Healthsites is a framework for capturing, publishing and sharing critical health and sanitation related data to help make these facilities more accessible and relevant to the communities they serve. Our framework does not limit our endeavours to these domains and in the future we plan to support additional domains where it is helpful in humanitarian work.
Please note that this project is in the early phase of its development.
You can visit a running instance of healthsites at
These badges reflect the current status of our development branch:
Data: Open Database License Code: Free BSD License
Out intention is to foster wide spread usage of the data and the code that we provide. Please use this code and data in the interests of humanity and not for nefarious purposes.
Note we provide alternative setup instructions for deployment and development under docker - see our developer documentation for complete details. If you want to develop locally without using docker, follow the steps below.
First checkout out the source tree:
git clone git://
sudo apt-get install python-psycopg2 python-virtualenv
cd healthsites
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r REQUIREMENTS-dev.txt
nodeenv -p --node=0.10.31
npm -g install yuglify
cd django_project/core/settings
cp dev_${USER}.py
Now edit dev_ setting your database connection details as needed. We assume you have created a postgres (with postgis extentions) database somewhere that you can use for your development work. See for details on doing that.
Prepare your database and static resources by doing this:
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
cd django_project
python migrate
python collectstatic --noinput --settings=core.settings.dev_${USER}