This repository contains a Python implementation of the following paper: "Derandomized novelty detection with FDR control via conformal e-values". The repository includes an implementation of the proposed derandomized novelty detection method (E-AdaDetect and E-OC-Conformal). Baseline methods implementation alongside code for synthetic and real data experiments are included in this repository.
The paper is available here.
Conformal inference provides a general distribution-free method to rigorously calibrate the output of any machine learning algorithm for novelty detection. While this approach has many strengths, it has the limitation of being randomized, in the sense that it may lead to different results when analyzing twice the same data, and this can hinder the interpretation of any findings. We propose to make conformal inferences more stable by leveraging suitable conformal e-values instead of p-values to quantify statistical significance. This solution allows the evidence gathered from multiple analyses of the same data to be aggregated effectively while provably controlling the false discovery rate. Further, we show that the proposed method can reduce randomness without much loss of power compared to standard conformal inference, partly thanks to an innovative way of weighting conformal e-values based on additional side information carefully extracted from the same data. Simulations with synthetic and real data confirm this solution can be effective at eliminating random noise in the inferences obtained with state-of-the-art alternative techniques, sometimes also leading to higher power.
You can create a conda environment from requirements.yml file or make sure your virtual environment includes all requirements (specified in requirements.yml
run the following commands to create a conda environment from requirements.yml
conda env update -f requirements.yml
conda activate d-rand-conformal
To run a single experiment with the desired parameters, use
For example, a single run of E-AdaDetect with logistic regression classifier, K=10 (number of train-calibration splits) and signal strength equal to 3.4:
python --save_path ./results/ --model LogisticRegression --algorithm E_value_AdaDetectERM --n_e_value 10 --alpha 0.1 --n_cal 1000 --n_train 2000 --n_test 1000 --dataset artificial_gaussian --n_features 100 --mu_o 3.4
To run an experiment with M repetitions (with different seeds), use
For example, an experiments with 10 repetitions:
python --save_path ./results/ --n_seeds 10 --model LogisticRegression --algorithm E_value_AdaDetectERM --alpha 0.1 --n_cal 1000 --n_train 2000 --n_test 1000 --dataset artificial_gaussian --n_features 100 --mu_o 3.4
Example of experiment with fixed test set and null samples:
python --save_path ./results/ --n_seeds 10 --sv_exp --reuse_xnull --model LogisticRegression --algorithm E_value_AdaDetectERM --alpha 0.1 --n_cal 1000 --n_train 2000 --n_test 1000 --dataset artificial_gaussian --n_features 100 --mu_o 3.4
For more details on command line arguments, please run the following command:
python --help
python --help
The experiments folder contains bash files used for running the numerical experiments from the paper. In addition, the folder contains two additional files:
- run_all_experiments.txt - contains all command lines with relevant parameters for conducting the various experiments.
- plot_all_experiments.txt - contains all command lines for producing corresponding plots to the experiments.
The code is intended to run on a computing cluster using the SLURM scheduler.