CHAIR metric is a rule-based metric for evaluating object hallucination in caption generation.
I modified the original code, the original implementation CHAIR can be found at
I did NOT changing its calculation to keep consistency.
Espeically, i added a new metric Recall
to calculate the percentage of recalled gt objects over all gt objects. Other modifications are listed below.
- adapt calculation of CHAIR-i and CHAIR-s for Python3, supports for both json and jsonl file input.
- integrate synonyms.txt to make the script standalone.
- remove machine-translation based metrics BLEU-n, CIDEr, ROGUE
- add new metric Recall, which represents the node words(i.e. lemmas of objects) coverage overall.
- add pickle cache mechanism to make it fast for repetitive evaluations.
I aleady serilized the inited CHAIR evaluator object for coco into a pickle, you can use it by setting --cache
, see #Example Run.
Or if you want to built CHAIR evaluator from scratch, do following steps.
Put these files into coco_annotations
dir first. Download from
- captions_train2014.json
- captions_val2014.json
- instances_train2014.json
- instances_val2014.json
and python --cache <new_cache_path>
, it should argue about inputs but it is okay to built cache.
python \
--cap_file example_inputs.jsonl \
--image_id_key image_id \
--caption_key caption \
--cache chair.pkl \
--save_path outputs.json
CHAIRs : 0.0
CHAIRi : 0.0
Recall : 85.7
parser.add_argument("--cap_file", type=str, default='',
help="path towards json or jsonl saving image ids and their captions in list of dict.")
parser.add_argument("--image_id_key", type=str, default="image_id",
help="in each dict of cap_file, which key stores image id of coco.")
parser.add_argument("--caption_key", type=str, default="caption",
help="in each dict of cap_file, which key stores caption of the image.")
parser.add_argument("--cache", type=str, default="chair.pkl",
help="pre inited CHAIR evaluator object, for fast loading.")
parser.add_argument("--coco_path", type=str, default='coco_annotations',
help="only use for regenerating CHAIR evaluator object, will be ignored if uses cached evaluator.")
parser.add_argument("--save_path", type=str, default="",
help="saving CHAIR evaluate and results to json, useful for debugging the caption model.")
Since the original implementation is written in Python2, hard to read and needs intermediate results to run, i have not test the original implementation yet.
But i've tried my best to keep the consistency so i guess it could reproduce CHAIR comparing to the original code.