Copyright (c) 2022-2023, Media.Monks.
This is to demonstrate how Firebase and
Airship plug-ins conflict in a Cordova app on iOS: even though
variable is set to false
for Firebase the plug-in still sets its delegate for
preventing regular flow of notifications for Airship.
We've patched the above Firebase plug-in in our fork to support iOS-specific variable IOS_FCM_ENABLED
that can be set to false
to completely disable FCM-related features.
To try out the fork:
cordova -d plugin rm cordova-plugin-firebasex
cordova -d plugin add github:mediamonks/cordova-plugin-firebasex --variable IOS_FCM_ENABLED=false
A similar issue for Android can be worked around by changes in config.xml
as shown in this example.
(Note that the example uses API keys of our test Firebase and Airship projects. These were created just for this example, so keeping the keys in the repo is not an issue.)