Standardised Procedural Game Menu for PC and Console
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Tested In: Unity URP 2022.2.2f1, Unity URP 2022.2.9f1
Version History
- 16/06/2023 - Removed Text Mesh Pro Dependency
- 20/02/2023 - Initial Commit
- The new unity input system
- Two menu types (Main Menu and In Game Menu)
- Procedurally generates the menu from Json file
- Can generate an infinite number of submenus
- Standardised design, easy to modify
- Top bar on ingame menu can be cycled through using the shoulder buttons on a controller
- Pressing 'Escape' or 'B' on an X-Box Controller or 'Circle' on a Playstation Controller will take you back up the menu tree
- Menu dynamically resizes to accomodate number of menu items
- Automatically assigns functions and variables to UI buttons using a function dictionary
How to use
- Drop the files into you assets folder
- Drag the menu you wish to use into an empty scene with a camera (you can find them in Resources/Menu/Menus)
- Press 'play', the menu should load its default layout
- Add content by editing the relevant Json menu file in Resources/MenuFiles
- You can add new functions to your menu by writing a new void function in 'MainMenuFunctions.cs' or 'InGameMenuFunctions.cs' you then need to add the function to the function dictionary at the top of script
- You can edit the button styles or make a new one by edting the prefabs in Resources/MenuButtons
- The included icons are by
Apart from the icons (which are belong to the menu is under the Apache License 2.0