Unity asset for Tell My World app.
- Clone this repo / download as zip
- Import the project folder repo at Unity Hub
- Profit.
- For the start, you guys can follow this YouTube Playlist in order to use Vuforia and Unity in general. I'm not gonna cover how-to-use Vuforia and Unity in general here at ReadMe. Good luck!
- For printables QR Code / Cards you can check my github repo
Most of the textures are downloaded from these sites :
- planetpixelemporium.com
- svs.gsfc.nasa.gov
- sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov
- www.nasa.gov
- www.solarsystemscope.com
- Saturn 3D Model : www.sketchfab.com/3d-models/saturno-f7e67000ff7f461a88fbbec04a961b67
App Icon by u/erwintatp
TTS using https://cloud.google.com/text-to-speech
BGM Space Ambience by Alexander Nakarada