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954 lines (867 loc) · 48.4 KB


Get all customers

Returns all customers filtered by identifiers, emails, names and other filters. Note this operation uses Pagination and supports Portfolio Access Tokens.



  "ClientToken": "E0D439EE522F44368DC78E1BFB03710C-D24FB11DBE31D4621C4817E028D9E1D",
  "AccessToken": "C66EF7B239D24632943D115EDE9CB810-EA00F8FD8294692C940F6B5A8F9453D",
  "Client": "Sample Client 1.0.0",
  "ChainIds": [
  "CreatedUtc": {
    "StartUtc": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
    "EndUtc": "2018-01-30T00:00:00Z"
  "UpdatedUtc": {
    "StartUtc": "2018-01-02T00:00:00Z",
    "EndUtc": "2018-01-30T00:00:00Z"
  "Extent": {
    "Customers": true,
    "Documents": false,
    "Addresses": false
  "ActivityStates": [
  "CustomerIds": [
  "CompanyIds": [
  "Emails": [
    "[email protected]"
  "FirstNames": [
  "LastNames": [
  "LoyaltyCodes": [
  "Limitation": {
    "Count": 10
Property Type Contract Description
ClientToken string required Token identifying the client application.
AccessToken string required Access token of the client application.
Client string required Name and version of the client application.
ChainIds array of string optional, max 1000 items Unique identifiers of the chains. Required when using Portfolio Access Tokens, ignored otherwise.
CreatedUtc Time interval optional, max length 3 months Interval in which Customer was created.
UpdatedUtc Time interval optional, max length 3 months Interval in which Customer was updated.
Extent Customer extent required Extent of data to be returned.
DeletedUtc Time interval optional, max length 3 months Interval in which Customer was deleted. ActivityStates value Deleted should be provided with this filter to get expected results.
ActivityStates array of Activity state optional Whether to return only active, only deleted or both records.
CustomerIds array of string optional, max 1000 items Unique identifiers of Customers. Required if no other filter is provided.
CompanyIds array of string optional, max 1 item Unique identifier of the Company the customer is associated with.
Emails array of string optional, max 1000 items Emails of the Customers.
FirstNames array of string optional, max 1000 items First names of the Customers.
LastNames array of string optional, max 1000 items Last names of the Customers.
LoyaltyCodes array of string optional, max 1000 items Loyalty codes of the Customers.
Limitation Limitation required Limitation on the quantity of data returned.

Customer extent

Property Type Contract Description
Customers boolean optional Whether the response should contain information about customers.
Addresses boolean optional Whether the response should contain addresses of customers.
Documents boolean optional Whether the response should contain identity documents of customers. Deprecated! Use Get all identity documents instead.


  "Customers": [
      "Id": "fadd5bb6-b428-45d5-94f8-fd0d89fece6d",
      "ChainId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
      "Number": "12345",
      "Title": "Mister",
      "Sex": "Male",
      "FirstName": "John",
      "LastName": "Smith",
      "SecondLastName": "Williams",
      "NationalityCode": "US",
      "PreferredLanguageCode": "en-GB",
      "LanguageCode": "en-US",
      "BirthDate": "1983-12-31",
      "BirthPlace": "New York City, NY",
      "Occupation": "Carpenter",
      "Email": "[email protected]",
      "HasOtaEmail": false,
      "Phone": "00420123456789",
      "TaxIdentificationNumber": "123456789",
      "LoyaltyCode": "LL810213",
      "AccountingCode": "AC123",
      "BillingCode": null,
      "Notes": "",
      "CarRegistrationNumber": "1A2 3456",
      "DietaryRequirements": null,
      "CreatedUtc": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "UpdatedUtc": "2018-01-02T00:00:00Z",
      "Passport": null,
      "IdentityCard": null,
      "Visa": null,
      "DriversLicense": null,
      "Address": {
        "Id": "f8495413-bf49-45dd-843c-44be7f365569",
        "Line1": "Somerford Road Hello House/135",
        "Line2": null,
        "City": "Christchurch",
        "PostalCode": "BH23 3PY",
        "CountryCode": "GB",
        "CountrySubdivisionCode": "GB-ENG",
        "Latitude": null,
        "Longitude": null
      "AddressId": "f8495413-bf49-45dd-843c-44be7f365569",
      "Classifications": [
      "Options": [
      "ItalianDestinationCode": null,
      "ItalianFiscalCode": null,
      "CompanyId": "c6f5c82d-621a-4c8a-903b-1b0a9a23b71f",
      "MergeTargetId": null,
      "ActivityState": "Active",
      "IsActive": true,
      "PreferredSpaceFeatures": [
  "Documents": null,
  "Cursor": "fadd5bb6-b428-45d5-94f8-fd0d89fece6d"
Property Type Contract Description
Customers array of Customer required The customers.
Cursor string optional Unique identifier of the last and hence oldest customer item returned. This can be used in Limitation in a subsequent request to fetch the next batch of older customers. If Limitation is specified in the request message, then Cursor will always be included in the response message; this is true even when using Extents set to false so that no actual data is returned.
Documents array of Identity document optional The identity documents of customers. Deprecated! Use Get all identity documents to fetch identity documents.


Property Type Contract Description
Id string required Unique identifier of the customer.
ChainId string required Unique identifier of the chain.
Number string required Number of the customer.
Title Title optional Title of the customer.
Sex Sex optional Sex of the customer.
FirstName string optional First name of the customer.
LastName string required Last name of the customer.
SecondLastName string optional Second last name of the customer.
NationalityCode string optional ISO 3166-1 code of the Country.
PreferredLanguageCode string optional Language and culture code of the customer's preferred language, according to their profile. For example: en-GB, fr-CA.
LanguageCode string optional Language and culture code of the customer's language, based on multiple sources. These sources include the preferred language specified in internal data based on previous bookings, and the preferred language of the customer specified in their profile. If neither of these sources are present, we use the native language based on the customer's nationality. The format is, for example, en-US or fr-FR.
BirthDate string optional Date of birth in ISO 8601 format.
BirthPlace string optional Place of birth.
Occupation string optional Occupation of the customer.
Email string optional Email address of the customer.
HasOtaEmail boolean required Whether the customer's email address is a temporary email address from an OTA. For more details, see the product documentation.
Phone string optional Phone number of the customer (possibly mobile).
TaxIdentificationNumber string optional Tax identification number of the customer.
LoyaltyCode string optional Loyalty code of the customer.
AccountingCode string optional Accounting code of the customer.
BillingCode string optional Billing code of the customer.
Notes string optional Internal notes about the customer.
CarRegistrationNumber string optional, max length 255 characters Registration number of the customer's car.
DietaryRequirements string optional, max length 255 characters Customer's dietary requirements, e.g. Vegan, Halal.
CreatedUtc string required Creation date and time of the customer in UTC timezone in ISO 8601 format.
UpdatedUtc string required Last update date and time of the customer in UTC timezone in ISO 8601 format.
AddressId string optional Unique identifier of the Address of the customer.
Classifications array of Customer classification required Classifications of the customer.
Options array of Customer option required Options of the customer.
ItalianDestinationCode string optional Value of Italian destination code.
ItalianFiscalCode string optional Value of Italian fiscal code.
CompanyId string optional Unique identifier of Company the customer is associated with.
MergeTargetId string optional Unique identifier of the account (Customer) to which this customer is linked.
IsActive boolean required Whether the customer record is still active.
PreferredSpaceFeatures array of Resource Feature Classification required A list of room preferences, such as view type, bed type, and amenities.
Passport Identity document optional Deprecated! Use Get all identity documents to fetch identity documents.
IdentityCard Identity document optional Deprecated! Use Get all identity documents to fetch identity documents.
Visa Identity document optional Deprecated! Use Get all identity documents to fetch identity documents.
DriversLicense Identity document optional Deprecated! Use Get all identity documents to fetch identity documents.
Address Address optional Deprecated! Use AddressId instead.
ActivityState string optional Activity State of customer record, i.e. whether active or deleted. Deprecated! Use IsActive instead.


Type of the title prefix of the customer.

Note that the value should not be used as-is, but localized. For example, the value Misses should be displayed as Mrs. in English and Fr. in German.

  • Mister - Mr.
  • Miss - Ms.
  • Misses - Mrs.


  • Male
  • Female

Identity document

Property Type Contract Description
Id string required Unique identifier of the document.
CustomerId string required Identifier of the Customer.
Type Document type required Type of the document.
Number string optional Number of the document (e.g. passport number).
Expiration string optional Expiration date in ISO 8601 format.
Issuance string optional Date of issuance in ISO 8601 format.
IssuingCountryCode string optional ISO 3166-1 code of the Country.
IssuingCity string optional City where the document was issued.
IdentityDocumentSupportNumber string optional Identity document support number. Only required for Spanish identity cards in Spanish hotels.

Get customers open items


This operation is deprecated. Use Get all payments and Get all order items instead.



  "ClientToken": "E0D439EE522F44368DC78E1BFB03710C-D24FB11DBE31D4621C4817E028D9E1D",
  "AccessToken": "C66EF7B239D24632943D115EDE9CB810-EA00F8FD8294692C940F6B5A8F9453D",
  "Client": "Sample Client 1.0.0",
  "CustomerIds": [
Property Type Contract Description
ClientToken string required Token identifying the client application.
AccessToken string required Access token of the client application.
Client string required Name and version of the client application.
CustomerIds array of string required, max 1000 items Unique identifiers of the Customers.
Currency string optional ISO-4217 code of the Currency the item costs should be converted to.


  "Customers": [
      "CustomerId": "2a1a4315-7e6f-4131-af21-402cec59b8b9",
      "OrderItems": [
          "Id": "35820535-b988-4d6f-80cf-ecb19cdc3e58",
          "AccountId": "2a1a4315-7e6f-4131-af21-402cec59b8b9",
          "OrderId": "6645113e-72cc-4f99-ab77-e4452911bf20",
          "BillId": null,
          "AccountingCategoryId": "d250149e-a29d-4c70-b607-a1759faf7320",
          "Amount": {
            "Currency": "GBP",
            "NetValue": -5,
            "GrossValue": -5,
            "TaxValues": [
                "Code": "UK-Z",
                "Value": 0
            "Breakdown": {
              "Items": [
                  "TaxRateCode": "UK-Z",
                  "NetValue": -5,
                  "TaxValue": 0
          "RevenueType": "Additional",
          "ConsumedUtc": "2017-04-04T15:13:39Z",
          "ClosedUtc": null,
          "AccountingState": "Open",
          "Data": {
            "Discriminator": "Rebate",
            "Value": {
              "RebatedItemId": null
      "PaymentItems": []
Property Type Contract Description
Customers array of Customer items optional The customers with their items.

Customer items

Property Type Contract Description
CustomerId string required Unique identifier of the Customer.
OrderItems array of Order item required The open order items (consumed items such as nights or products).
PaymentItems array of Payment item required The open payment items (such as cash, credit card payments or invoices).
Items array of Accounting item required Deprecated! Use OrderItems and PaymentItems instead.

Add customer

Adds a new customer to the system and returns details of the added customer. If a customer with the specified email already exists, and OverwriteExisting is set to true, then the existing customer profile information is overwritten and the existing customer data returned. If OverwriteExisting is set to false, an error response is returned. Note this operation supports Portfolio Access Tokens.



  "ClientToken": "E0D439EE522F44368DC78E1BFB03710C-D24FB11DBE31D4621C4817E028D9E1D",
  "AccessToken": "C66EF7B239D24632943D115EDE9CB810-EA00F8FD8294692C940F6B5A8F9453D",
  "Client": "Sample Client 1.0.0",
  "ChainId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
  "OverwriteExisting": false,
  "ItalianDestinationCode": "7654321",
  "ItalianFiscalCode": "ZGNZLR17U72P554F",
  "Title": "Miss",
  "FirstName": "Thea",
  "LastName": "Carbone",
  "BirthDate": "1985-09-30",
  "BirthPlace": "Pescara (BI)",
  "Occupation": "Giornalista",
  "Email": "[email protected]",
  "Phone": "+39 06 555 5555",
  "Notes": "Check-in notturno.",
  "CarRegistrationNumber": "AA 111AA",
  "TaxIdentificationNumber": "ZGNZLR17U72P554F",
  "Address": {
    "Line1": "Via Antimo 474 Piano 5",
    "City": "Liborio laziale",
    "PostalCode": "30228",
    "CountryCode": "IT",
    "CountrySubdivisionCode": "IT-65"
  "Classifications": [
  "Options": [
Property Type Contract Description
ClientToken string required Token identifying the client application.
AccessToken string required Access token of the client application.
Client string required Name and version of the client application.
Title Title required Title prefix of the customer.
FirstName string optional First name of the customer.
LastName string required Last name of the customer.
SecondLastName string optional Second last name of the customer.
NationalityCode string optional ISO 3166-1 code of the Country.
Sex Sex required Sex of the customer.
BirthDate string optional Date of birth in ISO 8601 format.
BirthPlace string optional Place of birth.
Occupation string optional Occupation of the customer.
Email string optional Email address of the customer.
Phone string optional Phone number of the customer (possibly mobile).
LoyaltyCode string optional Loyalty code of the customer.
Notes string optional Internal notes about the customer.
CarRegistrationNumber string optional, max length 255 characters Registration number of the customer's car.
DietaryRequirements string optional, max length 255 characters Customer's dietary requirements, e.g. Vegan, Halal.
TaxIdentificationNumber string optional Tax identification number of the customer.
CompanyId string optional Unique identifier of Company the customer is associated with.
Address Address parameters optional Address of the customer.
Classifications array of Customer classification optional Classifications of the customer.
Options array of Customer option optional Options of the customer.
ChainId string optional Unique identifier of the chain. Required when using PortfolioAccessTokens, ignored otherwise.
OverwriteExisting boolean required Whether an existing customer should be overwritten in case of duplicity. This applies only to basic personal information (Title, FirstName, LastName, ...).
ItalianDestinationCode string optional Value of Italian destination code.
ItalianFiscalCode string optional Value of Italian fiscal code.
IdentityCard Identity document parameters optional Identity card details of the customer. Deprecated! Use Add identity documents to add document.
Passport Identity document parameters optional Passport details of the customer. Deprecated! Use Add identity documents to add document.
Visa Identity document parameters optional Visa details of the customer. Deprecated! Use Add identity documents to add document.
DriversLicense Identity document parameters optional Drivers license details of the customer. Deprecated! Use Add identity documents to add document.


  • Male
  • Female

Identity document parameters

Property Type Contract Description
Number string optional Number of the document (e.g. passport number).
Expiration string optional Expiration date in ISO 8601 format.
Issuance string optional Date of issuance in ISO 8601 format.
IssuingCountryCode string optional ISO 3166-1 code of the Country.
IssuingCity string optional City from which document issued

Customer classification

  • PaymasterAccount
  • Blacklist
  • Media
  • LoyaltyProgram
  • PreviousComplaint
  • Returning
  • Staff
  • FriendOrFamily
  • TopManagement
  • Important
  • VeryImportant
  • Problematic
  • Cashlist
  • DisabledPerson
  • Military
  • Airline
  • HealthCompliant
  • InRoom
  • WaitingForRoom
  • Student

Customer option

  • SendMarketingEmails
  • Invoiceable
  • BillAddressObjection
  • SendMarketingPostalMail
  • SendPartnerMarketingEmails
  • SendPartnerMarketingPostalMail
  • WithdrawCardConsent


  "Id": "99b4f0af-9558-463b-8452-07a9bc414708",
  "ChainId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
  "Number": "390881",
  "Title": "Miss",
  "Sex": null,
  "FirstName": "Thea",
  "LastName": "Carbone",
  "SecondLastName": null,
  "NationalityCode": null,
  "PreferredLanguageCode": null,
  "LanguageCode": null,
  "BirthDate": "1985-09-30",
  "BirthPlace": "Pescara (BI)",
  "Occupation": "Giornalista",
  "Email": "[email protected]",
  "HasOtaEmail": false,
  "Phone": "+39 06 555 5555",
  "TaxIdentificationNumber": "ZGNZLR17U72P554F",
  "LoyaltyCode": null,
  "AccountingCode": null,
  "BillingCode": null,
  "Notes": "Check-in notturno.",
  "CarRegistrationNumber": "AA 111AA",
  "DietaryRequirements": null,
  "CreatedUtc": "2024-09-17T12:22:33Z",
  "UpdatedUtc": "2024-10-12T09:45:00Z",
  "Passport": null,
  "IdentityCard": null,
  "Visa": null,
  "DriversLicense": null,
  "Address": {
    "Id": "81f62f08-26d5-408f-9b0d-d030957dc799",
    "Line1": "Via Antimo 474 Piano 5",
    "Line2": null,
    "City": "Liborio laziale",
    "PostalCode": "30228",
    "CountryCode": "IT",
    "CountrySubdivisionCode": "IT-65",
    "Latitude": 28.56333,
    "Longitude": -121.243143
  "AddressId": "81f62f08-26d5-408f-9b0d-d030957dc799",
  "Classifications": [
  "Options": [],
  "ItalianDestinationCode": "7654321",
  "ItalianFiscalCode": "ZGNZLR17U72P554F",
  "CompanyId": "f3b4f0af-9558-463b-8452-07a9bc414708",
  "MergeTargetId": null,
  "ActivityState": null,
  "IsActive": true,
  "PreferredSpaceFeatures": [
Property Type Contract Description
Id string required Unique identifier of the customer.
ChainId string required Unique identifier of the chain.
Number string required Number of the customer.
Title Title optional Title of the customer.
Sex Sex optional Sex of the customer.
FirstName string optional First name of the customer.
LastName string required Last name of the customer.
SecondLastName string optional Second last name of the customer.
NationalityCode string optional ISO 3166-1 code of the Country.
PreferredLanguageCode string optional Language and culture code of the customer's preferred language, according to their profile. For example: en-GB, fr-CA.
LanguageCode string optional Language and culture code of the customer's language, based on multiple sources. These sources include the preferred language specified in internal data based on previous bookings, and the preferred language of the customer specified in their profile. If neither of these sources are present, we use the native language based on the customer's nationality. The format is, for example, en-US or fr-FR.
BirthDate string optional Date of birth in ISO 8601 format.
BirthPlace string optional Place of birth.
Occupation string optional Occupation of the customer.
Email string optional Email address of the customer.
HasOtaEmail boolean required Whether the customer's email address is a temporary email address from an OTA. For more details, see the product documentation.
Phone string optional Phone number of the customer (possibly mobile).
TaxIdentificationNumber string optional Tax identification number of the customer.
LoyaltyCode string optional Loyalty code of the customer.
AccountingCode string optional Accounting code of the customer.
BillingCode string optional Billing code of the customer.
Notes string optional Internal notes about the customer.
CarRegistrationNumber string optional, max length 255 characters Registration number of the customer's car.
DietaryRequirements string optional, max length 255 characters Customer's dietary requirements, e.g. Vegan, Halal.
CreatedUtc string required Creation date and time of the customer in UTC timezone in ISO 8601 format.
UpdatedUtc string required Last update date and time of the customer in UTC timezone in ISO 8601 format.
AddressId string optional Unique identifier of the Address of the customer.
Classifications array of Customer classification required Classifications of the customer.
Options array of Customer option required Options of the customer.
ItalianDestinationCode string optional Value of Italian destination code.
ItalianFiscalCode string optional Value of Italian fiscal code.
CompanyId string optional Unique identifier of Company the customer is associated with.
MergeTargetId string optional Unique identifier of the account (Customer) to which this customer is linked.
IsActive boolean required Whether the customer record is still active.
PreferredSpaceFeatures array of Resource Feature Classification required A list of room preferences, such as view type, bed type, and amenities.
Passport Identity document optional Deprecated! Use Get all identity documents to fetch identity documents.
IdentityCard Identity document optional Deprecated! Use Get all identity documents to fetch identity documents.
Visa Identity document optional Deprecated! Use Get all identity documents to fetch identity documents.
DriversLicense Identity document optional Deprecated! Use Get all identity documents to fetch identity documents.
Address Address optional Deprecated! Use AddressId instead.
ActivityState string optional Activity State of customer record, i.e. whether active or deleted. Deprecated! Use IsActive instead.

Update customer

Updates personal information of a customer. Note that if any of the fields is left blank, it won't clear the field in Mews. The field will be left intact. In case of email update, the email will change in Mews only if there is no other customer profile in the hotel with such email. Otherwise an error response is returned. Note this operation supports Portfolio Access Tokens.



  "ClientToken": "E0D439EE522F44368DC78E1BFB03710C-D24FB11DBE31D4621C4817E028D9E1D",
  "AccessToken": "C66EF7B239D24632943D115EDE9CB810-EA00F8FD8294692C940F6B5A8F9453D",
  "Client": "Sample Client 1.0.0",
  "ChainId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
  "CustomerId": "99b4f0af-9558-463b-8452-07a9bc414708",
  "Title": "Miss",
  "FirstName": "Thea",
  "LastName": "Carbone",
  "BirthDate": "1985-09-30",
  "BirthPlace": "Pescara (BI)",
  "Occupation": "Giornalista",
  "Email": "[email protected]",
  "Phone": "+39 06 555 5555",
  "Notes": "Check-in notturno.",
  "CarRegistrationNumber": "AA 111AA",
  "TaxIdentificationNumber": "ZGNZLR17U72P554F",
  "CompanyId": "f3b4f0af-9558-463b-8452-07a9bc414708",
  "Address": {
    "Line1": "Via Antimo 474 Piano 5",
    "City": "Liborio laziale",
    "PostalCode": "30228",
    "CountryCode": "IT",
    "CountrySubdivisionCode": "IT-65"
  "Classifications": [
  "Options": [
  "ItalianDestinationCode": {
    "Value": "7654321"
  "ItalianFiscalCode": {
    "Value": "ZGNZLR17U72P554F"
Property Type Contract Description
ClientToken string required Token identifying the client application.
AccessToken string required Access token of the client application.
Client string required Name and version of the client application.
ChainId string optional Unique identifier of the chain. Required when using PortfolioAccessTokens, ignored otherwise.
CustomerId string required Unique identifier of the Customer to be updated.
Title Title optional New title.
FirstName string optional New first name.
LastName string optional New last name.
SecondLastName string optional New second last name.
NationalityCode string optional New nationality code as ISO 3166-1 code of the Country.
Sex Sex optional Sex of the customer.
BirthDate string optional New birth date in ISO 8601 format.
BirthPlace string optional New birth place.
Occupation string optional Occupation of the customer.
Email string optional New email address.
Phone string optional New phone number.
LoyaltyCode string optional Loyalty code of the customer.
Notes string optional Internal notes about the customer. Old value will be overwritten.
CarRegistrationNumber string optional, max length 255 characters New registration number of the customer's car.
DietaryRequirements string optional, max length 255 characters Customer's dietary requirements, e.g. Vegan, Halal.
TaxIdentificationNumber string optional New tax identification number of the customer.
CompanyId string optional Unique identifier of Company the customer is associated with.
Address Address parameters optional New address details.
Classifications array of Customer classification optional New classifications of the customer.
Options array of Customer option optional Options of the customer.
ItalianDestinationCode String update value optional New Italian destination code of customer.
ItalianFiscalCode String update value optional New Italian fiscal code of customer.
IdentityCard Identity document parameters optional New identity card details. Deprecated! Use Update identity documents to update document.
Passport Identity document parameters optional New passport details. Deprecated! Use Update identity documents to update document.
Visa Identity document parameters optional New visa details. Deprecated! Use Update identity documents to update document.
DriversLicense Identity document parameters optional New drivers license details. Deprecated! Use Update identity documents to update document.


  "Id": "99b4f0af-9558-463b-8452-07a9bc414708",
  "ChainId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
  "Number": "390881",
  "Title": "Miss",
  "Sex": null,
  "FirstName": "Thea",
  "LastName": "Carbone",
  "SecondLastName": null,
  "NationalityCode": null,
  "PreferredLanguageCode": null,
  "LanguageCode": null,
  "BirthDate": "1985-09-30",
  "BirthPlace": "Pescara (BI)",
  "Occupation": "Giornalista",
  "Email": "[email protected]",
  "HasOtaEmail": false,
  "Phone": "+39 06 555 5555",
  "TaxIdentificationNumber": "ZGNZLR17U72P554F",
  "LoyaltyCode": null,
  "AccountingCode": null,
  "BillingCode": null,
  "Notes": "Check-in notturno.",
  "CarRegistrationNumber": "AA 111AA",
  "DietaryRequirements": null,
  "CreatedUtc": "2024-09-17T12:22:33Z",
  "UpdatedUtc": "2024-10-12T09:45:00Z",
  "Passport": null,
  "IdentityCard": null,
  "Visa": null,
  "DriversLicense": null,
  "Address": {
    "Id": "81f62f08-26d5-408f-9b0d-d030957dc799",
    "Line1": "Via Antimo 474 Piano 5",
    "Line2": null,
    "City": "Liborio laziale",
    "PostalCode": "30228",
    "CountryCode": "IT",
    "CountrySubdivisionCode": "IT-65",
    "Latitude": 28.56333,
    "Longitude": -121.243143
  "AddressId": "81f62f08-26d5-408f-9b0d-d030957dc799",
  "Classifications": [
  "Options": [],
  "ItalianDestinationCode": "7654321",
  "ItalianFiscalCode": "ZGNZLR17U72P554F",
  "CompanyId": "f3b4f0af-9558-463b-8452-07a9bc414708",
  "MergeTargetId": null,
  "ActivityState": null,
  "IsActive": true,
  "PreferredSpaceFeatures": [
Property Type Contract Description
Id string required Unique identifier of the customer.
ChainId string required Unique identifier of the chain.
Number string required Number of the customer.
Title Title optional Title of the customer.
Sex Sex optional Sex of the customer.
FirstName string optional First name of the customer.
LastName string required Last name of the customer.
SecondLastName string optional Second last name of the customer.
NationalityCode string optional ISO 3166-1 code of the Country.
PreferredLanguageCode string optional Language and culture code of the customer's preferred language, according to their profile. For example: en-GB, fr-CA.
LanguageCode string optional Language and culture code of the customer's language, based on multiple sources. These sources include the preferred language specified in internal data based on previous bookings, and the preferred language of the customer specified in their profile. If neither of these sources are present, we use the native language based on the customer's nationality. The format is, for example, en-US or fr-FR.
BirthDate string optional Date of birth in ISO 8601 format.
BirthPlace string optional Place of birth.
Occupation string optional Occupation of the customer.
Email string optional Email address of the customer.
HasOtaEmail boolean required Whether the customer's email address is a temporary email address from an OTA. For more details, see the product documentation.
Phone string optional Phone number of the customer (possibly mobile).
TaxIdentificationNumber string optional Tax identification number of the customer.
LoyaltyCode string optional Loyalty code of the customer.
AccountingCode string optional Accounting code of the customer.
BillingCode string optional Billing code of the customer.
Notes string optional Internal notes about the customer.
CarRegistrationNumber string optional, max length 255 characters Registration number of the customer's car.
DietaryRequirements string optional, max length 255 characters Customer's dietary requirements, e.g. Vegan, Halal.
CreatedUtc string required Creation date and time of the customer in UTC timezone in ISO 8601 format.
UpdatedUtc string required Last update date and time of the customer in UTC timezone in ISO 8601 format.
AddressId string optional Unique identifier of the Address of the customer.
Classifications array of Customer classification required Classifications of the customer.
Options array of Customer option required Options of the customer.
ItalianDestinationCode string optional Value of Italian destination code.
ItalianFiscalCode string optional Value of Italian fiscal code.
CompanyId string optional Unique identifier of Company the customer is associated with.
MergeTargetId string optional Unique identifier of the account (Customer) to which this customer is linked.
IsActive boolean required Whether the customer record is still active.
PreferredSpaceFeatures array of Resource Feature Classification required A list of room preferences, such as view type, bed type, and amenities.
Passport Identity document optional Deprecated! Use Get all identity documents to fetch identity documents.
IdentityCard Identity document optional Deprecated! Use Get all identity documents to fetch identity documents.
Visa Identity document optional Deprecated! Use Get all identity documents to fetch identity documents.
DriversLicense Identity document optional Deprecated! Use Get all identity documents to fetch identity documents.
Address Address optional Deprecated! Use AddressId instead.
ActivityState string optional Activity State of customer record, i.e. whether active or deleted. Deprecated! Use IsActive instead.

Add customer file

Attaches the specified file to the customer profile.

Allowed MIME types: application/pdf, image/bmp, image/gif, image/jpeg, image/png, image/tiff.

Note this operation supports Portfolio Access Tokens.



  "ClientToken": "E0D439EE522F44368DC78E1BFB03710C-D24FB11DBE31D4621C4817E028D9E1D",
  "AccessToken": "C66EF7B239D24632943D115EDE9CB810-EA00F8FD8294692C940F6B5A8F9453D",
  "Client": "Sample Client 1.0.0",
  "CustomerId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
  "Name": "document.pdf",
  "Type": "application/pdf",
  "Data": "JVBERi0xLjAKMSAwIG9iajw8L1BhZ2VzIDIgMCBSPj5lbmRvYmogMiAwIG9iajw8L0tpZHNbMyAwIFJdL0NvdW50IDE+PmVuZG9iaiAzIDAgb2JqPDwvTWVkaWFCb3hbMCAwIDMgM10+PmVuZG9iagp0cmFpbGVyPDwvUm9vdCAxIDAgUj4+Cg==",
  "ChainId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6"
Property Type Contract Description
ClientToken string required Token identifying the client application.
AccessToken string required Access token of the client application.
Client string required Name and version of the client application.
ChainId string optional Unique identifier of the chain. Required when using Portfolio Access Tokens, ignored otherwise.
CustomerId string required Unique identifier of the Customer.
Name string required Name of the file.
Type string required MIME type of the file (e.g. application/pdf).
Data string required Base64-encoded data of the file.


  "FileId": "f039f5b4-ff18-4510-9086-92b14a68ed78"
Property Type Contract Description
FileId string required Unique identifier of the uploaded file.

Search customers

Searches for customers that are active at the moment in the enterprise (e.g. companions of checked-in reservations or paymasters).



  "ClientToken": "E0D439EE522F44368DC78E1BFB03710C-D24FB11DBE31D4621C4817E028D9E1D",
  "AccessToken": "C66EF7B239D24632943D115EDE9CB810-EA00F8FD8294692C940F6B5A8F9453D",
  "Client": "Sample Client 1.0.0",
  "Name": "Smith",
  "ResourceId": null,
  "Extent": {
    "Customers": true,
    "Documents": false,
    "Addresses": false
Property Type Contract Description
ClientToken string required Token identifying the client application.
AccessToken string required Access token of the client application.
Client string required Name and version of the client application.
Name string optional Name to search by (applies to first name, last name, and full name).
ResourceId string optional Identifier of Resource to search by (members of reservation assigned there will be returned).
Extent Customer extent optional Extent of data to be returned.


  "Customers": [
      "Customer": {
        "Id": "fadd5bb6-b428-45d5-94f8-fd0d89fece6d",
        "ChainId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
        "Number": "12345",
        "Title": "Mister",
        "Sex": "Male",
        "FirstName": "John",
        "LastName": "Smith",
        "SecondLastName": "Williams",
        "NationalityCode": "US",
        "PreferredLanguageCode": "en-GB",
        "LanguageCode": "en-US",
        "BirthDate": "1983-12-31",
        "BirthPlace": "New York City, NY",
        "Occupation": "Carpenter",
        "Email": "[email protected]",
        "HasOtaEmail": false,
        "Phone": "00420123456789",
        "TaxIdentificationNumber": "123456789",
        "LoyaltyCode": "LL810213",
        "AccountingCode": "AC123",
        "BillingCode": null,
        "Notes": "",
        "CarRegistrationNumber": "1A2 3456",
        "DietaryRequirements": null,
        "CreatedUtc": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
        "UpdatedUtc": "2018-01-02T00:00:00Z",
        "Passport": null,
        "IdentityCard": null,
        "Visa": null,
        "DriversLicense": null,
        "Address": {
          "Id": "f8495413-bf49-45dd-843c-44be7f365569",
          "Line1": "Somerford Road Hello House/135",
          "Line2": null,
          "City": "Christchurch",
          "PostalCode": "BH23 3PY",
          "CountryCode": "GB",
          "CountrySubdivisionCode": "GB-ENG",
          "Latitude": null,
          "Longitude": null
        "AddressId": "f8495413-bf49-45dd-843c-44be7f365569",
        "Classifications": [
        "Options": [
        "ItalianDestinationCode": null,
        "ItalianFiscalCode": null,
        "CompanyId": "c6f5c82d-621a-4c8a-903b-1b0a9a23b71f",
        "MergeTargetId": null,
        "ActivityState": "Active",
        "IsActive": true,
        "PreferredSpaceFeatures": [
      "Reservation": null
  "Documents": null
Property Type Contract Description
Customers array of Customer search result required The customer search results.
Documents array of Identity document optional The identity documents of customers. Deprecated! Use Get all identity documents to fetch identity documents.

Customer search result

Property Type Contract Description
Customer Customer required The found customer.
Reservation Reservation (ver 2017-04-12) optional Reservation of the customer in case they are currently staying in the property.

Merge customers


This operation is deprecated. Use Merge accounts instead.



  "ClientToken": "E0D439EE522F44368DC78E1BFB03710C-D24FB11DBE31D4621C4817E028D9E1D",
  "AccessToken": "C66EF7B239D24632943D115EDE9CB810-EA00F8FD8294692C940F6B5A8F9453D",
  "Client": "Sample Client 1.0.0",
  "SourceCustomerId": "e11801ff-4148-4010-87f3-0d111e2893e3",
  "TargetCustomerId": "35d4b117-4e60-44a3-9580-c582117eff98"
Property Type Contract Description
ClientToken string required Token identifying the client application.
AccessToken string required Access token of the client application.
Client string required Name and version of the client application.
SourceCustomerId string required Unique identifier of the source Customer.
TargetCustomerId string required Unique identifier of the target Customer.

