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Usage GriefPrevention

Mark-225 edited this page May 30, 2021 · 1 revision

General Information

As GriefPrevention does not have any flag system like WorldGuard (except for an official addon which is not maintained anymore), configurability suffers a bit compared to the WorldGuard addon. Feel free to suggest possible solutions for this problem but as of now, GriefPrevention claims can only be configured all at once, not individually.


See core config for config values that can be overwritten.

Name Datatype Description Default Value
markerSetName String The name of the Markerset, GriefPrevention claims will be created in. GriefPrevention Claims
String The outline/fill colors of admin claims. fd6600
adminDisplayName String Sets the display name of admin claims. Server Claim
defaultExtrude Boolean (true/false) If true, renders claims in 3d from the maximum world height down to the lowest block of the claim. Looks absolutely hideous because of the way GriefPrevention claim heights work and is not recommended, but the option is there. false
layerChildren Boolean (true/false) If true, slightly (1/16 of a block) raises the height of claim subdivisions in 2D mode to ensure the user always clicks on the subdivision instead of the main claim. true
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