This is an end to end example automation testing solution by using Cypress and Javascript language. Cypress is a next generation end to end testing tool built for the modern web. With it, tests can be faster, easier and more reliable.
You can find more details in
Windows install: []
MacOS install: []
Other OSs install: []
Chrome: Version 86.0.4240.111
Firefox: Version 82.0.2
cd /your/project/path
git clone (through https)
git clone [email protected]:MaxnzWZ/CypressSolutionTesting.git (through ssh)
cd /your/project/path/CypressSolutionTesting
npm install
npx cypress version
npx cypress verify
npx cypress open
npx cypress run --headless --browser chrome (headless run with chrome)
npx cypress run --headless --browser firefox (headless run with firefox)
npx cypress run --spec "cypress/integration/path_check_kiwisaver_calculator.spec.js"
Run tests with Cypress Dashboard []
The Cypress Dashboard is a service that gives you access to recorded tests - typically when running Cypress tests from your CI provider. The Dashboard provides you insight into what happened when your tests ran.
npx cypress run --record --key d3c5d06d-20cf-4671-ae56-9d9378128b0b
Test results (logs, screenshots, videos) can be checked in the project folder in Cypress Dashboard server.