running in a container as a cron job.
Fork from
but with the node memory limit increased to 8GB for syncing larger libraries.
is the important environment variable to set, it uses the same syntax thatplex-sync
uses, but allows multiple mappings to be configured by separating them with a|
as shown in the example below.CRON_SCHEDULE
allows you to configure a non-default schedule to run the sync (default is every hour,0 * * * *
will runplex-sync
before starting cron if set to anything.
docker run -d -e SECTION_MAPS='[email protected]/1 [email protected]/3 | [email protected]:32401/1,r https://[email protected]/3,w [email protected]/2,rw' -e CRON_SCHEDULE='*/5 * * * *' -e INITIAL_RUN=true miguel1993/plex-sync