MATE Caja PhantomJS Webkit Thumbnailer, Barney Holmes/DJ Barney 2013
Based on original script example by Stefan Judis -
known issues:
Some file types are marked with the mime type "text/html" but are not strictly web pages. For example the "maff" web page archive. These file types will fail to render at the moment and show a blank white image.
Some pages fail to render and return a blank image. This could be because these pages are larger and more complex and the script time out kicks in before they are returned. Currently being investigated.
To do:
Installer - release as Debian package.
Error checking.
Speed increases. Needs flexible time out setting (see end of javascript file).
This thumbnailer makes thumbs of files marked with text/html file type for the MATE Caja file browser - - It follows the freedesktop thumbnailer system that other Window Managers also should follow but compatability is not guarunteed. This is because there is no actual formal standard for thumbnailers - see - Although the system has become widely accepted. There is "gnome-web-photo" available which is somewhat easier to use being a single executable, but at the present time it is not available for Debian. Anyway, PhantomJS is, I think, more configurable.
Install in "caja-phantomjs-webkit-thumbnailer" in "/usr/local/bin" which should already be in your path. It may be more convenient to install to "~/bin" ("/home/-yourusername-/bin").
Make it executable "chmod +x caja-phantomjs-webkit-thumbnailer".
Download latest PhantomJS from
Extract it to "/home/-yourusername-/bin/phantomjs-1.9.2-linux-i686" or "/usr/local/bin/phantomjs-1.9.2-linux-i686".
Copy "make-www-screenshot.js" to the "bin" directory of PhantomJS.
If the version name is different then alter the bash script "caja-phantomjs-webkit-thumbnailer" accordingly.
Create a symbolic link named "phantomjs" to the PhantomJS executable in the "bin" directory.
Install thumbnailer definition "caja-phantomjs-webkit.thumbnailer" to "~/.local/share/thumbnailers" or system wide in "/usr/share/thumbnailers/".
Directory layout should be ...
djbarney@djbarney-anubis ~/bin $ ls -lah total 32K drwxr-xr-x 3 djbarney djbarney 4.0K Nov 10 23:15 . drwxr-xr-x 106 djbarney djbarney 12K Nov 10 16:41 .. -rwxr-xr-x 1 djbarney djbarney 4.3K Nov 5 14:57 -rwxr-xr-x 1 djbarney djbarney 845 Nov 10 23:07 caja-phantomjs-webkit-thumbnailer lrwxrwxrwx 1 djbarney djbarney 40 Nov 9 14:43 phantomjs -> phantomjs-1.9.2-linux-i686/bin/phantomjs drwxr-xr-x 4 djbarney djbarney 4.0K Sep 7 07:58 phantomjs-1.9.2-linux-i686
Lastly restart Caja to register the thumbnailer ... "killall caja".