Compete against your friends to see who is able to complete the most environmentally responsible actions!
How it works: There are daily and weekly challenges (for example: "use public transports" or "plant a seed") that grant you a certain amount of points based on difficulty upon completion. By creating and participating in leagues, you can compete against your friends to earn the highest possible amount of points!
Here are the mockups of what the final product could look like.The app is build using Swift and Xcode and implements services from Google Firebase (Firestore)
Data structure: The project makes use of 3 important custom objects:
- User -> Stores information about a user (such as name, id, completed tasks and leagues the user is a part of)
- Task -> Stores information about a specific task
- League -> Stores all the leagues and their members
The application uses the REMA font and vivd colors (selected using to make for a playful UI.