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Repository to renew and act as a portfolio of Playwright knowledge with examples running against the test app

How The Project Works

This project uses yarn to handle dependencies required and scripts needed to run the tests along with other useful scripts we might want to use for linting.

Scripts and dependencies can be found in package.json

How The Playwright Tests Works

The Playwright framework uses the page object modal to make maintaining tests as easy as possible. The pages are stored in e2e\pages

Tests are stored in e2e\tests

A HTML test report is generated after each run in e2e-test-report

Custom commands that don't relate to a page object are added to e2e\common-steps.js

Global configuration is set in playwright.config.js this includes reporter configraution and the base URL

The project is set to run each test agains three different browsers:

  • Chrome Desktop
  • Firefox Desktop
  • Chrome Mobile Pixel 5

Scripts We Can Run

yarn lint - Runs eslint check on all Playwright files yarn prettier:check - Reports on any formatting issues yarn format - Fixes any formatting issues yarn lint:fix - Fixes any linting issues yarn beforePR - Runs both lint and format fix jobs yarn allTestsHeadless - Run the full test suite in headless mode yarn allTests - Runs the full test suite in headed mode (User will see browser appear on screen)

Dev Dependencies Used

  • Playwright - The test framework
  • eslint - Finds and fixes problems in JavaScript code
  • eslint-config-prettier - Turns off all rules that are unnecessary or might conflict with Prettier.
  • eslint-plugin-playwright - Adds Playwright rules to eslint
  • prettier - A code formatter
  • husky - Improves commits by allowing you to run linting or tests before a push to a branch
  • lint-staged - Runs linting before a commit, works in conjunction with husky


Linting is the process of performing static analysis on source code to flag patterns that might cause errors or other problems. As an application progresses through the various stages of development, code quality becomes critical.

In this project we are linting with the Playwright recommended ruleset and also running Prettier to make sure all code is formated to the same standard.

Using husky and lint-staged I've created a pre-commit job in .husky\pre-commit which runs the lint-staged job found in package.json

 "lint-staged": {
    "*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}": "yarn lint:fix",
   "*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx,scss,css,json,md}": "yarn format"

This means whenever a git commit occures we are running the two lint tasks found in package.json that format all the code using eslint and then format all the code with prettier, if any issues can't be automatically fixed you will receive an error message and the commit won't be pushed.

Notes and further reading


Repository to renew Playwright knowledge using Typescript






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