Rest API backend for gift-wishlist application
- Poetry:
- Docker:
Once the above dependencies have been installed run the following:
Setup project venv
This creates a virtual environment using poetry located in the project root.venv
This is to allow tools like pycharm to use the venv as the project interpreter.
- Run the database database:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up
- If this is the first time running the migrations should now be applied (See "Run migrations" below)
- Run the local uvicorn web server:
See scripts
folder for several scripts.
Some examples shown below:
- Run the tests (written using pytest):
- Run all linting tools:
- Format python code:
Database migrations are handled using alembic, ensure they are run before starting dev server.
All files are localed in ./alembic
and ./alembic.ini
Activate the .venv and then the following commands are available to you
- Run migrations:
PYTHONPATH=. alembic upgrade head
- Add a new migration
PYTHONPATH=. alembic revision --autogenerate -m "Add some table"
Check alembic docs for more info: