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Add unit tests for bignum_new.c:mbedtls_mpi_core_montmul()
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These tests are also used to test the existing mpi_montmul() function (which
too is renamed with mbedtls_ prefix). Some of these are replays of captured
invocations during unit test runs. Others are generated.  They use a mixture
of primes and odd numbers for N, with four randomly-generated cases for each N.

The lines in the .data file were generated by the following script

    #!/usr/bin/env perl
    # - generate MPI tests in Perl for mbedtls_mpi_core_montmul()
    use strict;
    use warnings;
    use Math::BigInt;
    use sort 'stable';


    sub generate_tests {

    # XXX mbedtls_mpi_grow() and mbedtls_mpi_shrink() work in little-endian manner

    # \brief Montgomery multiplication: X = A * B * R^-1 mod N  (HAC 14.36)
    # \param[out]     X      The destination MPI, as a big endian array of length \p n.
    #                        On successful completion, X contains the result of
    #                        the multiplication A * B * R^-1 mod N where
    #                        R = (2^ciL)^n.
    # \param[in]      A      Big endian presentation of first operand.
    #                        Must have exactly \p n limbs.
    # \param[in]      B      Big endian presentation of second operand.
    # \param[in]      B_len  The number of limbs in \p B.
    # \param[in]      N      Big endian presentation of the modulus.
    #                        This must be odd and have exactly \p n limbs.
    # \param[in]      n      The number of limbs in \p X, \p A, \p N.
    # \param          mm     The Montgomery constant for \p N: -N^-1 mod 2^ciL.
    #                        This can be calculated by `mbedtls_mpi_montg_init()`.
    # \param[in,out]  T      Temporary storage of size at least 2*n+1 limbs.
    #                        Its initial content is unused and
    #                        its final content is indeterminate.
    # void mbedtls_mpi_core_montmul( mbedtls_mpi_uint *X,
    #                                const mbedtls_mpi_uint *A,
    #                                const mbedtls_mpi_uint *B, size_t B_len,
    #                                const mbedtls_mpi_uint *N, size_t n,
    #                                mbedtls_mpi_uint mm, mbedtls_mpi_uint *T );

    sub generate_mbedtls_mpi_core_montmul {

        my $sub_name = (caller(0))[3];      # e.g. main::generate_mbedtls_mpi_sub_mpi
        my ($ignore, $test_name) = split("main::generate_", $sub_name);

        my @Cases = ();

        my @replay = (
            # [ limbsAN_4, limbsB_4, limbsAN_8, limbsB_8, hexA, hexB, hexN, hexExpected ]
            [ 2, 1, 1, 1, "19", "1", "1D", "18" ],
            [ 2, 1, 1, 1, "7", "1", "9", "1" ],
            [ 2, 1, 1, 1, "4", "1", "9", "7" ],
            #A.n = 3
            #A.p = FFFE000000008004
            #      0000000000007FFC
            #      0000000000000000
            #B.n = 1
            #B.p = 0000000000000001
            #N.n = 3
            #N.p = 0000000000000001
            #      0000000000008000
            #      0000000000000000
            #mm = FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
            #res.n = 3
            #res.p = EFFF9FFF3FFF8001
            #        0000000000007FFF
            #        0000000000000000
            #[ "MBEDTLS_HAVE_INT32", 3, 1, 3, "7FFCFFFE000000008004", "1", "80000000000000000001", "2000C001800100000000" ],
            #[ "MBEDTLS_HAVE_INT64", 3, 1, 3, "7FFCFFFE000000008004", "1", "80000000000000000001", "7FFFEFFF9FFF3FFF8001" ],

            [ 12, 1, 6, 1, "3C246D0E059A93A266288A7718419EC741661B474C58C032C5EDAF92709402B07CC8C7CE0B781C641A1EA8DB2F4343", "1", "66A198186C18C10B2F5ED9B522752A9830B69916E535C8F047518A889A43A594B6BED27A168D31D4A52F88925AA8F5", "36E139AEA55215609D2816998ED020BBBD96C37890F65171D948E9BC7CBAA4D9325D24D6A3C12710F10A09FA08AB87" ],

            #A.n = 5
            #A.p = 340E918CE03C6211
            #      9888165CB75BFA1F
            #      FCCE74B999E470CA
            #      1E442976B0E63D64
            #      0000000000000000
            #B.n = 1
            #B.p = 0000000000000001
            #N.n = 4
            #N.p = 8054B3D124D0E561
            #      92A338655DCE4CA8
            #      E28581ECD892E0F5
            #      B3A119602EE213CD
            #mm = E41CFB909805815F
            #res.n = 5
            #res.p = 0E65383B59F8CA5B
            #        B103B17A2EEF84E6
            #        F23BC08FD0801C55
            #        38EB7749F4A5DA80
            #        0000000000000000
            [ 8, 1, 4, 1, "1E442976B0E63D64FCCE74B999E470CA9888165CB75BFA1F340E918CE03C6211", "1", "B3A119602EE213CDE28581ECD892E0F592A338655DCE4CA88054B3D124D0E561", "38EB7749F4A5DA80F23BC08FD0801C55B103B17A2EEF84E60E65383B59F8CA5B" ],

            #A.n = 12
            #A.p = 542306BCA7A2366E
            #      D2780B2B4968F8D8
            #      CBDFC696104353E4
            #      7776839B0AC9DB23
            #      B7E125BE407E7415
            #      D711917FD7537E13
            #      82392870D6D08F87
            #      D83ED5FA38560FFB
            #      9994B0FED1D2A8D3
            #      63C65413F57249F5
            #      007CF5AC97304E0B
            #      0000000000000000
            #B.n = 1
            #B.p = 0000000000000001
            #N.n = 11
            #N.p = E1AD22CEB7BA0123
            #      32B2A6AA42ADA923
            #      C56C62082912B661
            #      C6F0EAD752500A32
            #      DBC8D651793E93C9
            #      0B2F60D99CC1950C
            #      5B4CDCB5734C58F9
            #      09D3CB5BC5585472
            #      9A2C2BE12ED487A8
            #      BE09A8111926AAA3
            #      0284139EA19C139E
            #mm = C02E2164B293C975
            #res.n = 12
            #res.p = F6B14471839D8D31
            #        FF843ED3B17C44D7
            #        1C3D52C7CB9E0BA6
            #        82F3590C866BF9F8
            #        49C371DB2A4FB164
            #        964ECA2527A031ED
            #        FAACEC6982E0E5BE
            #        1F70C4CB2426AEE1
            #        2C92B02886267AB4
            #        0630B14113BEAD74
            #        01E4426A3D6C425F
            #        0000000000000000
            [ 22, 1, 11, 1, "7CF5AC97304E0B63C65413F57249F59994B0FED1D2A8D3D83ED5FA38560FFB82392870D6D08F87D711917FD7537E13B7E125BE407E74157776839B0AC9DB23CBDFC696104353E4D2780B2B4968F8D8542306BCA7A2366E", "1", "284139EA19C139EBE09A8111926AAA39A2C2BE12ED487A809D3CB5BC55854725B4CDCB5734C58F90B2F60D99CC1950CDBC8D651793E93C9C6F0EAD752500A32C56C62082912B66132B2A6AA42ADA923E1AD22CEB7BA0123", "1E4426A3D6C425F0630B14113BEAD742C92B02886267AB41F70C4CB2426AEE1FAACEC6982E0E5BE964ECA2527A031ED49C371DB2A4FB16482F3590C866BF9F81C3D52C7CB9E0BA6FF843ED3B17C44D7F6B14471839D8D31" ],

        for my $c (@replay) {
            # For all of these, la4 = 2 * la8, so $xh4 == $xh8 (so we just have $xh)
            my ($la4, $lb4, $la8, $lb8, $ah, $bh, $nh, $xh) = @$c;    # limbs(A), limbs(B), limbs(N), (A, B, N, expected) hex

            my $a = Math::BigInt->from_hex($ah);
            my $b = Math::BigInt->from_hex($bh);
            my $n = Math::BigInt->from_hex($nh);

            my $desc = "$test_name #NUMBER (replay)";
            # mbedtls_mpi_core_montmul:mpiSize:limbs(A,N):limbs(B):<A>:<B>:<N>:<expected4>:<expected8>
            # (just repeat $xh, as la4 = 2 * la8, so $xh4 == $xh8)
            my $case = output($test_name, $la4, $lb4, $la8, $lb8, str($ah), str($bh), str($nh), str($xh), str($xh));

            push(@Cases, [$case, $desc]);

        # see for the source of these test cases

        my @generate = (
            # [ hexN, hexA, hexB, info ]
            [ "3", "2", "2", "" ],
            [ "3", "1", "2", "" ],
            [ "3", "2", "1", "" ],
            [ "7", "6", "5", "" ],
            [ "7", "3", "4", "" ],
            [ "7", "1", "6", "" ],
            [ "7", "5", "6", "" ],
            [ "B", "3", "4", "" ],
            [ "B", "7", "4", "" ],
            [ "B", "9", "7", "" ],
            [ "B", "2", "a", "" ],
            [ "29", "25", "16", "(0x29 is prime)" ],
            [ "29", "8", "28", "" ],
            [ "29", "18", "21", "" ],
            [ "29", "15", "f", "" ],
            [ "FF", "e2", "ea", "" ],
            [ "FF", "43", "72", "" ],
            [ "FF", "d8", "70", "" ],
            [ "FF", "3c", "7c", "" ],
            [ "101", "99", "b9", "(0x101 is prime)" ],
            [ "101", "65", "b2", "" ],
            [ "101", "81", "32", "" ],
            [ "101", "51", "dd", "" ],
            [ "38B", "d5", "143", "(0x38B is prime)" ],
            [ "38B", "3d", "387", "" ],
            [ "38B", "160", "2e5", "" ],
            [ "38B", "10f", "137", "" ],
            [ "8003", "7dac", "25a", "(0x8003 is prime)" ],
            [ "8003", "6f1c", "3286", "" ],
            [ "8003", "59ed", "2f3f", "" ],
            [ "8003", "6893", "736d", "" ],
            [ "10001", "d199", "2832", "(0x10001 is prime)" ],
            [ "10001", "c3b2", "3e5b", "" ],
            [ "10001", "abe4", "214e", "" ],
            [ "10001", "4360", "a05d", "" ],
            [ "7F7F7", "3f5a1", "165b2", "" ],
            [ "7F7F7", "3bd29", "37863", "" ],
            [ "7F7F7", "60c47", "64819", "" ],
            [ "7F7F7", "16584", "12c49", "" ],
            [ "800009", "1ff03f", "610347", "(0x800009 is prime)" ],
            [ "800009", "340fd5", "19812e", "" ],
            [ "800009", "3fe2e8", "4d0dc7", "" ],
            [ "800009", "40356", "e6392", "" ],
            [ "100002B", "dd8a1d", "266c0e", "(0x100002B is prime)" ],
            [ "100002B", "3fa1cb", "847fd6", "" ],
            [ "100002B", "5f439d", "5c3196", "" ],
            [ "100002B", "18d645", "f72dc6", "" ],
            [ "37EEE9D", "20051ad", "37def6e", "(0x37EEE9D is prime)" ],
            [ "37EEE9D", "2ec140b", "3580dbf", "" ],
            [ "37EEE9D", "1d91b46", "190d4fc", "" ],
            [ "37EEE9D", "34e488d", "1224d24", "" ],
            [ "8000000B", "2a4fe2cb", "263466a9", "(0x8000000B is prime)" ],
            [ "8000000B", "5643fe94", "29a1aefa", "" ],
            [ "8000000B", "29633513", "7b007ac4", "" ],
            [ "8000000B", "2439cef5", "5c9d5a47", "" ],
            [ "8CD626B9", "4de3cfaa", "50dea178", "(0x8CD626B9 is prime)" ],
            [ "8CD626B9", "b8b8563", "10dbbbac", "" ],
            [ "8CD626B9", "4e8a6151", "5574ec19", "" ],
            [ "8CD626B9", "69224878", "309cfc23", "" ],
            [ "10000000F", "fb6f7fb6", "afb05423", "(0x10000000F is prime)" ],
            [ "10000000F", "8391a243", "26034dcd", "" ],
            [ "10000000F", "d26b98c", "14b2d6aa", "" ],
            [ "10000000F", "6b9f1371", "a21daf1d", "" ],
            [ "174876E7E9", "9f49435ad", "c8264ade8", "0x174876E7E9 is prime (dec) 99999999977" ],
            [ "174876E7E9", "c402da434", "1fb427acf", "" ],
            [ "174876E7E9", "f6ebc2bb1", "1096d39f2a", "" ],
            [ "174876E7E9", "153b7f7b6b", "878fda8ff", "" ],
            [ "8000000017", "2c1adbb8d6", "4384d2d3c6", "(0x8000000017 is prime)" ],
            [ "8000000017", "2e4f9cf5fb", "794f3443d9", "" ],
            [ "8000000017", "149e495582", "3802b8f7b7", "" ],
            [ "8000000017", "7b9d49df82", "69c68a442a", "" ],
            [ "864CB9076D", "683a134600", "6dd80ea9f6", "(0x864CB9076D is prime)" ],
            [ "864CB9076D", "13a870ff0d", "59b099694a", "" ],
            [ "864CB9076D", "37d06b0e63", "4d2147e46f", "" ],
            [ "864CB9076D", "661714f8f4", "22e55df507", "" ],
            [ "F7F7F7F7F7", "2f0a96363", "52693307b4", "" ],
            [ "F7F7F7F7F7", "3c85078e64", "f2275ecb6d", "" ],
            [ "F7F7F7F7F7", "352dae68d1", "707775b4c6", "" ],
            [ "F7F7F7F7F7", "37ae0f3e0b", "912113040f", "" ],
            [ "1000000000F", "6dada15e31", "f58ed9eff7", "(0x1000000000F is prime)" ],
            [ "1000000000F", "69627a7c89", "cfb5ebd13d", "" ],
            [ "1000000000F", "a5e1ad239b", "afc030c731", "" ],
            [ "1000000000F", "f1cc45f4c5", "c64ad607c8", "" ],
            [ "800000000005", "2ebad87d2e31", "4c72d90bca78", "(0x800000000005 is prime)" ],
            [ "800000000005", "a30b3cc50d", "29ac4fe59490", "" ],
            [ "800000000005", "33674e9647b4", "5ec7ee7e72d3", "" ],
            [ "800000000005", "3d956f474f61", "74070040257d", "" ],
            [ "800795D9BA47", "48348e3717d6", "43fcb4399571", "(0x800795D9BA47 is prime)" ],
            [ "800795D9BA47", "5234c03cc99b", "2f3cccb87803", "" ],
            [ "800795D9BA47", "3ed13db194ab", "44b8f4ba7030", "" ],
            [ "800795D9BA47", "1c11e843bfdb", "95bd1b47b08", "" ],
            [ "1000000000015", "a81d11cb81fd", "1e5753a3f33d", "(0x1000000000015 is prime)" ],
            [ "1000000000015", "688c4db99232", "36fc0cf7ed", "" ],
            [ "1000000000015", "f0720cc07e07", "fc76140ed903", "" ],
            [ "1000000000015", "2ec61f8d17d1", "d270c85e36d2", "" ],
            [ "100000000000051", "6a24cd3ab63820", "ed4aad55e5e348", "(0x100000000000051 is prime)" ],
            [ "100000000000051", "e680c160d3b248", "31e0d8840ed510", "" ],
            [ "100000000000051", "a80637e9aebc38", "bb81decc4e1738", "" ],
            [ "100000000000051", "9afa5a59e9d630", "be9e65a6d42938", "" ],
            [ "ABCDEF0123456789", "ab5e104eeb71c000", "2cffbd639e9fea00", "" ],
            [ "ABCDEF0123456789", "197b867547f68a00", "44b796cf94654800", "" ],
            [ "ABCDEF0123456789", "329f9483a04f2c00", "9892f76961d0f000", "" ],
            [ "ABCDEF0123456789", "4a2e12dfb4545000", "1aa3e89a69794500", "" ],
            [ "25A55A46E5DA99C71C7", "8b9acdf013d140f000", "12e4ceaefabdf2b2f00", "0x25A55A46E5DA99C71C7 is the 3rd repunit prime (dec) 11111111111111111111111" ],
            [ "25A55A46E5DA99C71C7", "1b8d960ea277e3f5500", "14418aa980e37dd000", "" ],
            [ "25A55A46E5DA99C71C7", "7314524977e8075980", "8172fa45618ccd0d80", "" ],
            [ "25A55A46E5DA99C71C7", "ca14f031769be63580", "147a2f3cf2964ca9400", "" ],
            [ "314DC643FB763F2B8C0E2DE00879", "18532ba119d5cd0cf39735c0000", "25f9838e31634844924733000000", "0x314DC643FB763F2B8C0E2DE00879 is (dec)99999999977^3" ],
            [ "314DC643FB763F2B8C0E2DE00879", "a56e2d2517519e3970e70c40000", "ec27428d4bb380458588fa80000", "" ],
            [ "314DC643FB763F2B8C0E2DE00879", "1cb5e8257710e8653fff33a00000", "15fdd42fe440fd3a1d121380000", "" ],
            [ "314DC643FB763F2B8C0E2DE00879", "e50d07a65fc6f93e538ce040000", "1f4b059ca609f3ce597f61240000", "" ],
            [ "47BF19662275FA2F6845C74942ED1D852E521", "1ea3ade786a095d978d387f30df9f20000000", "127c448575f04af5a367a7be06c7da0000000", "0x47BF19662275FA2F6845C74942ED1D852E521 is (dec) 99999999977^4" ],
            [ "47BF19662275FA2F6845C74942ED1D852E521", "16e15b0ca82764e72e38357b1f10a20000000", "43e2355d8514bbe22b0838fdc3983a0000000", "" ],
            [ "47BF19662275FA2F6845C74942ED1D852E521", "be39332529d93f25c3d116c004c620000000", "5cccec42370a0a2c89c6772da801a0000000", "" ],
            [ "47BF19662275FA2F6845C74942ED1D852E521", "ecaa468d90de0eeda474d39b3e1fc0000000", "1e714554018de6dc0fe576bfd3b5660000000", "" ],
            [ "97EDD86E4B5C4592C6D32064AC55C888A7245F07CA3CC455E07C931", "32298816711c5dce46f9ba06e775c4bedfc770e6700000000000000", "8ee751fd5fb24f0b4a653cb3a0c8b7d9e724574d168000000000000", "0x97EDD86E4B5C4592C6D32064AC55C888A7245F07CA3CC455E07C931 is (dec) 99999999977^6" ],
            [ "97EDD86E4B5C4592C6D32064AC55C888A7245F07CA3CC455E07C931", "29213b9df3cfd15f4b428645b67b677c29d1378d810000000000000", "6cbb732c65e10a28872394dfdd1936d5171c3c3aac0000000000000", "" ],
            [ "97EDD86E4B5C4592C6D32064AC55C888A7245F07CA3CC455E07C931", "6f18db06ad4abc52c0c50643dd13098abccd4a232f0000000000000", "7e6bf41f2a86098ad51f98dfc10490ba3e8081bc830000000000000", "" ],
            [ "97EDD86E4B5C4592C6D32064AC55C888A7245F07CA3CC455E07C931", "62d3286cd706ad9d73caff63f1722775d7e8c731208000000000000", "530f7ba02ae2b04c2fe3e3d27ec095925631a6c2528000000000000", "" ],
            [ "DD15FE80B731872AC104DB37832F7E75A244AA2631BC87885B861E8F20375499", "a6c6503e3c031fdbf6009a89ed60582b7233c5a85de28b16000000000000000", "75c8ed18270b583f16d442a467d32bf95c5e491e9b8523798000000000000000", "0xDD15FE80B731872AC104DB37832F7E75A244AA2631BC87885B861E8F20375499 is (dec) 99999999977^7" ],
            [ "DD15FE80B731872AC104DB37832F7E75A244AA2631BC87885B861E8F20375499", "bf84d1f85cf6b51e04d2c8f4ffd03532d852053cf99b387d4000000000000000", "397ba5a743c349f4f28bc583ecd5f06e0a25f9c6d98f09134000000000000000", "" ],
            [ "DD15FE80B731872AC104DB37832F7E75A244AA2631BC87885B861E8F20375499", "6db11c3a4152ed1a2aa6fa34b0903ec82ea1b88908dcb482000000000000000", "ac8ac576a74ad6ca48f201bf89f77350ce86e821358d85920000000000000000", "" ],
            [ "DD15FE80B731872AC104DB37832F7E75A244AA2631BC87885B861E8F20375499", "3001d96d7fe8b733f33687646fc3017e3ac417eb32e0ec708000000000000000", "925ddbdac4174e8321a48a32f79640e8cf7ec6f46ea235a80000000000000000", "" ],
            [ "141B8EBD9009F84C241879A1F680FACCED355DA36C498F73E96E880CF78EA5F96146380E41", "1029048755f2e60dd98c8de6d9989226b6bb4f0db8e46bd1939de560000000000000000000", "51bb7270b2e25cec0301a03e8275213bb6c2f6e6ec93d4d46d36ca0000000000000000000", "0x141B8EBD9009F84C241879A1F680FACCED355DA36C498F73E96E880CF78EA5F96146380E41 is 99999999977^8" ],
            [ "141B8EBD9009F84C241879A1F680FACCED355DA36C498F73E96E880CF78EA5F96146380E41", "1c5337ff982b3ad6611257dbff5bbd7a9920ba2d4f5838a0cc681ce000000000000000000", "520c5d049ca4702031ba728591b665c4d4ccd3b2b86864d4c160fd2000000000000000000", "" ],
            [ "141B8EBD9009F84C241879A1F680FACCED355DA36C498F73E96E880CF78EA5F96146380E41", "57074dfa00e42f6555bae624b7f0209f218adf57f73ed34ab0ff90c000000000000000000", "41eb14b6c07bfd3d1fe4f4a610c17cc44fcfcda695db040e011065000000000000000000", "" ],
            [ "141B8EBD9009F84C241879A1F680FACCED355DA36C498F73E96E880CF78EA5F96146380E41", "d8ed7feed2fe855e6997ad6397f776158573d425031bf085a615784000000000000000000", "6f121dcd18c578ab5e229881006007bb6d319b179f11015fe958b9c000000000000000000", "" ],
            [ "2A94608DE88B6D5E9F8920F5ABB06B24CC35AE1FBACC87D075C621C3E2833EC902713E40F51E3B3C214EDFABC451", "2a462b156180ea5fe550d3758c764e06fae54e626b5f503265a09df76edbdfbfa1e6000000000000000000000000", "1136f41d1879fd4fb9e49e0943a46b6704d77c068ee237c3121f9071cfd3e6a00315800000000000000000000000", "0x2A94608DE88B6D5E9F8920F5ABB06B24CC35AE1FBACC87D075C621C3E2833EC902713E40F51E3B3C214EDFABC451 is (dec) 99999999977^10" ],
            [ "2A94608DE88B6D5E9F8920F5ABB06B24CC35AE1FBACC87D075C621C3E2833EC902713E40F51E3B3C214EDFABC451", "c1ac3800dfb3c6954dea391d206200cf3c47f795bf4a5603b4cb88ae7e574de4740800000000000000000000000", "c0d16eda0549ede42fa0deb4635f7b7ce061fadea02ee4d85cba4c4f7096034193c800000000000000000000000", "" ],
            [ "2A94608DE88B6D5E9F8920F5ABB06B24CC35AE1FBACC87D075C621C3E2833EC902713E40F51E3B3C214EDFABC451", "19e45bb7633094d272588ad2e43bcb3ee341991c6731b6fa9d47c4018d7ce7bba5ee800000000000000000000000", "1e4f83166ae59f6b9cc8fd3e7677ed8bfc01bb99c98bd3eb084246b64c1e18c3365b800000000000000000000000", "" ],
            [ "2A94608DE88B6D5E9F8920F5ABB06B24CC35AE1FBACC87D075C621C3E2833EC902713E40F51E3B3C214EDFABC451", "1aa93395fad5f9b7f20b8f9028a054c0bb7c11bb8520e6a95e5a34f06cb70bcdd01a800000000000000000000000", "54b45afa5d4310192f8d224634242dd7dcfb342318df3d9bd37b4c614788ba13b8b000000000000000000000000", "" ],
            [ "8335616AED761F1F7F44E6BD49E807B82E3BF2BF11BFA6AF813C808DBF33DBFA11DABD6E6144BEF37C6800000000000000000000000000000000051", "544f2628a28cfb5ce0a1b7180ee66b49716f1d9476c466c57f0c4b2308991784306d48f78686115ee19e25400000000000000000000000000000000", "677eb31ef8d66c120fa872a60cd47f6e10cbfdf94f90501bd7883cba03d185be0a0148d1625745e9c4c827300000000000000000000000000000000", "0x8335616AED761F1F7F44E6BD49E807B82E3BF2BF11BFA6AF813C808DBF33DBFA11DABD6E6144BEF37C6800000000000000000000000000000000051 is prime, (dec) 10^143 + 3^4" ],
            [ "8335616AED761F1F7F44E6BD49E807B82E3BF2BF11BFA6AF813C808DBF33DBFA11DABD6E6144BEF37C6800000000000000000000000000000000051", "76bb3470985174915e9993522aec989666908f9e8cf5cb9f037bf4aee33d8865cb6464174795d07e30015b80000000000000000000000000000000", "6aaaf60d5784dcef612d133613b179a317532ecca0eed40b8ad0c01e6d4a6d8c79a52af190abd51739009a900000000000000000000000000000000", "" ],
            [ "8335616AED761F1F7F44E6BD49E807B82E3BF2BF11BFA6AF813C808DBF33DBFA11DABD6E6144BEF37C6800000000000000000000000000000000051", "6cfdd6e60912e441d2d1fc88f421b533f0103a5322ccd3f4db84861643ad63fd63d1d8cfbc1d498162786ba00000000000000000000000000000000", "1177246ec5e93814816465e7f8f248b350d954439d35b2b5d75d917218e7fd5fb4c2f6d0667f9467fdcf33400000000000000000000000000000000", "" ],
            [ "8335616AED761F1F7F44E6BD49E807B82E3BF2BF11BFA6AF813C808DBF33DBFA11DABD6E6144BEF37C6800000000000000000000000000000000051", "7a09a0b0f8bbf8057116fb0277a9bdf3a91b5eaa8830d448081510d8973888be5a9f0ad04facb69aa3715f00000000000000000000000000000000", "764dec6c05a1c0d87b649efa5fd94c91ea28bffb4725d4ab4b33f1a3e8e3b314d799020e244a835a145ec9800000000000000000000000000000000", "" ],

        my %described = ();

        for my $g (@generate) {
            my ($nh, $ah, $bh, $info) = @$g;
            my $a = Math::BigInt->from_hex($ah);
            my $b = Math::BigInt->from_hex($bh);
            my $n = Math::BigInt->from_hex($nh);

            my $ln4 = mpi4s($n);
            my $la4 = mpi4s($a);
            my $lb4 = mpi4s($b);

            my $ln8 = mpi8s($n);
            my $la8 = mpi8s($a);
            my $lb8 = mpi8s($b);

            my $r4 = bound_mpi4($n->copy());
            my $i4 = $r4->copy()->bmodinv($n);
            my $x4 = $a * $b * $i4;
            my $xh4 = Math::BigInt->new($x4)->to_hex();

            my $r8 = bound_mpi8($n->copy());
            my $i8 = $r8->copy()->bmodinv($n);
            my $x8 = $a * $b * $i8;
            my $xh8 = Math::BigInt->new($x8)->to_hex();

            die("") if $la4 > $ln4 || $la8 > $ln8;

            my $desc = "$test_name #NUMBER (gen)";
            if ($ln4 > 1) {
                if (!$described{"2-MPI4"}) {
                    $desc .= " (start of 2-MPI 4-byte bignums)";
                    $described{"2-MPI4"} = 1;
            if ($ln8 > 1) {
                if (!$described{"2-MPI8"}) {
                    $desc .= " (start of 2-MPI 8-byte bignums)";
                    $described{"2-MPI8"} = 1;
            if (length($info) && !$described{$info}) {
                $desc .= " " . $info;
                $described{$info} = 1;
            my $case = output($test_name, $ln4, $lb4, $ln8, $lb8, str($ah), str($bh), str($nh), str($xh4), str($xh8));

            #push(@Cases, [$case, $desc, "MBEDTLS_HAVE_INT64"]);    -- now doing it differently
            push(@Cases, [$case, $desc]);

        output_cases("", @Cases);

    sub output_cases {

        my ($explain, @Cases) = @_;

        my $count = 1;
        for my $c (@Cases) {

            my ($case, $desc, $dep) = @$c;
            $desc =~ s/NUMBER/$count/; $count++;
            if (defined($explain) && $desc =~ /EXPLAIN/) {
                $desc =~ s/EXPLAIN/$explain/;
                $explain = "";

            my $depends = "";
            $depends = "depends_on:$dep\n" if defined($dep) && length($dep);

            print <<EOF;


    # The first number (a power of 2) that won't fit in the number of MPIs
    # needed for the given number
    sub bound_mpi4 {
        my $one = Math::BigInt->new(1);     # blsft modifies caller
        return $one->blsft(bits_mpi4($_[0]));

    sub bound_mpi8 {
        my $one = Math::BigInt->new(1);     # blsft modifies caller
        return $one->blsft(bits_mpi8($_[0]));

    # How many bits (a multiple of 32) needed to store the specified number
    # when using 4-byte MPIs
    sub bits_mpi4 {
        return 32 * mpi4s($_[0]);

    # How many bits (a multiple of 64) needed to store the specified number
    # when using 8-byte MPIs
    sub bits_mpi8 {
        return 64 * mpi8s($_[0]);

    # How many 4-byte MPIs needed to store the specified number
    sub mpi4s {
        my ($n) = @_;
        my $h = $n->to_hex();
        return int((length($h) + 7) / 8);

    # How many 8-byte MPIs needed to store the specified number
    sub mpi8s {
        my ($n) = @_;
        my $h = $n->to_hex();
        return int((length($h) + 15) / 16);

    sub output {

        return join(":", @_);

    sub str {
        return '"' . $_[0] . '"';

The data for the generated test cases (@generate) for
was created by

    #!/usr/bin/env perl
    # - randomly generate test cases for
    use strict;
    use warnings;
    use Math::BigInt;
    use sort 'stable';

    my %seen = ();

    my @primes = (
        # From here they require > 1 4-byte MPI
        # From here they require > 1 8-byte MPI
        "25A55A46E5DA99C71C7",      # this is 11111111111111111111111 decimal
        # 10^143 + 3^4: (which is prime)
        # 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000081
    my %prime = map { $_ => 1 } @primes;

    my @moduli = (
        [ "3", "" ],
        [ "7", "" ],
        [ "B", "" ],
        [ "29", "" ],
        [ "FF", "" ],
        [ "101", "" ],
        [ "38B", "" ],
        [ "8003", "" ],
        [ "10001", "" ],
        [ "7F7F7", "" ],
        [ "800009", "" ],
        [ "100002B", "" ],
        [ "37EEE9D", "" ],
        [ "8000000B", "" ],
        [ "8CD626B9", "" ],
        [ "10000000F", "" ],
        [ "174876E7E9", "0x174876E7E9 is prime (dec) 99999999977" ],
        [ "8000000017", "" ],
        [ "864CB9076D", "" ],
        [ "F7F7F7F7F7", "" ],
        [ "1000000000F", "" ],
        [ "800000000005", "" ],
        [ "800795D9BA47", "" ],
        [ "1000000000015", "" ],
        [ "100000000000051", "" ],
        [ "ABCDEF0123456789", "" ],
        [ "25A55A46E5DA99C71C7", "0x25A55A46E5DA99C71C7 is the 3rd repunit prime (dec) 11111111111111111111111" ],
        [ "314DC643FB763F2B8C0E2DE00879", "0x314DC643FB763F2B8C0E2DE00879 is (dec)99999999977^3" ],
        [ "47BF19662275FA2F6845C74942ED1D852E521", "0x47BF19662275FA2F6845C74942ED1D852E521 is (dec) 99999999977^4" ],
        [ "97EDD86E4B5C4592C6D32064AC55C888A7245F07CA3CC455E07C931", "0x97EDD86E4B5C4592C6D32064AC55C888A7245F07CA3CC455E07C931 is (dec) 99999999977^6" ],
        [ "DD15FE80B731872AC104DB37832F7E75A244AA2631BC87885B861E8F20375499", "0xDD15FE80B731872AC104DB37832F7E75A244AA2631BC87885B861E8F20375499 is (dec) 99999999977^7" ],
        [ "141B8EBD9009F84C241879A1F680FACCED355DA36C498F73E96E880CF78EA5F96146380E41", "0x141B8EBD9009F84C241879A1F680FACCED355DA36C498F73E96E880CF78EA5F96146380E41 is 99999999977^8" ],
        [ "2A94608DE88B6D5E9F8920F5ABB06B24CC35AE1FBACC87D075C621C3E2833EC902713E40F51E3B3C214EDFABC451", "0x2A94608DE88B6D5E9F8920F5ABB06B24CC35AE1FBACC87D075C621C3E2833EC902713E40F51E3B3C214EDFABC451 is (dec) 99999999977^10" ],
        [ "8335616AED761F1F7F44E6BD49E807B82E3BF2BF11BFA6AF813C808DBF33DBFA11DABD6E6144BEF37C6800000000000000000000000000000000051", "0x8335616AED761F1F7F44E6BD49E807B82E3BF2BF11BFA6AF813C808DBF33DBFA11DABD6E6144BEF37C6800000000000000000000000000000000051 is prime, (dec) 10^143 + 3^4" ], # 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000081

    #ibase=16 ; obase=10 ; 174876E7E9*174876E7E9
    #ibase=16 ; obase=10 ; 174876E7E9*174876E7E9*174876E7E9
    #99999999977^2: 21E19E0C58BACE25211
    #99999999977^3: 314DC643FB763F2B8C0E2DE00879
    #99999999977^4: 47BF19662275FA2F6845C74942ED1D852E521
    #99999999977^5: 6867A5A664437D20ED7941408583AADA2193CE95695209
    #99999999977^6: 97EDD86E4B5C4592C6D32064AC55C888A7245F07CA3CC455E07C931
    #99999999977^7: DD15FE80B731872AC104DB37832F7E75A244AA2631BC87885B861E8F20375499
    #99999999977^8: 141B8EBD9009F84C241879A1F680FACCED355DA36C498F73E96E880CF78EA5F96146380E41
    #99999999977^9: 1D42AEA1837AA78C6339224E9B39A483E4AAAF12CE7752E1EA1681082CBC8AB056A36B6299557D7A029
    #99999999977^10: 2A94608DE88B6D5E9F8920F5ABB06B24CC35AE1FBACC87D075C621C3E2833EC902713E40F51E3B3C214EDFABC451

    my %mentioned = ();

    for my $mod (@moduli) {
        my ($nh, $info) = @$mod;
        my $n = Math::BigInt->from_hex($nh);

        my $xxx = $n->to_hex();
        die("$xxx != $nh") unless lc($xxx) eq lc($nh);

        my $cases = ($n < 5) ? 3 : 4;
        for (my $case = 0; $case < $cases; $case++) {
            my ($a, $b);
            for ($a = 0; $a == 0; ) {
                $a = int(rand($n));
            for ($b = 0; $b == 0; ) {
                $b = int(rand($n));

            my $cstr = "$a|$b|$n";
            if (exists($seen{$cstr})) {     # don't repeat ourselves

            $seen{$cstr} = 1;

            my $ah = Math::BigInt->new($a)->to_hex();
            my $bh = Math::BigInt->new($b)->to_hex();

            my $desc = "";
            if (length($info)) {
                $desc = $info if !$mentioned{$info};
                $mentioned{$info} = 1;
            } elsif (length($nh) > 1 && $prime{$nh} && !$mentioned{$nh}) {
                $desc = "(0x$nh is prime)";
                $mentioned{$nh} = 1;

            print <<EOF;
            [ "$nh", "$ah", "$bh", "$desc" ],

Signed-off-by: Tom Cosgrove <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
tom-cosgrove-arm committed Aug 23, 2022
1 parent 79b70f6 commit f334d96
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Showing 4 changed files with 548 additions and 36 deletions.
53 changes: 17 additions & 36 deletions library/bignum.c
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1553,30 +1553,10 @@ static void mpi_montg_init( mbedtls_mpi_uint *mm, const mbedtls_mpi *N )
*mm = mbedtls_mpi_montg_init( N->p[0] );

/** Montgomery multiplication: A = A * B * R^-1 mod N (HAC 14.36)
* \param[in,out] A One of the numbers to multiply.
* It must have at least as many limbs as N
* (A->n >= N->n), and any limbs beyond n are ignored.
* On successful completion, A contains the result of
* the multiplication A * B * R^-1 mod N where
* R = (2^ciL)^n.
* \param[in] B One of the numbers to multiply.
* It must be nonzero and must not have more limbs than N
* (B->n <= N->n).
* \param[in] N The modulo. N must be odd.
* \param mm The value calculated by `mpi_montg_init(&mm, N)`.
* This is -N^-1 mod 2^ciL.
* \param[in,out] T A bignum for temporary storage.
* It must be at least twice the limb size of N plus 1
* (T->n >= 2 * N->n + 1).
* Its initial content is unused and
* its final content is indeterminate.
* Note that unlike the usual convention in the library
* for `const mbedtls_mpi*`, the content of T can change.
static void mpi_montmul( mbedtls_mpi *A, const mbedtls_mpi *B, const mbedtls_mpi *N, mbedtls_mpi_uint mm,
const mbedtls_mpi *T )
/* This would be static, but is tested */
void mbedtls_mpi_montmul( mbedtls_mpi *A, const mbedtls_mpi *B,
const mbedtls_mpi *N, mbedtls_mpi_uint mm,
const mbedtls_mpi *T )
size_t n, m;
mbedtls_mpi_uint *d;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1630,7 +1610,8 @@ static void mpi_montmul( mbedtls_mpi *A, const mbedtls_mpi *B, const mbedtls_mpi
* Montgomery reduction: A = A * R^-1 mod N
* See mpi_montmul() regarding constraints and guarantees on the parameters.
* See the doc for mbedtls_mpi_montmul() regarding constraints and guarantees on
* the parameters.
static void mpi_montred( mbedtls_mpi *A, const mbedtls_mpi *N,
mbedtls_mpi_uint mm, const mbedtls_mpi *T )
Expand All @@ -1641,7 +1622,7 @@ static void mpi_montred( mbedtls_mpi *A, const mbedtls_mpi *N,
U.n = U.s = (int) z;
U.p = &z;

mpi_montmul( A, &U, N, mm, T );
mbedtls_mpi_montmul( A, &U, N, mm, T );

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1723,7 +1704,7 @@ int mbedtls_mpi_exp_mod( mbedtls_mpi *X, const mbedtls_mpi *A,

j = N->n + 1;
/* All W[i] and X must have at least N->n limbs for the mpi_montmul()
/* All W[i] and X must have at least N->n limbs for the mbedtls_mpi_montmul()
* and mpi_montred() calls later. Here we ensure that W[1] and X are
* large enough, and later we'll grow other W[i] to the same length.
* They must not be shrunk midway through this function!
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1766,15 +1747,15 @@ int mbedtls_mpi_exp_mod( mbedtls_mpi *X, const mbedtls_mpi *A,
MBEDTLS_MPI_CHK( mbedtls_mpi_mod_mpi( &W[1], A, N ) );
/* This should be a no-op because W[1] is already that large before
* mbedtls_mpi_mod_mpi(), but it's necessary to avoid an overflow
* in mpi_montmul() below, so let's make sure. */
* in mbedtls_mpi_montmul() below, so let's make sure. */
MBEDTLS_MPI_CHK( mbedtls_mpi_grow( &W[1], N->n + 1 ) );
MBEDTLS_MPI_CHK( mbedtls_mpi_copy( &W[1], A ) );

/* Note that this is safe because W[1] always has at least N->n limbs
* (it grew above and was preserved by mbedtls_mpi_copy()). */
mpi_montmul( &W[1], &RR, N, mm, &T );
mbedtls_mpi_montmul( &W[1], &RR, N, mm, &T );

* X = R^2 * R^-1 mod N = R mod N
Expand All @@ -1793,7 +1774,7 @@ int mbedtls_mpi_exp_mod( mbedtls_mpi *X, const mbedtls_mpi *A,
MBEDTLS_MPI_CHK( mbedtls_mpi_copy( &W[j], &W[1] ) );

for( i = 0; i < wsize - 1; i++ )
mpi_montmul( &W[j], &W[j], N, mm, &T );
mbedtls_mpi_montmul( &W[j], &W[j], N, mm, &T );

* W[i] = W[i - 1] * W[1]
Expand All @@ -1803,7 +1784,7 @@ int mbedtls_mpi_exp_mod( mbedtls_mpi *X, const mbedtls_mpi *A,
MBEDTLS_MPI_CHK( mbedtls_mpi_grow( &W[i], N->n + 1 ) );
MBEDTLS_MPI_CHK( mbedtls_mpi_copy( &W[i], &W[i - 1] ) );

mpi_montmul( &W[i], &W[1], N, mm, &T );
mbedtls_mpi_montmul( &W[i], &W[1], N, mm, &T );

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1840,7 +1821,7 @@ int mbedtls_mpi_exp_mod( mbedtls_mpi *X, const mbedtls_mpi *A,
* out of window, square X
mpi_montmul( X, X, N, mm, &T );
mbedtls_mpi_montmul( X, X, N, mm, &T );

Expand All @@ -1858,13 +1839,13 @@ int mbedtls_mpi_exp_mod( mbedtls_mpi *X, const mbedtls_mpi *A,
* X = X^wsize R^-1 mod N
for( i = 0; i < wsize; i++ )
mpi_montmul( X, X, N, mm, &T );
mbedtls_mpi_montmul( X, X, N, mm, &T );

* X = X * W[wbits] R^-1 mod N
MBEDTLS_MPI_CHK( mpi_select( &WW, W, (size_t) 1 << wsize, wbits ) );
mpi_montmul( X, &WW, N, mm, &T );
mbedtls_mpi_montmul( X, &WW, N, mm, &T );

nbits = 0;
Expand All @@ -1877,12 +1858,12 @@ int mbedtls_mpi_exp_mod( mbedtls_mpi *X, const mbedtls_mpi *A,
for( i = 0; i < nbits; i++ )
mpi_montmul( X, X, N, mm, &T );
mbedtls_mpi_montmul( X, X, N, mm, &T );

wbits <<= 1;

if( ( wbits & ( one << wsize ) ) != 0 )
mpi_montmul( X, &W[1], N, mm, &T );
mbedtls_mpi_montmul( X, &W[1], N, mm, &T );

Expand Down
28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions library/bignum_core.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -263,4 +263,32 @@ mbedtls_mpi_uint mbedtls_mpi_core_add_if( mbedtls_mpi_uint *d,
size_t n,
unsigned cond );

/** Montgomery multiplication: A = A * B * R^-1 mod N (HAC 14.36)
* This would be static, but is tested.
* \param[in,out] A One of the numbers to multiply.
* It must have at least as many limbs as N
* (A->n >= N->n), and any limbs beyond n are ignored.
* On successful completion, A contains the result of
* the multiplication A * B * R^-1 mod N where
* R = (2^ciL)^n.
* \param[in] B One of the numbers to multiply.
* It must be nonzero and must not have more limbs than N
* (B->n <= N->n).
* \param[in] N The modulo. N must be odd.
* \param mm The value calculated by `mpi_montg_init(&mm, N)`.
* This is -N^-1 mod 2^ciL.
* \param[in,out] T A bignum for temporary storage.
* It must be at least twice the limb size of N plus 1
* (T->n >= 2 * N->n + 1).
* Its initial content is unused and
* its final content is indeterminate.
* Note that unlike the usual convention in the library
* for `const mbedtls_mpi*`, the content of T can change.
void mbedtls_mpi_montmul( mbedtls_mpi *A, const mbedtls_mpi *B,
const mbedtls_mpi *N, mbedtls_mpi_uint mm,
const mbedtls_mpi *T );


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