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Display an Uploaded Image

Falieson edited this page Nov 26, 2015 · 3 revisions

Create a helper that returns your image files:

  images: function () {
    return Images.find(); // Where Images is an FS.Collection instance

Use the url method with an img element in your markup:

<template name="imageView">
  <div class="imageView">
    {{#each images}}
        <a href="{{this.url}}" target="_blank"><img src="{{this.url store='thumbs' uploading='/images/uploading.gif' storing='/images/storing.gif'}}" alt="" class="thumbnail" /></a>


  • {{this.url}} will assume the first store in your stores array. In this example, we're displaying the image from the "thumbs" store but wrapping it in a link that will load the image from the primary store (for example, the original image or a large image).
  • The uploading and storing options allow you to specify a static image that will be shown in place of the real image while it is being uploaded and stored. You can alternatively use if blocks like {{#if this.isUploaded}} and {{#if this.hasStored 'thumbs'}} to display something different until upload and storage is complete.
  • These helpers are actually just instance methods on the FS.File instances, so there are others you can use, such as this.isImage. See the API documentation. The url method is documented separately here.