Currency Alert is a FFXIV/Dalamud plugin for showing configurable warnings related to your currency.
A "Currency" can be any item in the game, as the game treates currencies like "gil" as an item internally.
There are two types of warnings you can enable, chat warnings, and overlay.
This will print a message to chat each time you change zones (with a 5minute internal cooldown).
Shows you any currencies that are generating a warning visually with icon and text.
All parts of the overlay are configurable.
Using the add buttons at the bottom of the list, you can add any item in the game for tracking.
These buttons are seperated as there are distinctions made between NQ items, HQ items, and Collectable items.
Upon clicking one of the add buttons, a search window will appear where you can search for any item in the game.
Item data is pulled directly from the game data, items that are no longer obtainable, or invalid will still show in the list.