Real articles is a web application in which users can register and write their own articles. The articles can be voted up if the user has an account and the most voted articles ar showcased in each or their categories. Non registered users are unable to create articles or vote for them, but they can still read other people's articles.
- Ruby 2.7.0
- Ruby on Rails 6.0.3
To deploy the project on your local machine, follow these steps:
- First, create the database using rails db:create
$ rails db:create
- Finally, migrate the database using rails db:migrate
$ rails db:migrate
- To seed the database with the necessary categories on the category table, there's some records already created, so run the seed file by running the command rails db:seed. If the app is in the development environment, it also seed mock users, articles and votes.
$ rails db:seed
- Finally, run the server on your local computer, and the application is ready to run.
$ rails server
👤 Miguel Dubois
- Github: @MiguelDP4
- Twitter: @Mike_DP4
- LinkedIn Miguel Dubois
You can check a demo version of the project in this link.
This project is for learning purposes only, I wont accept contributions, though suggestions are welcome.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- I thank microverse for this learning opportunity.