This Django library will format Django migrations using black and isort.
Start by installing django-migrations-formatter
from PyPI:
(env)$ python -m pip install django-migrations-formatter
You will also need to make sure to have black
and/or isort
Without them, this library doesn't provide any value. For ease of use, you can
install either of them by including them as "extras" during the installation.
(env)$ python -m pip install "django-migrations-formatter[black,isort]"
Then you need to add django_migrations_formatter.apps.MigrationsFormatter
The project uses black and isort for formatting its code. flake8 is used for linting. All these are combined into pre-commit to run before each commit and push. To set it up:
(env)$ python -m pip install '.[black,dev,isort,test]'
(env)$ pre-commit install -t pre-commit -t pre-push --install-hooks
To run the unit tests:
(env)$ django-admin test --pythonpath . -v 2 --settings=tests.settings
If you spot an problem, please open an issue on GitHub.