Login into demo account via:
- username: [email protected]
- password: 123456
Social media app
A user can make posts and comments; like posts or comments, and follow other users
- Bulma 1.0 for styling
- Turbo frames and streams for faster navigation
- Pagy gem for pagination and infinite scroll
- Devise and Google OAuth for authentication
- Figaro gem for environment variables
- Faker gem for seeding
- Ruby 3.1.2
- Rails 7.0.8
- PostgreSQL 14.11
- Yarn 1.22.19
- Ubuntu 22.04
bundle install
rails css:install:bulma
rails db:seed
bundle exec figaro install
Optional: configure your environment variables for Google OAuth2 and gmail# config/application.yml google_oauth_client_id: google_oauth_client_secret: gmail_username: gmail_password:
to start the application
- login as user0 pre-populated with follows
- email: [email protected]
- password: 123456
- OR
- login with google Oauth
- Notifications for each new follow, comment
- stimulus components: character counter, Stimulus Timeago (better date format?), need a modal for the notifications as it is annoying and moves content.
- Add Posts Comments Likes Menu on user profile.