Enable single sign-on to AWS console using GSuite:
- On AWS - setup cross account roles in the SSO account to switch roles to other accounts, so we only need to map GSuite groups to IAM roles in SSO acccount
- On GSuite - add AWS Console as a SAML App to GSuite and enable SSO experience
- On AWS - automate mapping between GSuite groups to IAM roles and update the mapping based on a config file (google sheets) on an hourly basis
- On Client - Enable AWS CLI using GSuite credential
Python 3.7 or greater
A G Suite domain with API access enabled
A G Suite user with super administrator access
A google sheets file with below two columns:
- group_email: the email address of the group
- role_arns: a comma separated arn list of the IAM roles assigned to users in the group
- Here is an example:
group_email role_arns [email protected] arn:aws:iam::<account_num>:role/rolename01,arn:aws:iam::<account_num>:role/rolename02 [email protected] arn:aws:iam::<account_num>:role/rolename03,arn:aws:iam::<account_num>:role/rolename04
Add custom attributes to GSuite user
Create a custom attribute category named "SSO" with two attributes defined:
- IAM Role (IAM_Role): this is a multiple value text attribute that has all the roles mapped to the user. The format is "ARN of IAM role to assume", "ARN of the identity provider (will setup in step 3 below)"
- Session Duration (Session_Duration): Whole Number, the session duration in seconds, default is 3600 (an hour)
Add a new SAML App in GSuite
- Step 1 - Select Amazon Web Service
- Step 2 - Download the IDP metadata in XML (save it securely)
- Step 3 - Give an application name, description and logo
- Step 4 - Set "Name Id" as Basic Information | Primary Email and format as EMAIL
- Step 5 - Attribute mapping
- https://aws.amazon.com/SAML/Attributes/RoleSessionName --> "Basic Information" | "Primary Email"
- https://aws.amazon.com/SAML/Attributes/Role --> "SSO" | "IAM_Role"
- https://aws.amazon.com/SAML/Attributes/SessionDuration --> "SSO" | "Session_Duration"
Add Identity Provider in AWS
- Log in to AWS SSO account
- Go to IAM --> Identity providers
- Choose Create Provider with SAML as type and give a name and upload the IDP XML file downloaded from previous step.
- Keep a record of the Provider ARN for future use
Create IAM role(s) for the GSuite users to consume.
* Set "SSO" | "IAM_Role" as "ARN of IAM role to assume,ARN of the identity provider"
* Set "SSO" | "Session_Duration" as the session duration in seconds, default is 3600s
Then you should be able to log into AWS SSO env by single click on the GSuite App named Amazon Web Services, then switch roles to other accounts from AWS console.
Automate mapping between GSuite groups to AWS roles and update the mapping based on configuration in a google sheets on an hourly basis.
Enable Directory API from GSuite Admin SDK following guidelines here and create a project called "SSO-AWS-GSuite"
Enable Sheets API following guidelines here
Go to the project in google API developer console created in Step 1 above
In Credentials section choose Create Credentials drop down and choose Service account key option and follow the wizard:
- Choose New service account
- give an account name and choose a role (project owner)
- set a service account id, it'll form an email address for the service account under the project's domain
- choose JSON as key type and click create. NOTE: make sure you save the json file securely for future use
Setup API client access in GSuite
This is to setup an Authorized API client in GSuite so the service account we created above can assume a GSuite user and perform operations on behalf of the user from a lambda function.
- Go to GSuite Admin Console
- Go to Security --> Advanced Settings --> Manage API Client Access
- Copy the client_id from the JSON file you saved from previous to the Client Name section
- Put "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/admin.directory.user,https://www.googleapis.com/auth/admin.directory.group.readonly,https://www.googleapis.com/auth/spreadsheets.readonly" in the "One or More API Scopes" section. It'll make sure the service account can: view groups on your domain, view and manage the provisioning of users on your domain and access spreadsheets on Sheets app (where we save the group-role mapping)
Create lambda deployment package
Clone this repo
Copy the service account key file to the repo folder and rename it to service.json
Open a terminal (on mac) go to the repo folder and run the create_lambda_package.sh
$ create_lambda_package.sh venv_folder_name
This will create a folder with name "venv_folder_name" if you don't specify a name "lambda_venv" will be used. The script will create a lambda.zip in the venv folder.
Create lambda function
- Create an IAM role with AWSLambdaExecute permission
- Create a python3.7 lambda function using the IAM role and package created above.
- Add following environment variables: "schema_name": "SSO", "iam_role_property_name": "IAM_Role", "session_duration_property_name": "Session_Duration", "session_duration_property_value": "3600", "assume_user": "email of the user to assume", "spreadsheet_id": "spreadsheet id", "spreadsheet_range_name": "spreadsheet range name", "idp_arn": "idp arn"
- Set Handler as gsuite_user_role_mapping.lambda_handler
- Set timeout to 5min
Create a CloudWatch event rule to trigger the lambda function on an hourly basis
- Create a Scheduled CloudWatch Rule and set Fixed rate of 1 hour
- Set Targets as the lambda function created above and save
We use online solution aws-google-auth to achieve access AWS CLI with GSuite credential, and then update file "~/.aws/config" on the client to enable switching roles between multiple accounts. Here are the steps:
localhost$ sudo pip install aws-google-auth
Execution below command and provide necessary parameters
localhost$ aws-google-auth -p SSO -d 3600
Update file "~/.aws/config" with "source_profile" set to "SSO" and role_arn set to the role you are going to switch to in the second account, here is an example:
[profile sandbox] region = us-east-1 role_arn = arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxxxx:role/Admins source_profile = SSO
Then you should be able to switch role using --profile parameter in the CLI, e.g.
aws s3 ls --profile sandbox