Setup for liftoff CLI for creating and configuring new Xcode projects in Swift
- Instalation
brew tap liftoffcli/formulae
brew install liftoff
- Add the Swift 4 and Xcode 9 compatibility
You'll need to go to the directory located at /usr/local/Cellar/liftoff/{lastest version}/rubylib/liftoff/
Edit the file named project.rb, in function named 'new_app_target' add this line
configuration.build_settings['SWIFT_VERSION'] = '4.0'
Edit the file named project_builder.rb, replace the data of function named 'resource_file' by
def resource_file?(name)
name.end_with?('xcassets', 'bundle', 'xib', 'storyboard', 'xml')
- Enjoy liftoff 🍻