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megvanhuygen authored Nov 12, 2020
2 parents 69feb77 + 50c97c5 commit d7f9fc7
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions docs/boards/backlogs/
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@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
title: Use work item templates to update stories, & more
titleSuffix: Azure Boards
description: Add and manage work item templates to pre-populate fields in work item forms in Azure DevOps, Team Foundation Server, and Visual Studio
description: Add and manage work item templates to pre-populate fields in work item forms in Azure DevOps and Visual Studio devops-agile
ms.assetid: 9b575c05-16f3-4027-aa5a-67b017a0089d kaelli
author: KathrynEE
ms.topic: conceptual
monikerRange: '>= tfs-2013' 07/09/2020
monikerRange: '<= azure-devops' 11/11/2020

# Use templates to add and update work items
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12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions docs/boards/includes/
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@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
--- devops-code-git devops
ms.manager: mijacobs kaelli
author: KathrynEE
ms.topic: include 11/04/2020

> [!NOTE]
> The **Work Items** page is only supported when connected to an Azure Repos Git or TFVC repository. When you connect to a GitHub or other Git repository, the **Work Items** and **Builds** pages don't appear.
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions docs/boards/includes/
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@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
--- devops-code-git devops
ms.manager: mijacobs kaelli
author: KathrynEE
ms.topic: include 11/04/2020

> [!NOTE]
> Visual Studio 2019 now includes a new Git tool that provides an improved experience when connecting to a Git repository. When you enable this tool, the Team Explorer tool is effectively disabled when connected to a Git repository. You can acquire the new tool by downloading [Visual Studio 2019 version 16.6](/visualstudio/releases/2019/release-notes-v16.6). To enable and use the new tool, see [New Git experience in Visual Studio (Preview)](/visualstudio/ide/git-with-visual-studio).
6 changes: 2 additions & 4 deletions docs/boards/includes/
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Expand Up @@ -13,9 +13,8 @@ 07/09/2020

* You must connect to a project. If you don't have a project yet, [create one](../get-started/
* You must be added to a project as a member of the **Contributors** or **Project Administrators** security group. To get added, [Add users to a project or team](../../organizations/security/
* To add or modify work items, you must be granted **Stakeholder** access or higher. For details, see [About access levels](../../organizations/security/
* To view or modify work items, you must have your **View work items in this node** and **Edit work items in this node** permissions set to **Allow**. By default, the **Contributors** group has this permission set. To learn more, see [Set permissions and access for work tracking](../../organizations/security/
* To create new tags to add to work items, you must have **Basic** access or higher and have the project-level **Create new tag definition** permissions set to **Allow**. By default, the **Contributors** group has this permission set. Even if the permission is explicitly set for a **Stakeholder**, they won't have permission to add new tags, as they are prohibited through their access level.
* To add new tags to add to work items, you must have **Basic** access or higher and have the project-level **Create new tag definition** permissions set to **Allow**. By default, the **Contributors** group has this permission set. Even if the permission is explicitly set for a **Stakeholder**, they won't have permission to add new tags, as they are prohibited through their access level.

::: moniker-end
Expand All @@ -24,8 +23,7 @@ 07/09/2020

* You must connect to a project. If you don't have a project yet, [create one](../../organizations/projects/
* You must be added to a project as a member of the **Contributors** or **Project Administrators** security group. To get added, [Add users to a project or team](../../organizations/security/
* To add or modify work items, you must be granted **Stakeholder** access or higher. For details, see [About access levels](../../organizations/security/
* To view or modify work items, you must have your **View work items in this node** and **Edit work items in this node** permissions set to **Allow**. By default, the **Contributors** group has this permission set. To learn more, see [Set permissions and access for work tracking](../../organizations/security/
* To create new tags to add to work items, you must have **Basic** access or higher and have the project-level **Create new tag definition** permissions set to **Allow**. By default, the **Contributors** group has this permission set. Even if the permission is explicitly set for a **Stakeholder**, they won't have permission to add new tags, as they are prohibited through their access level.
* To add new tags to add to work items, you must have **Basic** access or higher and have the project-level **Create new tag definition** permissions set to **Allow**. By default, the **Contributors** group has this permission set. Even if the permission is explicitly set for a **Stakeholder**, they won't have permission to add new tags, as they are prohibited through their access level.

::: moniker-end
7 changes: 2 additions & 5 deletions docs/boards/queries/
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Expand Up @@ -309,15 +309,12 @@ All

## Related articles
To learn more about creating and saving queries, see also:

- [Query editor](
- [Query fields, operators, and macros](
- [Query by date or current iteration](

### Get history programmatically
See [Work item tracking](/rest/api/azure/devops/wit/) for ways to extract history information programmatically.

[!INCLUDE [temp](../includes/]

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5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion docs/boards/work-items/
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Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ ms.assetid: EBDE0739-FAE6-4BEA-8F59-E9D20AFE5FE8 kaelli
ms.topic: quickstart
monikerRange: '>= azure-devops-2019' 07/09/2020 11/11/2020

# Set the Work Items experience in Visual Studio 2019
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -59,7 +59,10 @@ Each view supports the following tasks:

To learn more about **Options**, see [Options Dialog Box (Visual Studio)](/visualstudio/ide/reference/options-dialog-box-visual-studio).

## New Git tool experience

Visual Studio 2019 now includes a new Git tool that provides an improved experience when connecting to a Git repository. When you enable this tool, the Team Explorer tool is effectively disabled when connected to a Git repository. You can acquire the new tool by downloading [Visual Studio 2019 version 16.6](/visualstudio/releases/2019/release-notes-v16.6). To enable and use the new tool, see [New Git experience in Visual Studio (Preview)](/visualstudio/ide/git-with-visual-studio).

## Related articles

- [View and add work items using the Work Items page](
34 changes: 18 additions & 16 deletions docs/boards/work-items/
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Expand Up @@ -12,12 +12,12 @@ kaelli
author: KathrynEE
ms.topic: quickstart
monikerRange: '>= azure-devops-2019' 07/09/2020 11/11/2020

# View and add work items using the Work Items page

**Azure Boards | Azure DevOps Server 2020 |Azure DevOps Server 2019 | Visual Studio 2019**
**Azure Boards | Azure DevOps Server 2020 | Azure DevOps Server 2019 | Visual Studio 2019**

View work items that you created or are assigned to you. The **Work Items** page provides several personalized pivots and filter functions to streamline listing work items. Use this page to quickly find work items defined across teams within a project.
Expand All @@ -40,37 +40,40 @@ You can start viewing and adding work items once you connect to a project.
> [!div class="mx-imgBorder"]
> ![Open Boards>Work Items](media/view-add/open-work-items-agile.png)
::: moniker range="azure-devops-2019"

> [!NOTE]
> The new Work Items experience is available when you connect to a GitHub repository. If you connect to a TFVC repository, you'll continue to see the legacy query-focused experience.
::: moniker-end

#### [Visual Studio 2019](#tab/visual-studio/)

Open Visual Studio 2019, Team Explorer, and then choose **Work Items**.
Open Visual Studio 2019, Team Explorer, and then choose **Work Items**. To switch between the **Work Items** (default) view and the legacy view, see [Set the Work Items experience in Visual Studio 2019](

[!INCLUDE [temp](../includes/]

> [!div class="mx-imgBorder"]
> ![Visual Studio, Team Explorer, Choose Work Items](media/view-add/open-work-items-vs-te-complete.png)

If you don't see the **Work Items** option, you need to connect to a project and not just a repository. From the Connect to a Project dialog. Use **CTRL-Shift** to select your options and then choose **Connect**.

> [!div class="mx-imgBorder"]
> ![Connect to a Project dialog, connect to a Project and Git repository](media/view-add/connect-to-a-project-and-github.png)

::: moniker range="azure-devops-2019"

> [!NOTE]
> The new **Work Items** experience is available when you connect to a Azure Repos Git repository. If you connect to a TFVC repository, you'll continue to see the legacy query-focused experience.
::: moniker-end

#### [Azure DevOps CLI](#tab/azure-devops-cli/)

There is no [**az boards**](/cli/azure/ext/azure-devops/boards) command that opens the Work Items page at this time. The Azure DevOps CLI commands are only valid for Azure DevOps Services (cloud service).
There is no [**az boards**](/cli/azure/ext/azure-devops/boards) command that opens the **Work Items** page at this time. The Azure DevOps CLI commands are valid for Azure DevOps Services and Azure DevOps Server 2020.

* * *

> [!NOTE]
> Depending on the process chosen when the project was created&mdash;[Agile](guidance/, [Scrum](guidance/, or [CMMI](guidance/;the types of work items you can create will differ. For example, backlog items may be called user stories (Agile), product backlog items (Scrum), or requirements (CMMI). All three are similar: they describe the customer value to deliver and the work to be performed.
> Depending on the process chosen when the project was created&mdash;[Agile](guidance/, [Basic](../get-started/, [Scrum](guidance/, or [CMMI](guidance/;the types of work items you can create differ. For example, backlog items may be called user stories (Agile), issues (Basic), product backlog items (Scrum), or requirements (CMMI). All three are similar: they describe the customer value to deliver and the work to be performed.
> For an overview of all three processes, see [Choose a process](../work-items/guidance/
> For an overview of these processes, see [Choose a process](../work-items/guidance/

## View work items
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -313,6 +316,5 @@ Use the following three controls to manage your views in the web portal.
- [Keyboard shortcuts](../../project/navigation/
- [Work across projects](../../project/navigation/

> [!NOTE]
> You can create and manage work items from the command line or scripts using the [Azure DevOps CLI](/cli/azure/ext/azure-devops/?view=azure-cli-latest&preserve-view=true).

4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion docs/organizations/projects/
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Expand Up @@ -628,4 +628,6 @@ From the admin context of the web portal, you can add additional repositories to
- [Get Started with Azure Repos and Visual Studio](../../repos/git/
- [Git and Azure Repos](../../repos/git/index.yml)
- [Team Foundation version control](../../repos/tfvc/index.yml)
- [Get started as an administrator](../../user-guide/
- [Get started as an administrator](../../user-guide/
- [Navigate in Visual Studio Team Explorer](../../user-guide/
- [New Git experience in Visual Studio (Preview)](/visualstudio/ide/git-with-visual-studio)
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions docs/organizations/projects/
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Expand Up @@ -237,3 +237,10 @@ The reporting and SharePoint server administrator can manually run these jobs to
::: moniker-end
## Related articles
- [Git and Azure Repos](../../repos/git/index.yml)
- [Team Foundation version control](../../repos/tfvc/index.yml)
- [Navigate in Visual Studio Team Explorer](../../user-guide/
- [New Git experience in Visual Studio (Preview)](/visualstudio/ide/git-with-visual-studio)
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions docs/organizations/public/
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Expand Up @@ -49,6 +49,8 @@ Before you can clone the repo from a public project, you'll need the clone URL.
### Clone using Visual Studio and Team Explorer

[!INCLUDE [temp](../../repos/git/includes/]

1. In Team Explorer, (1) open up the **Connect** page by selecting the **Connect** icon. (2) Choose **Clone** under **Local Git Repositories**, (3) enter the clone URL, verify your local folder in which to clone, and (4) select the **Clone** button.

![Connecting to Azure DevOps](media/clone-git-repo-public/clone-vs.png)
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