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Mast3rwaf1z committed Aug 28, 2024
1 parent 6c0290d commit 6d1154c
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Showing 6 changed files with 134 additions and 62 deletions.
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions app/Helpers/Database.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import Helpers.Globals (getDbPath)

import Data.List (intercalate, inits)
import Data.Text (pack, Text)
import Helpers.Logger (info)

getConn :: IO Connection
getConn = do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -85,13 +86,13 @@ initSchema ((Table name columns):tables) = do
conn <- getConn
execute conn (Query (pack $ "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "++name++"("++columnText columns++")")) ()
close conn
putStrLn $ "Initialized table " ++ name
info $ "Initialized table " ++ name
initSchema tables
initSchema [] = putStrLn "Finished initializing DB"
initSchema [] = info "Finished initializing DB"

initDb :: IO ()
initDb = do
putStrLn "Initializing DB"
info "Initializing DB"
initSchema schema

test_db :: IO ()
Expand Down
13 changes: 12 additions & 1 deletion app/Helpers/Globals.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,4 +15,15 @@ getPort = do
result <- lookupEnv "HOMEPAGE_PORT"
return $ case result of
(Just a) -> read a :: Int
Nothing -> 8000
Nothing -> 8000

data LogLevel = Error | Warning | Info

getLogLevel :: IO LogLevel
getLogLevel = do
result <- lookupEnv "HOMEPAGE_LOGLEVEL"
return $ case result of
(Just "info") -> Info
(Just "warning") -> Warning
(Just "error") -> Error
Nothing -> Error
72 changes: 72 additions & 0 deletions app/Helpers/Logger.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
module Helpers.Logger where

import Network.Wai.Internal (Response(ResponseBuilder, ResponseFile), Request, pathInfo, requestMethod)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Text (unpack)
import Network.HTTP.Types (Status(statusCode))

import Helpers.Utils (unpackBS)
import Helpers.Globals (LogLevel (..), getLogLevel)

colorStatus :: Int -> String
colorStatus code | code < 300 = "\ESC[38;2;0;255;0m"++show code++"\ESC[0m"
| code < 400 = "\ESC[38;2;255;255;0m"++show code++"\ESC[0m"
| otherwise = "\ESC[38;2;255;0;0m"++show code++"\ESC[0m"

getPath :: Request -> String
getPath request = intercalate "/" $ map unpack $ pathInfo request

up :: Int -> String
up 0 = ""
up n = "\ESC[" ++ show n ++ "A"

left :: Int -> String
left 0 = ""
left n = "\ESC[" ++ show n ++ "D"

down :: Int -> String
down 0 = ""
down n = "\ESC[" ++ show n ++ "B"

right :: Int -> String
right 0 = ""
right n = "\ESC[" ++ show n ++ "C"

tableify :: [String] -> String
tableify (x:xs) = "| " ++ x ++ left l ++ right 20 ++ tableify xs
l = length x
tableify [] = "|"

info :: String -> IO ()
info input = do
loglevel <- getLogLevel
case loglevel of
Info -> putStrLn $ "\ESC[38;2;100;100;100m" ++ input ++ "\ESC[0m"
_ -> return ()

warning :: String -> IO ()
warning input = do
loglevel <- getLogLevel
case loglevel of
Warning -> putStrLn $ "\ESC[38;2;255;255;0m" ++ input ++ "\ESC[0m"
Info -> putStrLn $ "\ESC[38;2;255;255;0m" ++ input ++ "\ESC[0m"
_ -> return ()

error :: String -> IO ()
error input = putStrLn $ "\ESC[38;2;255;0;0m" ++ input ++ "\ESC[0m"

logger :: Request -> Response -> IO ()
logger request (ResponseBuilder status _ _) = do
let method = unpackBS (requestMethod request)
let path = getPath request
putStrLn $ tableify [method, show $ statusCode status, path]
logger request (ResponseFile status _ _ _) = do
let method = unpackBS (requestMethod request)
let path = getPath request
putStrLn $ tableify [method, show $ statusCode status, path]
logger request x = do
let method = unpackBS (requestMethod request)
let path = getPath request
putStrLn $ tableify [method, path]
33 changes: 10 additions & 23 deletions app/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ import Pages.Guestbook.Guestbook (guestbook)
import Helpers.Database (initDb)
import Helpers.Utils (unpackBS)
import Helpers.Globals (getPort)
import Helpers.Logger (logger, tableify, info, warning)
import Api.Api (api)

page404 :: [String] -> Response
Expand All @@ -43,10 +44,13 @@ serve content = responseBuilder status200 [("Content-Type", "text/html")] $ copy

serveFile :: String -> IO Response
serveFile path = do
info "Serving file"
exists <- doesFileExist path
if exists then
if exists then do
info "File exists"
return $ responseFile status200 [] path Nothing
else do
warning "No file found!"
return $ responseBuilder status404 [("Content-Type", "text/json")] $ copyByteString "{\"error\":\"Error: file not found!\"}"

Expand All @@ -64,26 +68,6 @@ handleRequest ["favicon.ico"] request = do serveFile "static/favicon.ico"
handleRequest [] request = return $ serve (layout index)
handleRequest x request = return $ page404 x

colorStatus :: Int -> String
colorStatus code | code < 300 = "\ESC[38;2;0;255;0m"++show code++"\ESC[0m"
| code < 400 = "\ESC[38;2;255;255;0m"++show code++"\ESC[0m"
| otherwise = "\ESC[38;2;255;0;0m"++show code++"\ESC[0m"

logger :: Request -> Response -> IO ()
logger request (ResponseBuilder status _ _) = do
let method = unpackBS (requestMethod request)
let path = intercalate "/" (map unpack (pathInfo request))
putStrLn $ method ++ "\r\t| " ++ path ++ "\r\t\t\t\t\t\t| " ++ colorStatus (statusCode status)
logger request (ResponseFile status _ _ _) = do
let method = unpackBS (requestMethod request)
let path = intercalate "/" (map unpack (pathInfo request))
putStrLn $ method ++ "\r\t| " ++ path ++ "\r\t\t\t\t\t\t| " ++ colorStatus (statusCode status)
logger request x = do
let method = unpackBS (requestMethod request)
let path = intercalate "/" (map unpack (pathInfo request))
putStrLn $ method ++ "\r\t| " ++ path

app :: Request -> (Response -> IO b) -> IO b
app request respond = do
response <- handleRequest (map unpack (pathInfo request)) request
Expand All @@ -94,5 +78,8 @@ main :: IO ()
main = do
port <- getPort
putStrLn $ "Listening on " ++ show port
info $ "Listening on " ++ show port
putStrLn $ "+" ++ mconcat (replicate 65 "-") ++ "+"
putStrLn $ tableify ["METHOD", "STATUS", "PATH"]
putStrLn $ "+" ++ mconcat (replicate 65 "-") ++ "+"
run port app
70 changes: 35 additions & 35 deletions app/Pages/Projects/Projects.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,58 +14,58 @@ import Helpers.Database (schema, prettyPrintSchema)
import Helpers.CodeBlock (codeBlock)

defaultProject :: (String, Html)
defaultProject = ("", (section [hsx|
defaultProject = ("", section [hsx|
Use the sidebar to find a project :)<br><br>

This page is inspired by my friend Mohamad, his site is available below<br><br>
<a href="">Mohamad's site</a>

projectsTree :: Tree (String, Html)
projectsTree = Tree defaultProject [
Tree ("Semester Projects", (section [hsx|
Here's all the projects i've done at Aalborg University, they're defined as Pn where n is the semester they were done at. for example, P6 and P8 is my bachelor and master's projects respectively.
|])) [
Tree ("P1", (section [hsx|
Tree ("Semester Projects", section [hsx|
Here's all the projects i've done at Aalborg University, they're defined as Pn where n is the semester they were done at. for example, P6 and P10 is my bachelor and master's projects respectively.
|]) [
Tree ("P1", section [hsx|
P1 was about Random Linear Network Coding
It was cool
|])) [],
Tree ("P2", (section [hsx|
|]) [],
Tree ("P2", section [hsx|
A Project about adaptive cruise control in cars
|])) [],
Tree ("P3", (section [hsx|
|]) [],
Tree ("P3", section [hsx|
We made a satellite ground station to be full duplex, as the previous implementation could only send data one way at a time, would be cool to use two channels.
|])) [],
Tree ("P4", (section [hsx|
|]) [],
Tree ("P4", section [hsx|
Detecting fires on a map, it wasn't particularly interesting.
|])) [],
Tree ("P5", (section [hsx|
|]) [],
Tree ("P5", section [hsx|
Testing TCP performance using NS3, we learned a bit of C++, it was nice.
|])) [],
Tree ("P6", (section [hsx|
|]) [],
Tree ("P6", section [hsx|
Modeling a testbed for edge nodes for measurement in real world scenarios<br><br>

It was a pretty interesting project, as we designed our own dataframe instead of using like HTTP, it made it very fast, but as could be read in our semester report, our system could be even faster if we optimized language and protocols. <br><br>

It would probably be beyond our expectations if we went and implemented our own solution at the data-link layer of networking instead of at the routing layer (or whatever its called again in TCP/IP)
|])) [],
Tree ("P7", (section [hsx|
|]) [],
Tree ("P7", section [hsx|
The semester we learned haskell! Honestly i think i spent more time in my free time in total on haskell than i did thinking about this project. The project was about measuring the amount of people in a room using IoT devices and bluetooth.<br><br>

The coolest part of this project was definitely with fidding with low-level promisquous mode on an IoT device.
|])) [],
Tree ("P8", (section [hsx|
|]) [],
Tree ("P8", section [hsx|
This was a project about conducting a user-study, measuring people's stress and questioning them through an app on a mobile phone.
(this project was very, very bad imo, but i learned more C++)
|])) []
|]) []
Tree ("Personal Projects", (section [hsx|
Tree ("Personal Projects", section [hsx|
I find it fun coding in my free time, i do it a lot and as such this website was also born!
|])) [
|]) [
Tree ("Snake", snake) [],
Tree ("Website", (mconcat [section [hsx|
Tree ("Website", mconcat [section [hsx|
<div style="max-width: 100%">
Written in Haskell using IHP-HSX as the primary library, and sqlite-simple as the database implementation.<br>

Expand All @@ -91,32 +91,32 @@ projectsTree = Tree defaultProject [
[hsx|<h3>Version 3</h3>|],
snd (findItem ["", "Personal Projects", "Website", "Version 3"] projectsTree),
[hsx|<h3>Version 4</h3>|],
snd (findItem ["", "Personal Projects", "Website", "Version 4"] projectsTree)])) [
Tree ("Version 1", (section [hsx|
snd (findItem ["", "Personal Projects", "Website", "Version 4"] projectsTree)]) [
Tree ("Version 1", section [hsx|
Was written on github pages using markdown<br>
barely had any content.
|])) [],
Tree ("Version 2", (section [hsx|
|]) [],
Tree ("Version 2", section [hsx|
Was written in html, css and javascript, had a lot of client side javascript and is still available at <a href=""></a><br>
The guestbook and the interests page was my main goal and i finished both of them.<br>
Source code is available at <a href=""></a><br>
|])) [],
Tree ("Version 3", (section [hsx|
|]) [],
Tree ("Version 3", section [hsx|
This was written in haskell using the full IHP framework, it was a lot of framework to code around compared to the older sites, ofc this made it possible to write more functionality with less code, but with such a feature also comes a lot of restrictions, such as the database being very hard to implement, and dependencies being less easily managed and coding an API using raw HTTP was very restrictive. hence version 4.<br>
Source code is available at <a href=""></a>
|])) [],
Tree ("Version 4", (section [hsx|
|]) [],
Tree ("Version 4", section [hsx|
This version is also written in haskell, but this time also using Warp directly to translate HSX to blaze and parse blaze to a bytestring. Its this current site and doesn't require a link :P<br>
Source code is available at <a href=""></a>
|])) []
|]) []
Tree ("Skademaskinen", (section [hsx|
Tree ("Skademaskinen", section [hsx|
This is about my server, it hosts a lot of things, but the things accessible from HTTP is available at:
<div style="text-align:center;">
|])) []]]
|]) []]]

services :: Html
services = mconcat $ map (\(name, d) -> [hsx|
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions homepage.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ executable homepage
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