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leah.flake edited this page Jun 15, 2021
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MetCouncil ABM Update Kickoff
- Introductions
Overview of objective + project management
Ben share slides (link?)
Build validation target data from survey data
- Goodness of fit measures for comparing tour mode choice results, etc. to survey
- Also need traffic counts, highway/transit assignments
Iterative rounds -- will compare model results to expective results at each iteration
Envisioned phase 2 project is a more comprehensive update
Jonathan: Implementing and using the Council's skimming procedures for ABM
- complicated because finishing work on assignment and networks
- this has also led MetCouncil to back away from the Cube world & into a more linear/batch scripting setup
- thinking that ActivitySim will help with this progression
- General goal is usability and readability all the way through -- especially documentation, etc.
- Like the concept of batch file; using catalogue makes reproducibility more challenging
MetCouncil can provide RSG with Cube batch file setup. Might be some mashing together to get everything consistent.
Consensus to use GitHub for project management resources
- Can send link to ActivitySim github to anyone on team who isn't familiar
- Are there ways to download wiki/documents off of github?
- Yes, you can clone the wiki
- Also tools to convert wiki to pdf, etc. which have worked OK
- Can make repo + wiki public
- Can put under RSG or MetCouncil's github org...
- MetCouncil is fine w/ being public. Preference is to use MetCouncil's site.
- Dennis will create a repo for this -- fork ActivitySim; Ben will send list of names to add
Meeting frequency
- Ben will send out Doodle poll to choose a day for a regular meeting (every 2 weeks)
Existing model:
- Dennis will send link to FTP site plus instructions on which files to use
- Base year plus 2040 scenario -- will send base year inputs
- Andrew will run model (MetCouncil will send documentation on how to run)
ActivitySim Examples/where to start from:
- SEMCOG has all ActivitySim improvements from past few months, except transit subsidy + transit pass models (as of now)
- Same code base as MWCOG (difference is mode choice model, size terms for employment datasets)
- SEMCOG is probably best starting point. Wait until transit subsidy and transit pass are working with SEMCOG
- Key differences between example model to start with are synthetic population, land use variables, highway, transit
- SEMCOG is set up for 3 transit modes (local, premium, local + premium with transfer); walk/PNR/KNR
- MWCOG has similar but commuter rail broken out
- MetCouncil has certain transit set up with walk-transit/drive-transit
- lack of transit nest means it is hard to produce reasonable mode choice results
- Discuss when closer to setting up transit
- Not seeing expected mode shift with introduction of premium transit service
- This might be key spot where we need to do something different -- everything else is fairly transferrable
- Temporal disaggregation is half hour in current MetCouncil model -- consistent with SEMCOG
- Doesn't skim or assign 48 periods
- If there is something incompatible with example setup for arbitrary reasons, MetCouncil is open to changing
Survey data processing
- Process 7,500 hh sample from 2018-2019 TBI for phase 1
- Most recent OBS is 2016; also have 2016 survey refactored to 2019 ridership
- Expecting that 2021 might be strange year -- not sure if will combine with 2018-2019 data
- Land use data:
- 2018 is latest synthetic population & employment
- Traffic counts exist; are not joined to the network currently (they are working on it)
- Existing networks: There are counts but they aren't updated to 2018; are 2015 or before
- New network is still under development; hoping to have in the next few months
- Counts are in a shapefile currently
- Processing multi-day data: Use SPA code version from SANDAG
- No key milestones, just want to stick as close to the proposed schedule as possible
- Goal is to begin phase 2 work in early 2022 (after phase 1 is done)
Who is sending what to whom:
- MetCouncil will send TBI survey files to RSG
- Dave will send OBS to RSG and MetCouncil
- Ben sending Doodle poll