- Architecture
- Terraform
- Script
The Terraform folder deploy's the following elements :
- SSM Document : to automatically create the socket
- Auto Scaling Group: with Scheduling option (for the weekend or the evening for example)
- IAM Role/Policy: with custom variable to define the output bucket + KMS Key of Session Manager and S3 Log's
- User Data : install socat and get the latest version of ssm-agent (to customize if you use T4g instance)
- Security Group : allow only himself in ingress in 443 (for endpoint's) and in egress all the destination (you can customize with only your VPC CIDR)
Variables :
ssm_arn : ARN for Managed policy of SSM (no need to custom)
region : Region where you want to deploy SSM-Bastion (need to define)
ami : AMI of EC2, recommended to use Amazon Linux 2 To find the latest version
bucket_logs : Name of the bucket where the logs of Session Manager will be set (useful only when using the console for troubleshooting an EC2) -> Details Note that in terraform the default path will bucket_logs/ssm/
session_manager_key : ARN of KMS Key for Session Manager
s3_key : ARN of KMS S3 Logs for Session Manager
vpc_id : VPC ID where the SSM-Bastion will be deployed
kms_ebs_id : ARN of KMS Key for the EBS disk
key_name : Optionnal, if you want also put a SSH Key into the EC2 Bastion-SSM
sub1a : Subnet ID of AZ A for ASG
sub1b : Subnet ID of AZ B for ASG
sub1c : Subnet ID of AZ C for ASG
schedule_stop : When stop the SSM-Bastion, cron format, default 30 22 * * MON-FRI (monday to friday, stop at 22:30)
schedule_start : When start the SSM-Bastion, cron format, default 30 7 * * MON-FRI (monday to friday, start at 7:30)
The script need in input the following information for creating the port forwarding 2 possibilities
1/ Interactive session, without parameter
2/ With line arguments
./ssm-bastion-port-forwarding.sh hostname_destination port_destination port_source
Hostname_destination : DNS or IP of the Database/EC2
Port_destination : Listening port of the destination (ex. 3306 for RDS MySQL Database)
Port_source : Listening port on your local laptop (free to choose between 1000 and 65535, in a team ensure that there is no overlap)
Example :
./ssm-bastion-port-forwarding.sh 3306 8900
Open a port forwarding to port 3306 on local (laptop) port 8900