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Merge pull request #177 from MasterCruelty/develop
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MasterCruelty authored Dec 28, 2024
2 parents 01bb758 + 72e7592 commit bbe353f
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Showing 5 changed files with 58 additions and 94 deletions.
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions help.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -41,8 +41,7 @@
"weather":"**/weather 'place'** => restituisce i dati meteo principali della città richiesta.\n",
"weathermap": "**/weathermap 'area' ** => Restituisce un'immagine della mappa dell'area scelta\n",
"weathersat": "**/weathersat 'area','modalità' ** => Restituisce una gif satellitare dell'area. \n__**modalità esistenti: pioggia/sole/neve/infrarossi.**\nPer l'area inserire il codice Alpha-2 della nazione come IT o DE. Per alcune aree esiste un codice apposito, ad esempio per la zona delle alpi si può inserire ALPS.__\n",
"forecastoday":"**/forecastoday 'place'** => restituisce i dati meteo delle fasce orarie del giorno corrente.\n",
"forecastfuture":"**/forecastfuture 'place'** => restituisce le previsioni meteo fino a 2 giorni dopo.\n",
"forecast":"**/forecast 'place'** => restituisce le previsioni meteo per qualche giorno.\n",
"extremeforecast":"**/extremeforecast 'place' ** => restituisce previsioni di eventi estremi nella località richiesta.\nUsare opzione -z <code-zone> per avere i dati dell'intera area regionale. Ad esempio __-z lomb-13__ per avere dati su una zona regionale della Lombardia"
"openai":"**/ai 'input' ** => genera un testo in base all'input dato grazie alle api di OpenAI.\n**/aimg 'input' ** => Genera un'immagine con l'algoritmo DALL-E\n__Per utilizzare questi comandi è necessario acquisire credito, contatta @MasterCruelty__",
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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions modules/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -80,4 +80,7 @@ def search_board_game(query,client,message):
for match in matches:
object_id, name, year_published = match
result += f"**Titolo**: __{name}__\n**Anno**: __{year_published}__\n**ID**: <code>{object_id}</code>\n" + "\n"
if len(result) >= 4096:
result = ""
return sendMessage(client,message,result)
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion modules/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,7 +14,10 @@ def get_pokemon_info(query,client,message):
# Ottieni informazioni sul Pokémon
pokemon = pokebase.pokemon(query.lower())
# Ottieni informazioni aggiuntive
species = pokebase.pokemon_species(
species = pokebase.pokemon_species(
except AttributeError:
return sendMessage(client,message,"__No pokémon found.__")
abilities = [ for ability in pokemon.abilities]
location_urls = [encounter.location_area.url for encounter in pokemon.location_area_encounters]
types_name = [ for item in pokemon.types]
Expand Down
138 changes: 49 additions & 89 deletions modules/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,7 +29,21 @@ def call_api_weather(query):
return coordinates
lat = coordinates[0]
lon = coordinates[1]
url = "" %(lat,lon,api_weather)
url = "" %(lat,lon,api_weather)
response = requests.get(url)
data = json.loads(response.text)
return data

Support function which call api for forecasts
def call_api_weather_forecast(query):
coordinates = showmaps(query,"client","message") #showmaps will raise an exception and return only coordinates
if("404:" in str(coordinates)):
return coordinates
lat = coordinates[0]
lon = coordinates[1]
url ="" %(lat,lon,api_weather)
response = requests.get(url)
data = json.loads(response.text)
return data
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -74,17 +88,25 @@ def get_weather(query,client,message):
if("404:" in str(data)):
return sendMessage(client,message,data)
data_air = call_api_airPollution(query)
current_temp = str(data["current"]["temp"])
feels_temp = str(data["current"]["feels_like"])
umidita = str(data["current"]["humidity"]) # % of umidity
clouds = str(data["current"]["clouds"]) # % of cloudiness
visibility = str(data["current"]["visibility"]) # Visibility in metres
wind_speed = data["current"]["wind_speed"] * 3.6 #speed in m/s
current_temp = str(data["main"]["temp"])
feels_temp = str(data["main"]["feels_like"])
umidita = str(data["main"]["humidity"]) # % of umidity
clouds = str(data["clouds"]) # % of cloudiness
visibility = str(data["visibility"]) # Visibility in metres
wind_speed = data["wind"]["speed"] * 3.6 #speed in m/s
wind_speed = str(round(wind_speed,2))
weather = data["current"]["weather"][0]["description"]
#get rain/snow mm/h if available
rain = "0 mm/h"
snow = "0 mm/h"
rain = str(data["rain"]["1h"])
snow = str(data["snow"]["1h"])
print("pioggia non presente")
weather = data["weather"][0]["description"]
#sunrise and sunset UNIX time
sunset = data["current"]["sunset"]
sunrise = data["current"]["sunrise"]
sunset = data["sys"]["sunset"]
sunrise = data["sys"]["sunrise"]
#Conversion to Europe/Rome timezone
sunset = str(dt.fromtimestamp(sunset, pytz.timezone('Europe/Rome')))[10:]
sunrise = str(dt.fromtimestamp(sunrise, pytz.timezone('Europe/Rome')))[10:]
Expand All @@ -94,7 +116,11 @@ def get_weather(query,client,message):
pm10 = str(data_air["list"][0]["components"]["pm10"]) + " μg/m3 [Limite soglia giornaliera = 50 μg/m3]"
pm25 = str(data_air["list"][0]["components"]["pm2_5"]) + " μg/m3 [Limite annuo = 25 μg/m3]"
#Result string
result = "**" + query.title() + "**" + "\n**Meteo:** __" + weather + "__\n**Temperatura attuale:** __" + current_temp + " C°__.\n**Temperatura percepita:** __" + feels_temp + " C°__.\n**Umidità:** __" + umidita + "%__.\n**Nuvole:** __" + clouds + "%__.\n**Visibilità:** __" + visibility + " metri__.\n**Velocità del vento:** __" + wind_speed + " km/h__.\n**Ora alba:** __" + sunrise + "__\n**Ora tramonto:** __" + sunset + "__\n\n**Qualità dell'aria:** __" + air_quality + "__\n**PM10:** __" + pm10 + "__\n**PM2.5:** __" + pm25 + "__"
result = "**" + data["name"] + "**" + "\n**Meteo:** __" + weather + "__\n**Temperatura attuale:** __" + current_temp + " C°__.\n**Temperatura percepita:** __" + feels_temp + " C°__.\n**Umidità:** __" + umidita + "%__.\n**Nuvole:** __" + clouds + "%__.\n**Visibilità:** __" + visibility + " metri__.\n**Velocità del vento:** __" + wind_speed + " km/h__.\n**Ora alba:** __" + sunrise + "__\n**Ora tramonto:** __" + sunset + "__\n\n**Qualità dell'aria:** __" + air_quality + "__\n**PM10:** __" + pm10 + "__\n**PM2.5:** __" + pm25 + "__"
if rain != "0 mm/h":
result +="\n\n**Pioggia:** __" + rain + " mm/h.__"
elif snow != "0 mm/h":
result +="\n\n**Neve:** __" + snow + " mm/h.__"
return sendMessage(client,message,result)

Expand All @@ -108,33 +134,29 @@ def get_weather(query,client,message):
def get_today_forecasts(query,client,message):
global pages_t
global k1
data = call_api_weather(query)
array_hourly = data["hourly"]
today =
today = str(today.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))
result = "**" + query.title() + "** __" + str(today) + "__\n\n"
data = call_api_weather_forecast(query)
array_data = data["list"]
pages_t = []
z = 0 #variabile ausiliaria locale per popolare pages

#Costruisco la stringa formattata e popolo la globale pages
for item in array_hourly:
giorno = str(dt.fromtimestamp(item["dt"],pytz.timezone('Europe/Rome')))
if(giorno[0:10] != today):
giorno = giorno[10:]
temp = str(item["temp"]) + " C°"
feels_temp = str(item["feels_like"]) + " C°"
clouds = str(item["clouds"]) + "%"
for item in array_data:
#giorno = str(dt.fromtimestamp(item["dt"],pytz.timezone('Europe/Rome')))
giorno = item["dt_txt"]
temp = str(item["main"]["temp"]) + " C°"
feels_temp = str(item["main"]["feels_like"]) + " C°"
temp_min = str(item["main"]["temp_min"])+ " C°"
temp_max = str(item["main"]["temp_max"])+ " C°"
wind = item["wind"]["speed"] * 3.6 #speed in m/s
wind = str(round(wind,2))
weather = item["weather"][0]["description"]
result += giorno + "\n**Meteo:** __" + weather + "__\n**Temperatura:** __" + temp + "__\n**Temperatura percepita:** __" + feels_temp + "__\n**Nuvole:** __" + clouds + "__\n##################\n\n"
result = giorno + "\n**Meteo:** __" + weather + "__\n**Velocità vento:** __" + wind + " km/h.__\n**Temperatura:** __" + temp + "__\n**Temperatura percepita:** __" + feels_temp + "__\n**Temp minima:** __" + temp_min + "__\n**Temp massima:** __" + temp_max + "__\n##################\n\n"
z = z + 1
if(z % 2 == 0):
result = "**" + query.title() + "** __" + str(today) + "__\n\n"
elif("23" in giorno):
result = "**" + query.title() + "** __" + str(today) + "__\n\n"

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -162,68 +184,6 @@ def press_forecastoday(client,message):

Json ottenuto in modo analogo a "get_weather" e vengono rilasciati i dati meteo principali della settimana che verrà.
global pages_f
global k2
def get_future_forecasts(query,client,message):
global pages_f
global k2
data = call_api_weather(query)
array_daily = data["daily"]
result = "**" + query.title() + "**\n\n"
pages_f = []
for item in array_daily:
giorno = str(dt.fromtimestamp(item["dt"],pytz.timezone('Europe/Rome')))[0:10]
sunset = str(dt.fromtimestamp(item["sunset"], pytz.timezone('Europe/Rome')))[10:]
sunrise = str(dt.fromtimestamp(item["sunrise"], pytz.timezone('Europe/Rome')))[10:]
morning = str(item["temp"]["morn"]) + " C°"
day = str(item["temp"]["day"]) + " C°"
evening = str(item["temp"]["eve"]) + " C°"
night = str(item["temp"]["night"]) + " C°"
feels_morning = str(item["feels_like"]["morn"]) + " C°"
feels_day = str(item["feels_like"]["day"]) + " C°"
feels_evening = str(item["feels_like"]["eve"]) + " C°"
feels_night = str(item["feels_like"]["night"]) + " C°"
temp_min = str(item["temp"]["min"])+ " C°"
temp_max = str(item["temp"]["max"])+ " C°"
umidita = str(item["humidity"]) + "%" # % of umidity
wind_speed = item["wind_speed"] * 3.6 #speed in m/s
wind_speed = str(round(wind_speed,2))
clouds = str(item["clouds"]) + "%"
weather = item["weather"][0]["description"]
result += "**__" + giorno + "**__\n**Meteo:** __" + weather + "__\n**Temperatura reale/percepita\n\nMattina:** __" + morning + " / " + feels_morning + "__\n**Giorno:** __" + day + " / " + feels_day + "__\n**Sera:** __" + evening + " / " + feels_evening + "\n**Notte:** __" + night + " / " + feels_night + "\n**Minima:** __" + temp_min + "__\n**Massima:** __" + temp_max + "__\n**Umidità:** __" + umidita + "__\n**Velocità del vento:** __" + wind_speed + " km/h__\n**Nuvole:** __" + clouds + "__\n--**#################**--\n\n"
result = "**" + query.title() + "**\n\n"

#Tiro su la tastiera e aggiungo l'handler
kb = InlineKeyboardMarkup([[
InlineKeyboardButton("Prossimo giorno",callback_data="forecastFuture")]])
k2 = 0

Funzione che viene chiamata quando è premuto il bottone associato alla funzione get_future_forecasts.
A ogni pressione si scorrono le pagine ovvero gli elementi contenuti nella variabile globale pages.
@Client.on_callback_query(filters = filters.regex("forecastFuture"))
def press_forecastfuture(client,message):
print("Giro pagine in /forecastfuture")
global k2
if k2 < len(pages_f)-1:
k2 = k2 + 1
kb = InlineKeyboardMarkup([[
InlineKeyboardButton("Prossimo giorno",callback_data="forecastFuture")]])

Data una richiesta, restituisce l'immagine della mappa corrispondente con il meteo attuale offerto da
Expand Down
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions utils/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -47,8 +47,7 @@
'/vaccine' : modules.covid.check_vaccine_function,
'/poll' : usys.poll_function,
'/weather' :,
'/forecastoday' :,
'/forecastfuture' :,
'/forecast' :,
'/weathermap' :,
'/weathersat' :,
'/reminder' : modules.reminder.set_reminder,
Expand Down

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