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MatthewThe edited this page Feb 19, 2015 · 1 revision

Setting up a local copy

  1. Install git:
sudo apt-get install git
  1. Clone repository (this will create a folder called cyto-rna in the working directory):
git clone


When working on the project, please follow the following workflow (all commands are executed inside the created cyto-rna folder):

  1. Get the latest version of the repository:
git pull
  1. Make your local changes (including adding and deleting files):
  2. Add new files if you have created any:
git add .
  1. Commit your files to your local repository:
git commit -am "Some useful message"
  1. Push your files to github (this might give errors if changes were made by another person in the mean time):
git push
  • Remember to do steps 3-5 regularly (at the minimum when you finish your work for the day, preferably after every significant work).
  • Note that you can also use git on UPPMAX using the exact same commands as above
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