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[Mobile] - add CSS Unit parser to px (WordPress#34186)
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* Add getPxFromCssUnit

* Add support for css functions

* Code clean up + adding support for lh and Q units

* Fix numeric value return px value in calculation or not

* Update packages/block-editor/src/utils/test/parse-css-unit-to-px.js

Co-authored-by: Gerardo Pacheco <[email protected]>

Co-authored-by: Gerardo Pacheco <[email protected]>
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enejb and Gerardo Pacheco authored Sep 3, 2021
1 parent ca67d60 commit 389a1cc
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Showing 2 changed files with 413 additions and 0 deletions.
230 changes: 230 additions & 0 deletions packages/block-editor/src/utils/parse-css-unit-to-px.js
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@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
* Converts string to object { value, unit }.
* @param {string} cssUnit
* @return {Object} parsedUnit
function parseUnit( cssUnit ) {
const match = cssUnit
if ( ! isNaN( cssUnit ) && ! isNaN( parseFloat( cssUnit ) ) ) {
return { value: parseFloat( cssUnit ), unit: 'px' };
return match
? { value: parseFloat( match[ 1 ] ) || match[ 1 ], unit: match[ 2 ] }
: { value: cssUnit, unit: undefined };
* Evaluate a math expression.
* @param {string} expression
* @return {number} evaluated expression.
function calculate( expression ) {
return Function( `'use strict'; return (${ expression })` )();

* Calculates the css function value for the supported css functions such as max, min, clamp and calc.
* @param {string} functionUnitValue string should be in a particular format (for example min(12px,12px) ) no nested loops.
* @param {Object} options
* @return {string} unit containing the unit in PX.
function getFunctionUnitValue( functionUnitValue, options ) {
const functionUnit = functionUnitValue.split( /[(),]/g ).filter( Boolean );

const units = functionUnit
.slice( 1 )
.map( ( unit ) => parseUnit( getPxFromCssUnit( unit, options ) ).value )
.filter( Boolean );

switch ( functionUnit[ 0 ] ) {
case 'min':
return Math.min( ...units ) + 'px';
case 'max':
return Math.max( ...units ) + 'px';
case 'clamp':
if ( units.length !== 3 ) {
return null;
if ( units[ 1 ] < units[ 0 ] ) {
return units[ 0 ] + 'px';
if ( units[ 1 ] > units[ 2 ] ) {
return units[ 2 ] + 'px';
return units[ 1 ] + 'px';
case 'calc':
return units[ 0 ] + 'px';

* Take a css function such as min, max, calc, clamp and returns parsedUnit
* How this works for the nested function is that it first replaces the inner function call.
* Then it tackles the outer onces.
* So for example: min( max(25px, 35px), 40px )
* in the first pass we would replace max(25px, 35px) with 35px.
* then we would try to evaluate min( 35px, 40px )
* and then finally return 35px.
* @param {string} cssUnit
* @return {Object} parsedUnit object.
function parseUnitFunction( cssUnit ) {
while ( true ) {
const currentCssUnit = cssUnit;
const regExp = /(max|min|calc|clamp)\(([^()]*)\)/g;
const matches = regExp.exec( cssUnit ) || [];
if ( matches[ 0 ] ) {
const functionUnitValue = getFunctionUnitValue( matches[ 0 ] );
cssUnit = cssUnit.replace( matches[ 0 ], functionUnitValue );

// if the unit hasn't been modified or we have a single value break free.
if ( cssUnit === currentCssUnit || parseFloat( cssUnit ) ) {

return parseUnit( cssUnit );
* Return true if we think this is a math expression.
* @param {string} cssUnit the cssUnit value being evaluted.
* @return {boolean} Whether the cssUnit is a math expression.
function isMathExpression( cssUnit ) {
for ( let i = 0; i < cssUnit.length; i++ ) {
if ( [ '+', '-', '/', '*' ].includes( cssUnit[ i ] ) ) {
return true;
return false;
* Evaluates the math expression and return a px value.
* @param {string} cssUnit the cssUnit value being evaluted.
* @return {string} return a converfted value to px.
function evalMathExpression( cssUnit ) {
let errorFound = false;
// Convert every part of the expression to px values.
const cssUnitsBits = cssUnit.split( /[+-/*/]/g ).filter( Boolean );
for ( const unit of cssUnitsBits ) {
// Standardize the unit to px and extract the value.
const parsedUnit = parseUnit( getPxFromCssUnit( unit ) );
if ( ! parseFloat( parsedUnit.value ) ) {
errorFound = true;
// end early since we are dealing with a null value.
cssUnit = cssUnit.replace( unit, parsedUnit.value );

return errorFound ? null : calculate( cssUnit ).toFixed( 0 ) + 'px';
* Convert a parsedUnit object to px value.
* @param {Object} parsedUnit
* @param {Object} options
* @return {string} or {null} returns the converted with in a px value format.
function convertParsedUnitToPx( parsedUnit, options ) {
const PIXELS_PER_INCH = 96;
const ONE_PERCENT = 0.01;

const defaultProperties = {
fontSize: 16,
lineHeight: 16,
width: 375,
height: 812,
type: 'font',

const setOptions = Object.assign( {}, defaultProperties, options );

const relativeUnits = {
em: setOptions.fontSize,
rem: setOptions.fontSize,
vh: setOptions.height * ONE_PERCENT,
vw: setOptions.width * ONE_PERCENT,
( setOptions.width < setOptions.height
? setOptions.width
: setOptions.height ) * ONE_PERCENT,
( setOptions.width > setOptions.height
? setOptions.width
: setOptions.height ) * ONE_PERCENT,
( setOptions.type === 'font'
? setOptions.fontSize
: setOptions.width ) * ONE_PERCENT,
ch: 8, // The advance measure (width) of the glyph "0" of the element's font. Approximate
ex: 7.15625, // x-height of the element's font. Approximate
lh: setOptions.lineHeight,

const absoluteUnits = {
cm: PIXELS_PER_INCH / 2.54,
mm: PIXELS_PER_INCH / 25.4,
px: 1,
Q: PIXELS_PER_INCH / 2.54 / 40,

if ( relativeUnits[ parsedUnit.unit ] ) {
return (
( relativeUnits[ parsedUnit.unit ] * parsedUnit.value ).toFixed(
) + 'px'

if ( absoluteUnits[ parsedUnit.unit ] ) {
return (
( absoluteUnits[ parsedUnit.unit ] * parsedUnit.value ).toFixed(
) + 'px'

return null;
* Returns the px value of a cssUnit.
* @param {string} cssUnit
* @param {string} options
* @return {string} returns the cssUnit value in a simple px format.
export function getPxFromCssUnit( cssUnit, options = {} ) {
if ( Number.isFinite( cssUnit ) ) {
return cssUnit.toFixed( 0 ) + 'px';
if ( cssUnit === undefined ) {
return null;
let parsedUnit = parseUnit( cssUnit );

if ( ! parsedUnit.unit ) {
parsedUnit = parseUnitFunction( cssUnit, options );

if ( isMathExpression( cssUnit ) && ! parsedUnit.unit ) {
return evalMathExpression( cssUnit );

return convertParsedUnitToPx( parsedUnit, options );

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