The INTENTION project aims to research how the exoskeleton control impacts the human-exoskeleton interaction. Specifically, we wanted to analyze: 1) the impact of different exoskeleton control methods on human-exoskeleton and 2) the feasibility of using biological signals within a human-in-the-loop control architecture to improve human-exoskeleton interaction.
We designed three control methods to assist walking for the Exo-H3 exoskeleton: 1) a trajectory-controlled walking assistance, 2) an admittance controller, and 3) the onsent-EMG controller (by sensing the user's muscle onset at each step, the admittance-assisted control is triggered).
INTENTION - Improving Human-Robot Interaction through EMG-Onset Controller for Lower Limb Exoskeletons, FSTP-2 subproject of the EUROBENCH – European Robotic Framework for Bipedal Locomotion Benchmarking Project, funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the grant agreement No. 779963.