Search, stream and download movies without having to bump into ads. Feel free to add any new movie sites
Gophie is a tool to help you search, stream and download movies from movie sites without going through all the stress of by-passing ads. Currently, the following sites are actively supported:
- NetNaija
- FzMovies
- BestHD
- CoolMoviez
- Nkiri
- TvSeries
- AnimeOut
- Takanimelist
- KDramaHood
Gophie also has mobile and web clients.
With Golang installed
go install
Or download from Github Releases
>>> gophie
gophie [command]
Available Commands:
api host gophie as an API on a PORT env variable, fallback to set argument
clear-cache Clears the Gophie Cache
engines Show summary and list of available engines
help Help about any command
list lists the recent movies by page number
resume resume downloads for previously stopped movies
search search for a movie
stream Stream a video from gophie
version Get Gophie Version
-c, --cache-dir string The directory to store/lookup cache
-e, --engine string The Engine to use for querying and downloading (default "netnaija")
-h, --help help for gophie
-o, --output-dir string Path to download files to
-s, --selenium-url string The URL of selenium instance to use
-v, --verbose Display Verbose logs
Use "gophie [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Gophie - Bisoncorp (2020) (
For Development use go run main.go [command]
To create a new tag, use the make file
make upgrade version=0.x.x
The deployed API version from gophie api
is available on Heroku. Please read the API documentation for usage
This project is opened under the GNU AGPLv3 which allows very broad use for both academic and commercial purposes.
Library/Resource | Use |
---|---| | scraping the net for links | | interactive CLI | | CLI interface | | Downloader (resume capabilities) |
Stoplight | Generating API docs |