A gulp plugin to transform JSON files, pipe JSON files through it and transform them to other JSON files or other text based formats.
First install gulp-json-transform
as a development dependency:
npm install gulp-json-transform --save-dev
Then, add it to your gulpfile.js:
var jsonTransform = require('gulp-json-transform');
Then create a task that uses it:
gulp.task('do-something', function() {
.pipe(jsonTransform(function(data, file) {
return {
foobar: data.foo + data.bar
Type: function
A function that takes the JSON object input as the first parameter value and should return either a string which is written raw to the file, a JSON object which is stringified or a Promise which resolves to a string or a JSON object.
A second argument is passed to transformFn, file, which is a Vinyl instance. This is useful in case file meta is needed when transforming the JSON.
Type: String
or Number
Default: undefined
JSON.stringify's whitespace attribute for pretty-printing the resulting JSON. See MDN docs on JSON.stringify() for more information.