- Fix the bug when opening a mind map causes theme fonts and colors to become invalid #923
- Support node property setup board when select node,
If you don't want this feature, you can turn it off in the settings
- Support rect annotate of pdf++ plugin , now when you open pdf plus plugin ,the rect annotate will display as a image
The plug-in price adjust from $12 to $16. If you have purchased the activation code of v2 version before, you only need to make up the difference of $4 to upgrade the v3 version, and the difference will be automatically calculated for you when you buy it again.
The independent version of Markmind 0.1.2 has also been updated. Download
- 修复打开导图导致主题字体和颜色失效的问题 #923
- 支持选择节点弹出属性设置框,如果您不想用该功能,可以在 设置里面关闭
- 支持 pdf++ 插件的矩形标注,现在当你使用 pdf++ 时,矩形标注可以显示为图片,如果不使用,会显示为链接
该版本是 v3 版本比较稳定的版本,一般常见的 bug 都得到了处理。
插件价格从80 提高到了115元(调整价格至165元,目前处于优惠价格 115 元),如果您已经购买了v2 版本的激活码,只需补差价 35 元即可。
另外独立版本 Markmind 0.1.2 版本也更新了,下载
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