For further information please refer to my Blog Post
Jawaker Cards Counter is a Chrome Extension that counts played cards inside Jawaker game.
- install node modules
npm install
- build scripts using webpack
npm run build
- you should now have 2 scripts inside dist folder
- add extension to chrome using by following this guide
- Add the extension to chrome by following this guide
- you should have the extension icon now added and showing next url textbox
- log into Jawaker and join a game
- make sure that Jawaker is the currently active tab
- Open the extension and click on Inject (this will inject cards counting script into Jawaker page)
- every time a card is played you can click on the Extension button and the popup window should show which cards hasn't been played yet.
Note: after you finish a game either click on the delete button inside the extension popup window, or referesh the browser.