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Library for generating build-time config modules for Elm apps

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The Basics

elm-build-config provides a simple utility for generating elm files that contain static configuration key-value pairs defined at build time. e.g.:

module BuildConfig exposing (..)

deployPath : String
deployPath = "/my/deploy/path/"

isProduction : Bool
isProduction = True

To generate a config file, use the createConfigFile function:

import { createConfigFile } from "elm-build-config";

// Normally this would use dynamic values injected by your build tooling.
const config = {
  bool: true,
  string: "hello",
  int: 1,
  float: 3.14159


The configuration object passed to createConfigFile can contain booleans, strings and numbers (which will be converted to int or float depending on value). Any invalid values will cause the file generation to fail.

By default the output file will be located at src/BuildConfig.elm, but you can customize the output with options:

createConfigFile(config, { srcDir: "elmApp/src", moduleName: "Config.Build" });

The available options are:

srcDir: The path to and elm src dir, as defined in elm.json. (Default: src)

moduleName: The desired name of the output module. The output file will be generated at the appropriate path based on the source dir and the chosen name. (Default: BuildConfig)

Example Usage

elm-build-config isn't that useful on it's own. It's intended to be part of a build process. Here we'll outline an example of using it in an elm-spa app built by Vite. In this app, the eventual deploy path is set by an external process that provides a DEPLOY_PATH environment variable.

First, we update our vite.config.js file to run createConfigFile when the build starts, by defining a small plugin in the config file:

import { defineConfig } from "vite";
import elmPlugin from "vite-plugin-elm";
import { createConfigFile } from "elm-build-config";

export default defineConfig(({ command, mode }) => {
  //Pull vite's basePath from the environment if present
  const basePath = process.env.DEPLOY_PATH || "./";

  return {
    root: "public",
    base: basePath,
    plugins: [
      // We pass the path to a locally defined plugin
      configPlugin({ deployPath: basePath })
    build: {
      outDir: "../dist",
      emptyOutDir: true

// This is a minimal vite plugin that calls `createConfigFile` with our config
function configPlugin(configData, options) {
  return {
    name: "elm-build-config",
    buildStart() {
      createConfigFile(configData, options);

This creates a BuildConfig.elm file in our project:

module BuildConfig exposing (..)

deployPath: String
deployPath = "/deploy/path/"

From this, we create a Path.elm file with a few useful utility functions:

module Path exposing (inApp, normalizeUrl)

import BuildConfig exposing (deployPath)
import Url exposing (Url)

{-| Convert a path relative to the root of the app to a path based on our
deploy location. This is useful for generating links and navigation commands.
inApp : String -> String
inApp path =
    deployPath ++ path

{-| Given a Url with a full path, trim the deployPath from the front of it. If
we do this before handing the Url to elm-spa for routing, everything should work
normalizeUrl : Url -> Url
normalizeUrl url =
        newPath =
            if String.startsWith deployPath url.path then
                String.dropLeft (String.length deployPath) url.path

    { url | path = newPath }

The we update Main.elm (ejecting from .elm-spa/defaults if needed):

init : Shared.Flags -> Url -> Key -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init flags rawUrl key =
        -- Normalize the url before init
        url =
            Path.normalizeUrl rawUrl

        ( shared, sharedCmd ) =
            Shared.init (Request.create () url key) flags

        ( page, effect ) =
            Pages.init (Route.fromUrl url) shared url key
    ( Model url key shared page
    , Cmd.batch
        [ Shared sharedCmd
        , Effect.toCmd ( Shared, Page ) effect
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
    case msg of
        ChangedUrl rawUrl ->
                -- Normalize incoming Urls
                url =
                    Path.normalizeUrl rawUrl
            if url.path /= model.url.path then
                    ( page, effect ) =
                        Pages.init (Route.fromUrl url) model.shared url model.key
                ( { model | url = url, page = page }
                , Effect.toCmd ( Shared, Page ) effect

                ( { model | url = url }, Cmd.none )

And that's it! (probably, I just built this thing)


Library for generating build-time config modules for Elm apps






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