 5_000_000_000_000 mina will vest, and 4 slots after that another 5_000_000_000_000 will vest, and then twice again, for a total of 30k mina all fully liquid and unlocked at the end of the schedule*)
; { account_name = "snark-node-key"
; balance = "1000"
; timing = Untimed
; { account_name = "extra1"; balance = "1000"; timing = Untimed }
; { account_name = "extra2"; balance = "1000"; timing = Untimed }
; extra_genesis_accounts =
[ { balance = "1000"; timing = Untimed }
; { balance = "1000"; timing = Untimed }
; block_producers =
[ { node_name = "block-producer1"
; account_name = "block-producer1-key"
(* 400_000_000_000_000 *)
; { node_name = "block-producer2"
; account_name = "block-producer2-key"
(* 300_000_000_000_000 *)
; { node_name = "block-producer3"
; account_name = "block-producer3-key"
(* 30_000_000_000_000 mina is the total. initially, the balance will be 10k mina. after 8 global slots, the cliff is hit, although the cliff amount is 0. 4 slots after that, 5_000_000_000_000 mina will vest, and 4 slots after that another 5_000_000_000_000 will vest, and then twice again, for a total of 30k mina all fully liquid and unlocked at the end of the schedule*)
; num_archive_nodes = 1
; num_snark_workers = 4
; snark_worker =
{ node_name = "snark-node"
; account_name = "snark-node-key"
; replicas = 4
; snark_worker_fee = "0.0001"
; num_archive_nodes = 1
; proof_config =
{ proof_config_default with
work_delay = Some 1
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73 changes: 53 additions & 20 deletions src/app/test_executive/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -42,6 +42,39 @@ module Make (Inputs : Intf.Test.Inputs_intf) = struct

TODO, new config format should look like
let config =
let open Test_config in
let open Test_config.Wallet in
{ default with
requires_graphql = true
; genesis_ledger = [
{ key_name = "bp1_key"; balance = "400000"; timing = Untimed }
; { key_name = "bp2_key"; balance = "300000"; timing = Untimed }
; { key_name = "extra1_key"; balance = "1000"; timing = Untimed }
; { key_name = "extra2_key"; balance = "1000"; timing = Untimed }
; { key_name = "snark_worker1_key"; balance = "10"; timing = Untimed }
; block_producers =
[ { node_name = "bp1"; node_key_name = "bp1_key" }
; { node_name = "bp2"; node_key_name = "bp2_key" }
; num_archive_nodes = 0
; snark_workers = [
{ node_name = "snark_worker"; node_key_name = "snark_worker1_key"; replicas = 4 }
; snark_worker_fee = "0.0001"
; proof_config =
{ proof_config_default with
work_delay = Some 1
; transaction_capacity =
Some Runtime_config.Proof_keys.Transaction_capacity.small

let run network t =
let open Malleable_error.Let_syntax in
let logger = Logger.create () in
Expand All @@ -67,7 +100,7 @@ module Make (Inputs : Intf.Test.Inputs_intf) = struct
let sender_pub_key =
sender_kp.public_key |> Signature_lib.Public_key.compress

(* let snark_worker_pk = Test_config.default.snark_worker_public_key in *)
let%bind () =
"send out a bunch more txns to fill up the snark ledger, then wait for \
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -96,25 +129,25 @@ module Make (Inputs : Intf.Test.Inputs_intf) = struct
wait_for t
(Wait_condition.ledger_proofs_emitted_since_genesis ~num_proofs:1) )
let%bind () =
section_hard "check snark worker's account balance"
(let%bind { total_balance = snark_worker_balance; _ } =
Network.Node.must_get_account_data ~logger untimed_node_b
Currency.Amount.( >= )
(Currency.Balance.to_amount snark_worker_balance)
then Malleable_error.return ()
Malleable_error.soft_error_format ~value:()
"Error with snark_worker_balance. snark_worker_balance is %d and \
should be %d. snark fee is %d"
(Currency.Balance.to_int snark_worker_balance)
(Currency.Amount.to_int snark_worker_expected)
(Currency.Fee.to_int fee) )
(* let%bind () =
section_hard "check snark worker's account balance"
(let%bind { total_balance = snark_worker_balance; _ } =
Network.Node.must_get_account_data ~logger untimed_node_b
Currency.Amount.( >= )
(Currency.Balance.to_amount snark_worker_balance)
then Malleable_error.return ()
Malleable_error.soft_error_format ~value:()
"Error with snark_worker_balance. snark_worker_balance is %d and \
should be %d. snark fee is %d"
(Currency.Balance.to_int snark_worker_balance)
(Currency.Amount.to_int snark_worker_expected)
(Currency.Fee.to_int fee) )
in *)
section_hard "dfasdfdasf"
(let%bind hash =
let%map { hash; _ } =
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File renamed without changes.
62 changes: 32 additions & 30 deletions src/lib/integration_test_cloud_engine/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -834,15 +834,14 @@ end
type t =
{ namespace : string
; constants : Test_config.constants
; seeds : Node.t list
; block_producers : Node.t list
; snark_coordinators : Node.t list
; snark_workers : Node.t list
; archive_nodes : Node.t list
; testnet_log_filter : string (* ; keypairs : Signature_lib.Keypair.t list *)
; block_producer_keypairs : Signature_lib.Keypair.t list
; extra_genesis_keypairs : Signature_lib.Keypair.t list
; nodes_by_pod_id : Node.t String.Map.t
; seeds : Node.t Core.String.Map.t
; block_producers : Node.t Core.String.Map.t
; snark_coordinators : Node.t Core.String.Map.t
; snark_workers : Node.t Core.String.Map.t
; archive_nodes : Node.t Core.String.Map.t
; nodes_by_pod_id : Node.t Core.String.Map.t
; testnet_log_filter : string
; genesis_keypairs : Network_keypair.t Core.String.Map.t

let constants { constants; _ } = constants
Expand All @@ -863,34 +862,37 @@ let archive_nodes { archive_nodes; _ } = archive_nodes

(* all_nodes returns all *actual* mina nodes; note that a snark_worker is a pod within the network but not technically a mina node, therefore not included here. snark coordinators on the other hand ARE mina nodes *)
let all_nodes { seeds; block_producers; snark_coordinators; archive_nodes; _ } =
List.concat [ seeds; block_producers; snark_coordinators; archive_nodes ]
[ Core.String.Map.to_alist seeds
; Core.String.Map.to_alist block_producers
; Core.String.Map.to_alist snark_coordinators
; Core.String.Map.to_alist archive_nodes
|> Core.String.Map.of_alist_exn

(* all_pods returns everything in the network. remember that snark_workers will never initialize and will never sync, and aren't supposed to *)
let all_pods
{ seeds
; block_producers
; snark_coordinators
; snark_workers
; archive_nodes
; _
} =
[ seeds; block_producers; snark_coordinators; snark_workers; archive_nodes ]
(* TODO snark workers and snark coordinators have the same key name, but different workload ids*)
let all_pods { nodes_by_pod_id; _ } = nodes_by_pod_id

(* all_non_seed_pods returns everything in the network except seed nodes *)
let all_non_seed_pods
{ block_producers; snark_coordinators; snark_workers; archive_nodes; _ } =
[ block_producers; snark_coordinators; snark_workers; archive_nodes ]
let all_non_seed_pods { nodes_by_pod_id; seeds; _ } =
let seedlist = Core.String.Map.keys seeds in
let rec remove_all_keys_in_list mp lst =
match lst with
| [] ->
| hd :: tl ->
remove_all_keys_in_list (Core.String.Map.remove mp hd) tl
in (remove_all_keys_in_list nodes_by_pod_id seedlist)

let all_keypairs { block_producer_keypairs; extra_genesis_keypairs; _ } =
block_producer_keypairs @ extra_genesis_keypairs
let genesis_keypairs { genesis_keypairs; _ } = genesis_keypairs

let block_producer_keypairs { block_producer_keypairs; _ } =
(* let block_producer_keypairs { block_producer_keypairs; _ } =
let extra_genesis_keypairs { extra_genesis_keypairs; _ } =
let extra_genesis_keypairs { extra_genesis_keypairs; _ } =
extra_genesis_keypairs *)

let lookup_node_by_pod_id t = Map.find t.nodes_by_pod_id

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