This code is now deprecated and also not clean at all: huge disclaimer!
In order to improve our club in the mobile game BrawlStar, with Mathieu we created a front end to keep a track of our game. This gave us many informations :
- weakness and strenght of every player with every brawlers
- best teamworks
- best composition of brawler per map
- challenge other player to do their best
- and so on
Data available in BrawlStars API, using of GCP to pull informations of every player. This repo just get back all data from GCP every 3 days and preprocess it to create the final csv file used by the front.
Developped in Dash in one night, this is pretty ugly but it worked for us. The app was heberged by The actual adress is: (down every 3 months).
Pulling info done also by pythonanywhere with a scheduled job.
Thanks to Mathieu for his work with the game API.
Also thanks to Ulysse who helped us in the quick conception.
Finally thanks to brawlstar, we had fun playing and thinking of this little project.