Django basic app to list your jobs as portfolio website
- Git:
- TortoiseGit:
- SSH Setup using PuttyGen:
Open PuttyGen
Click Generate button
Save Private Key button Click --> Save on secure place i.e. Desktop
Use Public Key on text box in PuttyGen at the setting --> SSH and GPG Keys:
4.VS COde: Open that folder with COde:
in terminal: "CTRL+`"
To run python command: python
To check python verison :
python -v
Create a virtual environment by running:
Virtual environment packages all dependencies within a single project:
`py -3 -m venv venv`
Activate the virtual environment by running:
source venv/Scripts/activate
Install the necessary python packages by running:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Above mentioned Virtual Environment creationg and requirements install is done only one time for the project! ONE TIME ONLY!
The following is done for every changes you make in you project:
Run the migrations by running:
python makemigrations
python migrate
To view it on web browser i.e. Chrome browser:
Start the web server by running on the terminal:
python runserver
To see the website, go to chrome browser and type: http://localhost:8000