A project to collect and preview soil organic carbon performance in farms across Kenya
For an overview of what this product is about: marvinkweyu/projects/tambua-shamba
Copy the docker environment variables from .env.example to .env.dev.
cp .env.example .env.dev
Copy project env variables
cp .env.dev tambuashamba_server/tambuashamba/config/.env
To run the project in development mode, run the below at the root:
docker-compose up
Access the client application on: and the server-side application on
Upload a file from the test_files directory to store and render farms onto the map
To clean up the system:
docker-compose down --volumes
Add authentication for specific users to access the resources.
Intergration of asynchronous tasks. Use celery and rabbitMQ to update farms from the CSV asynchronously.
Download a file previously uploaded
Paginate the files listed
List and search for farms accepted under a specific file uploaded
Search for a file by title or filter by date
Search for a farm from the home page. The user should be able to zoom in on a farm with the name searched.