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Alipoodle M edited this page Mar 1, 2019 · 21 revisions


What happened to the EQ? The feature list says there's an EQ!

Unfortunately there is a long standing bug in chromium that doesn't allow the EQ and Device Output selector to be used simultaneously. Here is just just one of the issues with WebAudio. So until upstream bugs are fixed, the EQ has been disabled.

My media keys don't work!

  1. Remove the Google Music chrome extension if you have it, and then visit chrome://restart
  2. If you have keyboard specific software such as Intellitype or SetPoint, disable it and try your media keys.
  3. They should work. If they don't, restart your computer. If they still don't, make an issue thread.

For Logitech SetPoint you can also try

The UI Freezes after playing music!

This is a known bug in the windows 10 notifications. For now there is no definite answer as to why it's happening, but turning off desktop notifications in GPM settings will fix the issue.

Can you implement Chromecast?

It is implemented 👍

How do I generate this debug zip file?

  1. Control + Shift + G (use command on a mac)
  2. Type in "DEBUG_INFO" into the input box
  3. Click "Let's Go"
  4. A folder should appear with the ZIP file

I don't want to give your app my password!

  1. You aren't giving the app the password, the app uses Google's login flow just like any other browser does (Chrome, Firefox, etc.)
  2. If you REALLY don't feel secure, go turn on 2 Factor Authentication
  3. Now take off your tin foil hat and use the awesome player!! 😄

I am part of the glorious linux master race and it doesn't go past the sign in screen!

AKA: Any form of the sign in screen ends up being stuck white

  1. Run the app with the argument --disable-gpu
  2. Ta da 👍

Smartscreen isn't letting me open it :(

  1. Verify that you downloaded it from the official website and not from some other place
  2. Click More Info
  3. Click Run Anyway

Can we get some of that offline storage goodness that the android app has?

No. 😆 It is not currently possible until Google release an official API

No audio output on Arch?

If you are using the PulseAudio soundsystem, make sure the "sink" used by the player app is not muted.

  1. Use 'pacmd list-sink-inputs' to list sinks. Find the corresponding one to the app.
  2. Unmute the index listed under previous step using 'pacmd set-sink-input-mute your-index-here false'.

For more info, see Arch PulseAudio docs

Can't close the window with i3 WM?

Due to an issue upstream with Electron, you need to disable "Minimize To Tray" in "Desktop Settings", as i3 can't minimize, only destroy, the window. See #270 for details.

Can update notifications be disabled?

Updates normally include fixes for BREAKING bugs caused by changes in Google's implementation of the service. This means that until you update your experience will not be the best it can be. Therefore, it is crucial that the update checking stays on.

Does a Debian/Ubuntu repository exist?

Yes. See the doc in the source code.

When I hit my Media Keys it doubles the action? (Windows)

When Windows Media Service is enabled, both Windows Media Service and Google Play Music Desktop Player both look for when one of the media keys are pressed, causing for 2 actions to be done at once. Currently the only way to fix this is to turn off Windows Media Service.

Limitations within Discord Rich Presences

  • Listening to Google Play Music Desktop Player

This is not possible due to 2 reasons. We are using the Discord Rich Presences API which is only meant to be used for Games, hence the use of Playing. If we wanted to get the Listening, like Spotify, we would have to use the Discord API, which would require some form of Partnership with Discord or sketchy way of using your token (Which is against Discord TOS).

  • Playing Google Play Music Desktop Player is too long

This has to do with the name of the Application on Discord. Sadly, we are unable to use something like Google Play Music or Play Music due to Trademark Reasons.

  • Album Art

Due to limitations within the Discord Rich Presences API, they don't allow for images to be taken from 3rd Party sources or be made on the fly. Unlike Spotify, they have a partnership with discord allowing for them to provide the album art.

  • "Additional Features"

Stuff like Additional features like Play on Spotify, Spectate, Ask to Join or in chat stuff are also only meant to be provided for Games/Spotify. As of recently this has been made open for game developers to have some of these features available public ally (Some require approval), but this would require some form of way that Google Play Music's can talk to each other to allow for them to play the game track / play together.