Visual excel differences for git-windows
Copy excelCompare folder to c:\
Java based excel comparasion tool downloaded from: na-ka-na/ExcelCompare
Used release ExcelCompare 0.6.0
Add following lines to .git\config
[diff "excel"]
command = "C:/excelCompare/exceldiff.cmd"
- Add following lines to .gitattributes
# Excel Compare
*.xlsx diff=excel
*.xlsm diff=excel
*.xlsb diff=excel
*.xltx diff=excel
*.xltm diff=excel
*.xls diff=excel
*.xlt diff=excel
*.xml diff=excel
*.xlam diff=excel
*.xlw diff=excel
- Include java path
Now git diff returns excel differences
- Create Temp folder on the root directory of the git repository and include fallowing line to .gitignore
Include git path
To be able to use git command with DiffCel interface
Run regedit.reg
To be able to open embedded excel in DiffCel.
Otherwise it generates new excel process
Open DiffCel release and select root directory of the git repository
-git log --pretty=format:"%h|%an|%s|%ci" "path\to\file.extension"
gets commits (commitId, Author Name, Commit Description, Commit Date) for specific file
-git diff <commitId> <commitId> "path\to\file.extension"
gets differences between two commit for specific file
-git cat-file -p <commitId> "path\to\file.extension" > "path\to\store\file.extension"
gets original file before that commit (commitId) and saves it.