Make your multi select pretty and easy to use with only javascript. No other frameworks/libraries required.
Styling. (From the stylesheet that can be found in the dist folder)
with selected options and one option highlighted.
Install with npm
$ npm i dual-listbox --save
<script src=""></script>
<link href="">
<!-- for pinned version -->
<script src="[email protected]/dist/dual-listbox.min.js"></script>
<link href="[email protected]/dist/dual-listbox.css">
let dualListbox = new DualListbox('select'); // Selects the first selectbox on the page.
let dualListbox = new DualListbox('.select'); // Selects the first element with the class 'select'
let dualListbox = new DualListbox('#select'); // Selects the first element with the id 'select'
let select = document.querySelector('#select');
let dualListbox = new DualListbox(select); // Add a HTMLElement
You can also pass some options to the DualListbox
let dualListbox = new DualListbox('#select', {
addEvent: function(value) { // Should use the event listeners
removeEvent: function(value) { // Should use the event listeners
availableTitle: 'Different title',
selectedTitle: 'Different title',
addButtonText: '>',
removeButtonText: '<',
addAllButtonText: '>>',
removeAllButtonText: '<<',
options: [
{text:"Option 1", value: "OPTION1"},
{text:"Option 2", value: "OPTION2"},
{text:"Selected option", value: "OPTION3", selected:true}
dualListbox.addEventListener('added', function(event){
dualListbox.addEventListener('removed', function(event){
Try it online on JSFiddle.
All the elements should be exposed. This way it should be possible to add custom attributes to the element of choice.
let dualListbox = new DualListbox('#select');
// Access the buttons:
dualListbox.add_button.setAttribute('a', 'a');
dualListbox.add_all_button.setAttribute('a', 'a');
dualListbox.remove_button.setAttribute('a', 'a');
dualListbox.remove_all_button.setAttribute('a', 'a');
// Access the search field:'some_class');
// Access the list containers:
dualListbox.selectedList.setAttribute('a', 'a');
dualListbox.availableList.setAttribute('a', 'a');
Pull requests and stars are always welcome. For bugs and feature requests, please create an issue.
Maykin Media
Copyright © 2019 Maykin Media Licensed under the MIT license.