Keeping track of expenses especially for long-running contracts is oftentimes quite difficult. Additionally, one may have to search quite a long time in huge folders to find the contract number or any secret for authentication. Keeping these sensible data in an online cloud service is oftentimes tightly connected to security concerns. To help keeping these data in a quite secure place (i.e. the local machine) this software was created.
note: in the current state I have not conducted any production tests, only automated software tests; for full reports see the documentation section
- Status: under development
- Version: 0.0.2-alpha
- Build status:
- Code Coverage:
- Licence: no licence until now - thereby all rights reserved (please ask for permission)
Product / Library | Version | License | Use |
Java | 17 (openjdk) | GPL 2.0 | Basic Implementation |
Spring Boot Framework | 3.2.5 | Apache License 2.0 | Basic Implementation |
Lombok | 1.18.32 | MIT License | Reduction of boilerplate code |
FasterXML Jackson Core | 2.17.1 | Apache License 2.0 | Processing of JSON used by the API |
Springdoc OpenAPI 3.0 | 1.8.0 | Apache License 2.0 | API documentation |
OpenAPI generator | 7.5.0 | Apache License 2.0 | API documentation |
Swagger UI | 5.17.2 | Apache License 2.0 | API documentation, Swagger (live) |
hidetake Swagger-Generator | 2.19.2 | Apache License 2.0 | Swagger (static) |
TestNG | 7.10.2 | Apache License 2.0 | Test implementation |
Mockito | 0.5.2 | MIT License | Test implementation |
Jacoco | 0.8.12 | EPL 2.0 | Test reports |
- stores important and useful data regarding contracts
- implements CRUD1-operations on contracts
- communication via REST2-API between frontend and backend
- documentation complies with OpenAPI 3.0 standard
- import and export functionality using json-files
- frontend (desktop or web) - see issue #9
- contact data for the regarding contract - see issue #2
for Version 2 or later:
- rework backend with TypeScript - see issue #14
- create mobile (Android) app - no issue created
- API documentation
- Javadoc documentation
- Jacoco coverage report