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Frames iOS

Build Status CocoaPods Compatible Carthage Compatible Platform codecov codebeat badge license

Demo frames ios


  • iOS 10.0+
  • Xcode 12.4+
  • Swift 5.3+


Further information on using the Frames SDK is available in the integration guide.

Frames for iOS provides a convenient solution that can take the customer's sensitive information and exchange them for a secure token that can be used within's infrastructure.

Frames can be integrated in 2 ways:

  1. Integrated with the UI Embed the fully customisable UI provided by the SDK to accept card details, customer name and billling details and exchange them for a secure token. (See the CardViewController tab)

  2. Integrated without the UI Use the provided API to send sensitive data to the server and retrieve the secure token (See the Headless tab).

You can find the Frames API reference on this website.



CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. You can install it with the following command:

$ gem install cocoapods

CocoaPods 1.10.0+ is required to build Frames.

To integrate Frames into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:

source ''
platform :ios, '10.0'

target '<Your Target Name>' do
    pod 'Frames', '~> 3'

Then, run the following command:

$ pod install

We do not support i386 builds. Cocoapods should configure this for you, but if not, see Architecture Support for setup.


Carthage is a decentralized dependency manager that builds your dependencies and provides you with binary frameworks.

You can install Carthage with Homebrew using the following command:

$ brew update
$ brew install carthage

To integrate Frames into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile:

github "checkout/frames-ios" ~> 3

Run carthage update --use-xcframeworks to build the framework and drag the built Frames into your Xcode project.

If you are planning to run release builds for simulator, make sure to exclude the i386 architecture from your builds. See Architecture Support for setup.

Swift Package Manager

Swift Package Manager is a tool for automating the distribution of Swift code and is integrated into the swift compiler.

Once you have your Swift package set up, adding Frames as a dependency is as easy as adding it to the dependencies value of your Package.swift.

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "3.0.0"))

If you are planning to run release builds for simulator, make sure to exclude the i386 architecture from your builds. See Architecture Support for setup.


Import the SDK:

import Frames

Using the CardViewController UI

class ViewController: UIViewController, CardViewControllerDelegate {

    // Create a CheckoutAPIClient instance with your public key.
    let checkoutAPIClient = CheckoutAPIClient(
        publicKey: "<Your Public Key>",
        environment: .sandbox)

    override func viewDidLoad() {

        // Create the CardViewController.
        let cardViewController = CardViewController(
            checkoutApiClient: checkoutAPIClient,
            cardHolderNameState: .hidden,
            billingDetailsState: .hidden)

        // Set the CardViewController delegate.
        cardViewController.delegate = self

        // Replace the bar button with Pay.
        cardViewController.rightBarButtonItem = UIBarButtonItem(
            title: "Pay",
            style: .done,
            target: nil,
            action: nil)

        // (Optional) Specify which schemes are allowed.
        cardViewController.availableSchemes = [.visa, .mastercard]

        // Push the cardViewController onto the navigation stack.
        navigationController?.pushViewController(cardViewController, animated: false)

    func onTapDone(controller: CardViewController, cardToken: CkoCardTokenResponse?, status: CheckoutTokenStatus) {
        // Called when the tokenization request has completed.
        print(cardToken ?? "cardToken is nil")

    func onSubmit(controller: CardViewController) {
        // Called just before a create card token request is made.


Headless Mode

// Create a CheckoutAPIClient instance with your public key.
let checkoutAPIClient = CheckoutAPIClient(
    publicKey: "<Your Public Key>",
    environment: .sandbox)

let phoneNumber = CkoPhoneNumber(
    countryCode: "44",
    number: "7700900000")

let address = CkoAddress(
    addressLine1: "Wenlock Works",
    addressLine2: "Shepherdess Walk",
    city: "London",
    state: "London",
    zip: "N1 7BQ",
    country: "GB")

// Create a CardTokenRequest instance with the phoneNumber and address values.
let cardTokenRequest = CkoCardTokenRequest(
    number: "4242424242424242",
    expiryMonth: "01",
    expiryYear: "29",
    cvv: "100",
    name: "Test Customer",
    billingAddress: address,
    phone: phoneNumber)

// Request the card token.
checkoutAPIClient.createCardToken(card: cardTokenRequest) { result in
    switch result {
    case .success(let response):
    case .failure(let error):

Using Methods available in FramesIos

You can find more examples on the usage guide.

Create the API Client CheckoutAPIClient:

// Replace "pk_test_6ff46046-30af-41d9-bf58-929022d2cd14" with your own public key.
let checkoutAPIClient = CheckoutAPIClient(
    publicKey: "pk_test_6ff46046-30af-41d9-bf58-929022d2cd14",
    environment: .sandbox)

Create the CardUtils instance:

let cardUtils = CardUtils()

Use CardUtils to verify card number:

// Verify card number.
let cardNumber = "4242424242424242"
let isValidCardNumber = cardUtils.isValid(cardNumber: cardNumber)

print(isValidCardNumber) // true

Validate a CVV with CardUtils

// Verify CVV.
let cardNumber = "4242424242424242"
guard let cardType = cardUtils.getTypeOf(cardNumber: cardNumber) else { return }

let cvv = "100"
let isValidCVV = cardUtils.isValid(cvv: cvv, cardType: cardType)

print(isValidCVV) // true

Validate an expiration date with CardUtils

// Verify expiration date.
let expirationMonth = "01"
let expirationYear = "29"

let isValidExpiration = cardUtils.isValid(
    expirationMonth: expirationMonth,
    expirationYear: expirationYear)

print(isValidExpiration) // true

Get information about a card number with CardUtils

let cardNumber = "4242424242424242"
guard let cardType = cardUtils.getTypeOf(cardNumber: cardNumber) else { return }
print( // Visa

Format a card number with CardUtils

let cardNumber = "4242424242424242"
guard let cardType = cardUtils.getTypeOf(cardNumber: cardNumber) else { return }

let formattedCardNumber = cardUtils.format(cardNumber: cardNumber, cardType: cardType)
print(formattedCardNumber) // 4242 4242 4242 4242

Standardize a card number with CardUtils

let cardNumber = "4242 | 4242 | 4242 | 4242 "
let standardizedCardNumber = cardUtils.standardize(cardNumber: cardNumber)
print(standardizedCardNumber) // "4242424242424242"

Create the card token request CkoCardTokenRequest:

// Create a CheckoutAPIClient instance with your public key.
let checkoutAPIClient = CheckoutAPIClient(
    publicKey: "<Your Public Key>",
    environment: .sandbox)

let phoneNumber = CkoPhoneNumber(
    countryCode: "44",
    number: "7700900000")

let address = CkoAddress(
    addressLine1: "Wenlock Works",
    addressLine2: "Shepherdess Walk",
    city: "London",
    state: "London",
    zip: "N1 7BQ",
    country: "GB")

// Create a CardTokenRequest instance with the phoneNumber and address values.
let cardTokenRequest = CkoCardTokenRequest(
    number: "4242424242424242",
    expiryMonth: "01",
    expiryYear: "29",
    cvv: "100",
    name: "Test Customer",
    billingAddress: address,
    phone: phoneNumber)

// Request the card token.
checkoutAPIClient.createCardToken(card: cardTokenRequest) { result in
    switch result {
    case .success(let response):
    case .failure(let error):

The completion handler here provides a Result<CkoCardTokenResponse, NetworkError> value.

Prompt for CVV confirmation

Create and configure a CvvConfirmationViewController.

let cvvConfirmationViewController = CvvConfirmationViewController()
cvvConfirmationViewController.delegate = self

Handle the result by adding conformance to CvvConfirmationViewControllerDelegate.

extension ViewController: CvvConfirmationViewControllerDelegate {

    func onConfirm(controller: CvvConfirmationViewController, cvv: String) {
        // Handle cvv.

    func onCancel(controller: CvvConfirmationViewController) {
        // Handle cancellation.


Handle 3D Secure

When you send a 3D secure charge request from your server you will get back a 3D Secure URL. This is available from _links.redirect.href within the JSON response. You can then pass the 3D Secure URL to a ThreedsWebViewController in order to handle the verification.

The redirection URLs (success_url and failure_url) are set in the Hub, but they can be overwritten in the charge request sent from your server. It is important to provide the correct URLs to ensure a successful payment flow.

Create and configure a ThreedsWebViewController.

let threeDSWebViewController = ThreedsWebViewController(
    successUrl: "",
    failUrl: "")
threeDSWebViewController.url = ""
threeDSWebViewController.delegate = self

Handle the result by adding conformance to CvvConfirmationViewControllerDelegate.

extension ViewController: ThreedsWebViewControllerDelegate {

    func threeDSWebViewControllerAuthenticationDidSucceed(_ threeDSWebViewController: ThreedsWebViewController, token: String?) {
        // Handle successful 3DS.

    func threeDSWebViewControllerAuthenticationDidFail(_ threeDSWebViewController: ThreedsWebViewController) {
        // Handle failed 3DS.


Customize with CheckoutTheme

Further documentation about customizing Frames is available from the customization guide.

CheckoutTheme.primaryBackgroundColor = .purple
CheckoutTheme.secondaryBackgroundColor = .magenta
CheckoutTheme.tertiaryBackgroundColor = .red
CheckoutTheme.color = .white
CheckoutTheme.secondaryColor = .lightGray
CheckoutTheme.errorColor = .blue
CheckoutTheme.chevronColor = .white
CheckoutTheme.font = UIFont(name: "Chalkboard SE", size: 12)!

Architecture Support

We support all available architectures in Xcode except i386. Cocoapods should handle this for you, but if this is not working or if you're using SPM or Carthage you will need to configure your excluded architectures in your build settings as below:

excluded architectures


Frames iOS is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.


Checkout API Client, Payment Form UI and Utilities in Swift



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