- 00 Name generator ( [ ] credentials)
- 01 Higher/lower, heads/tails
- 02 Temperature converter
- 03 Calculate age in seconds (with leap years)
- 04 Encryption/decryption algorithm
- 05 FizzBuzz
- 06 Rock, paper, scissors ( [ ] lizard, Spock)
- 07 Project Euler (in every language you know)
- 08 Hangman
- 09 Love calculator
- 10 Random sentence generator
- 11 Pssword/passphrase generator
- 12 Internet time ((S)NTP)
- 13 Haiku generator
- 14 Magic eight ball
- 15 Collatz conjecture
- 16 Reverse a string
- 17 Eulerian path
- 18 Simple file explorer
- 19 Count words in a string (lines, sentences, paragraphs, typos, &c.)
- 20 Minesweeper
- 21 Connect four
- 22 BMI calculator
- 23 4chan thread/image downloader
- 24 Sudoku generator/solver
- 25 Maze generator/solver
- 26 Radix (base) converter
- 27 Picross solver
- 28 Fibonacci sequence
- 29 Factorial
- 30 Cipher encryption/decryption tool*
- 31 Blackjack
- 32 Dungeons & Dragons with AI
- 33 Generate ASCII tree
- 34 Genetic algorithms on polygons
- 35 Benford's law
- 36 Currency converter ( [ ] various units, comodities, etc.; + history)
- 37 Static website generator
- 38 Crossword game
- 39 Scientific calculator (CLI)
- 39.1 Scientific calculator (GUI)
- 40 Perlin noise
- 41 Image viewer
- 42 ASCII digital clock
- 43 Dijkstra's algorithm
- 44 Text/Morse code translator (+sound)
- 45 Tic-tac-toe
- 46 Snake game
- 47 FTP client (+server)
- 48 Telnet server (+client, netctat clone?)
- 49 IMP interpreter
- 50 Tetris
- 51 Conway's Game of Life (other cell. automata)
- 52 Web crawler
- 53 Text editor
- 54 RSS feed reader
- 55 RPN calculator
- 56 Mandelbrot set ( [ ] other fractals)
- 57 Sorting algorithms ( [ ] visualisation)
- 58 Custom markup -> HTML converter
- 59 N queens problem
- 60 Flow in a network (Ford-Fulkerson algorithm)
- 61 Credential validator (phone, email, &c.)**
- 62 Linked List (single, double)
- 63 Mastermind
- 64 Random image generator (parametric)
- 65 Ulam spiral
- 66 Klingon transaltor
- 67 Prime number generator using a sieve
- 68 Markov chains (random text generator)
- 69 Graphical analog clock
- 70 Two languages communication with each other (C++ & Java, Lisp & Python, ...)
- 71 Triangle number calculator
- 72 Typing speed calculator
- 73 Name art in ASCII
- 74 Towers of Hanoi (more disks, more poles)
- 75 Quine
- 76 IRC bot
- 77 Brainfuck interpreter
- 78 Knight's tour
- 79 Chip-8 emulator
- 80 Geekcode generator (3.12)
- 81 Define, translate & rotate a polygon ( [ ] other affine transformations)
- 82 Pong with variable vectors
- 83 Battleships with AI
- 84 Simple paint program
- 85 TCP chat basic encryption
- 86 Incremental economy simulator ( a la Time of Exploration)
- 87 Encrypting data in images (steganography)
- 88 Pascal's triangle
- 89 Sine wave generator from pseudorandom numbers
- 90 Flappy bird
- 91 Fourier transform (fast or 'slow'; [ ] visualisation
- 92 Method ringing simulator
- 93 Binary search (n-ary)
- 94 Nintendo Oil Panic
- 95 Sierpinski triangle
- 96 Dot & cross product of two vectors (exterior product)
- 97 Little Man computer simulation
- 98 Lisp interpreter
- 99 Enigma simulator with a configuration file ( [ ] decrypt messages without known settings)
*Implement at least one of Rumkin Collection: rumkin.com/tools/cipher