Version: 2.3 CraftBukkit Build 1.2.5-R4.0 [Tested]
Info Info This plugin lets you store every block place, block break, chat msg, command, enchant, kill, sign text etc. So, if you need proof of something just look them up! You can turn on and off what you actually want or don't want to log, in the main configuration file! The main developer is Kuuichi. I am just continuing and adding stuff. I am obligated to continue this plugin. The forum is and has been accepted.
Features: Chat Logging IP Logging ( Implemented by Mcluke300 ) Join Logging Quit Logging ( Implemented by Mcluke300 ) Command Logging Death Logging Console Logging ( Implemented by Mcluke300 ) Blacklist Block Logging ( Implemented by Mcluke300 ) Sign Text Logging ( Implemented by Mcluke300 ) Pvp Logging ( Implemented by Mcluke300 ) Enchantment Loggin ( Implemented by Mcluke300 ) Commands not to log ( Implemented by Mcluke300 ) Bucket Logging ( Implemented by Mcluke300 ) Metrics
Log Example [World One]McLuke300 joined: (-27 64 220) (06-26-2012 20:03:48)
[World One]McLuke300 Killed TestyWestie (-18 64 220) (06-26-2012 19:37:30)
[World One]McLuke300 said: Example chat (-21 64 220) (06-26-2012 20:02:06)
[World One]McLuke300 command: /home (-20 64 219) (06-26-2012 20:02:08)
[World One]McLuke300 Sign: [McLukes][Home][][] (-22 64 222) (06-26-2012 20:02:22)
[World One]McLuke300 command: /give McLuke300 46 1 (-22 64 223) (06-26-2012 20:02:26)
[World One]McLuke300 Placed: TNT (-26 64 218) (06-26-2012 20:02:28)
[World One]McLuke300 Placed: TNT (-26 64 219) (06-26-2012 20:02:29)
[World One]McLuke300 command: /god (-32 64 212) (06-26-2012 20:02:36)
[World One]McLuke300 command: /suicide (-26 64 216) (06-26-2012 20:02:39)
[World One]McLuke300 Died. (-26 64 216) (06-26-2012 20:02:40)
[World One]06-26-2012 20:03:21 [McLuke300]ItemStack{STONE_SWORD x 1} {Enchantment[16, DAMAGE_ALL]=1} Xp Cost:3
[World One]McLuke300 Emptied Bucket of Water (-26 63 224) (06-26-2012 20:08:53)
[World One]McLuke300 Emptied Bucket of Lava (-26 63 221) (06-26-2012 20:08:54)
[World One]McLuke300 quit: 06-26-2012 20:03:45)
[Console]kick McLuke300 05-27 03:46:42
Config Log: //Log Joins PlayerJoins: true // Log Player quitting PlayerQuit: true //Log Chat PlayerChat: true //Log all Player commands PlayerCommands: true //Log Player deaths PlayerDeaths: true //Log enchantments PlayerEnchants: true //Log Pvp Pvp: true //Log Buckets Placed PlayerBucketPlace: true //Log Console commands ConsoleCommands: true //Log Player sign text PlayerSignText: true //If this is true it will make the folder Playerlogger/Staff and all players with the Playerlogger.staff permission will be in there not Users SeparateFolderforStaff: true //False by default- Useful for offline servers where players can change capitalization in name and have a different file. All file names are in lowercase PlayerNamestoLowerCase: false BlackList: LogBlackListedBlocks: true //Enables logging of blacklisted blocks Blocks:
- '7' //Bedrock Block id
- '46'
- '57'
- '*' //This will log all block place and breaks Commands: BlackListCommands: true //Enables Command Blacklisting (eg.wont log) CommandsToBlock:
- /login //Wont log /login
- /changepassword
- /register
Changelog Version 0.1
Update of plugin Version 0.2
Added coordinates Version 0.3
Updated to 1.1-R4 Fixed listeners to implements Listener Version 0.4
Updated to 1.1-R6 Version 0.5
Updated to 1.1-R7 Version 0.6
Updated to 1.2.3-R0.1 Version 0.7
Updated to 1.2.4-R0.1 Error fixes Version 0.8
Updated to 1.2.5-R0.1 Rounded coordinates Version 0.9
Updates made by Mcluke300 ( will add soon ) Version 1.0
Added Console logging in Playerlogger/ConsoleCommand Fixed Could not load (Javs fault for adding me in authors in pluign.yml) Updated source in jar Updated to 1.2.5-R3.0 Version 2.0
All updated by McLuke300 Complete rewrite of plugin New config (Make sure to delete old config!) Block logging readded with blacklists Bucket placed logging Sign text now logged Player commands can be blacklisted eg. /login could be not logged Logs Player vs Player kills Added Metrics to plugin Added option to disable Console logging Cleaner Code and more organized Version 2.1
All updated by McLuke300 Fixed no logging error caused by the Time Format written incorrectly Added all block logging simply add * to the blacklist of blocks Version 2.2
All updated by McLuke300 It now wont give file not found errors as it will load or create new one ever event Command blacklisting fixed so it checks the first bit of command and will stop it from being logged. Commands now log when blacklistcommands is false (Bug fix)(Reported by vk222u) Version set to right version in plugin.yml Version 2.2.1
All updated by McLuke300 Bug Fix Blocks logging that aren't in the blacklist fixed Version 2.3
All updated by McLuke300 Bug Fix: When "*" Block breaks not logging fixed. New Features: New Permission Playerlogger.staff so that those players go in a separate folder Playerlogger/staff/ (So you can separately log staff and players for easy access if a staff member has abused the commands. This can also be used for any group not just staff.) Added ability for all file names to be in lowercase, option in config. (Useful for offline servers where players can change capitalization in name and have a different file.) Added ability for Staff in separate files to be turned off in config.