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This program was created to batch migrate vue components using the Class Property Decorators to regular Options API syntax.


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Decorators to Options API Transpiler

This project was made possible by the wonderful people at Infraspeak.

This program was created to batch migrate vue components using the Class Property Decorators to regular Options API syntax. The goal is to deprecate the use of Class Property Decorators on a codebase, which is not compatible with Vue 3.

Installing and Usage

  1. Clone this repository somewhere in your computer
git [email protected]:Marantesss/decorators-to-object-api-transpiler.git
cd decorators-to-object-api-transpiler
  1. Compile this project

It is recommended to use nvm (Node Version Manager) to use the correct version of node and pnpm

nvm use               # use node 18.12.1 in .nvmrc
npm install -g pnpm   # install pnpm
pnpm install          # install dependencies
pnpm build            # build project to dist/ folder
  1. Run the project with node
node dist <...args>

Bonus: setup project alias and run as VSCode task


For your convenience, we recommend to add create a new alias/function to your shell config file, like so:

d2o() { # d2o (decorators-to-options) but call it whatever you want
  nvm run 18.12.1 <decorators-to-options-api-folder>/dist/index.js "$@"

Note that we're using nvm to run the project with node 18.12.1 and also support arguments with "$@".

Refreshing your shell session, you can now run the project anywhere:

$ d2o
Running node v18.12.1 (npm v8.19.2)
Usage: Decorators to Options API d2o <filepaths>

This CLI converts Vue SFC using class decorators syntax to regular options API

  -V, --version               output the version number
  -f, --files <filepaths...>  Accept file paths or globs (default: [])
  -l, --linter <filepath>     Accept linter config file path, "./.eslintrc.js" by default
  -s, --silent                DO NOT log stuff to console (default: false)
  -h, --help                  display help for command

VSCode task

VSCode Task

To make use of this tool from VSCode we need to setup a custom task. For maximum convenience we’ll also setup a key binding for this new task.

Open or create file <web-core-client-repo>/.vscode/tasks.json and add a new task:

  "label": "decorators-to-options-api",
  "type": "shell",
  "command": "d2o -f ${file} -l ./.eslintrc.js",
  "presentation": {
	  "reveal": "silent",
	  "panel": "new"

Just remember to define your current setup by changing the <decorators-to-options-api-folder> to your actual path.

Secondly, you can add the following to your keybindings.json. Instructions on how to do so are available on VSCode’s docs.

	"key": "F10", // feel free to change this to something else
	"command": "workbench.action.tasks.runTask",
	"args": "decorators-to-options-api" // this must be the same as label task property

Finally, if you're getting an command not found: d2o error, then it's because your vscode's terminal is not reading your shell config file. You can change that in the settings.json file by adding the following lines:

// you should change these values to osx or windows depending on your OS
// also, if your not using zsh, and are using bash, fish or even WSL, please check the documentation on how to correctly config this
"terminal.integrated.defaultProfile.linux": "zsh",
"terminal.integrated.profiles.linux": { "zsh": { "path": "/bin/zsh", "args": ["-l", "-i"] } }


There are however, some limitations which must be fixed by hand after generating an options API component:

  1. JSDOC is ignored during AST generation and therefore is lost on the generated component;
  2. Some of ESLint styles might not work at first (not sure why), therefore it is recommended to re-run the linter manually on generated files;
  3. Vue's Options API Syntax has a few caveats regarding type support, so please make sure everything is working before committing your changes;

How to contribute

This project makes use of:

It is recommended to use nvm (Node Version Manager) to use the correct version of node and pnpm

Open the project on root folder and run

nvm use

to start using the desired node version.

Then, install pnpm with:

npm install -g pnpm

You can now start the project with:

pnpm install # install dependencies
pnpm dev # run nodemon with ts-node to start a development run

Features and TO-DOs


  • Read Vue SFC and extract <script> - thanks to vue-sfc-parser
  • Generate the AST and translate most common SFC class methods and decorators to Options API Syntax
    • @Component
    • @Prop
    • @Watch
      • Don't generate a dedicated method, place logic on handler
    • @Emit
    • @Ref
    • class getters to computed
    • class methods to methods
    • class properties to data
      • Create internal type for type checking component data (removed with the use of defineComponent)
    • class readonly properties to type readonly properties on data return type (class readonly properties to computed)
    • Mixins
  • Take care of vue lifecyle hooks
    • beforeCreate
    • created
    • beforeMount
    • mounted
    • beforeUpdate
    • updated
    • beforeUnmount (vue 3) / beforeDestroy (vue 2)
    • unmounted (vue 3) / destroyed (vue 2)
  • Write generated code on disk
    • Create and write to NEW vue SFC (Ex: component.vue to component.options.vue)
    • Replace script on current SFC
  • Batch process *.vue files in folders
    • Accept glob syntax
  • Run eslint (code formatter) with our configuration on generated code
    • Double quotes ("") should become single quotes ('')
    • Use 4 spaces as tab size
    • Leave trailing commas
    • Delete ;
    • Delete line terminators from interfaces
  • Write as much tests as possible
    • Compare input class-based component script with output options-based component script (both are string data type)
    • From class-based component script to data structure
    • From data structure to generated code
  • Generate AST for better type inference
    • Preserve JSDoc with complex AST (JSDOC node type)
    • Use generated AST
  • Use defineComponent instead of Vue.extends for better type inference

Nice to have

  • Generate the AST and translate less common SFC decorators to Options API Syntax
    • @PropSync
    • @Model
    • @ModelSync
    • @Provide
    • @Inject
    • @ProvideReactive
    • @InjectReactive
    • @VModel
  • Do the exact same thing but for vuex stores
    • @Store
    • @Action
    • @Mutation
    • class getters to getters
  • Create command line interface

Main dependencies

  • ts-morph is a wrapper for typescript compiler API, which does most of the heavy lifting including generating and manipulating the AST (Abstract Syntax Tree)
  • code-block-writer is a package which handles code JS/TS writing and formatting
  • eslintrc is a package which handles code JS/TS formatting. It's Node API allows us to format code programmatically.

Important Notes

There are a few caveats to notice when using this tool.

Some Data properties will have to be typed manually

In the following example supportedConditions has an inferred type, which is the return type of getSupportedConfigConditionOptions function.

export default class ModalGearAutomationConditions extends Vue {
    // supportedConditions has inferred type GearAutomationCondition[]
    readonly supportedConditions = getSupportedConfigConditionOptions(this.conditions)

After transpiling this component, the Data type will have type any, which will cause errors.

type Data = {
    readonly supportedConditions: any

will have to be changed to

type Data = {
    readonly supportedConditions: GearAutomationCondition[]

Non-used imported components are now detected

It seems that Class-based components allow the declaration of Components via the @Components decorator, even if they are not used:

    components: {
export default class ModalGearAutomationConditions extends Vue {

However, this is not the case for Options API-based components:

Unused Component Import

Prop mutation is now detected

This is a critical problem with the Class-based component syntax, as prop manipulation is not detected.

export default class ModalGearAutomationConditions extends Vue {
    @Prop({ type: Object, required: true })
    readonly form!: IGearAutomationConfigForm

    addNewCondition (): void {
            id: null,
            values: [],
            type: null,

Not anymore:

Prop Mutation Error

Plugins are not binded correctly to this

Prop Mutation Error

This seems to be a problem of using defineComponent, as plugin development for Vue 2.7 and Vue 3 is quite different.

It seems that creating a typescript declaration file (*.d.ts) does not fix the issue.

A solution/workaround is yet to be discovered.


You can find examples on the /vue folder, which contains vue SFCs prefixed with .options.vue and class-decorators.vue for components using the Options API syntax and the class-based syntax respectively.

Original SFC

<script lang="ts">
import { Component, Prop, Vue, Ref, Emit, Watch, mixins } from 'vue-property-decorator'
import NestedComponent from './NestedComponent.vue'
import AnotherNestedComponent from './NestedComponent.vue'
import MyMixin from './MyMixin.vue'

interface MyInterface {
    myProperty: string

    components: {
export default class ExampleComponent extends mixins(MyMixin) {
    // Refs
    readonly myDiv!: HTMLDivElement

    // Props
    @Prop({ type: Boolean, default: true })
    public readonly defaultBoolean!: boolean

    @Prop({ type: String, default: 'option 1' })
    public readonly defaultProp!: 'option 1' | 'option 2'

    @Prop({ type: String, required: true })
    public readonly requiredStringProp!: string

    @Prop({ type: String, required: false })
    public readonly notRequiredStringProp?: string

    @Prop({ type: Object })
    public readonly objectProp?: MyInterface

    // data
    readonly MY_CONST: number = 123
    myDataOne = 'stuff'
    private myPrivateData = 'more stuff'

    // Watch
    @Watch('myDataOne', { immediate: true, deep: true })
    onMyDataOne(newVal: string, oldVal:string) {
        console.log(`changed from ${oldVal} to ${newVal}!`)

    // Emits
    emitMyEvent (): void {}

    emitMyEventWithPayloadParam (num: number): void {
        this.myDataOne = 'other stuff'

    emitMyEventWithPayloadReturn (num: number): string {
        this.myPrivateData = 'more more stuff'
        return this.myPrivateData

    // computed
    get myDataOneUppercase () {
        return this.myDataOne.toUpperCase()

    // methods
    logSomething (something: any): void {

    doMath(a: number, b: number): number {
        return a + b

    doSomethingWithRef() {
        this.myDiv.addEventListener('click', () => this.logSomething(this.doMath(1,1)))

    emitAllTheThings (): void {

Generated SFC

<script lang="ts">
import type { PropType } from 'vue'
import { defineComponent } from 'vue'

import NestedComponent from './NestedComponent.vue'
import AnotherNestedComponent from './NestedComponent.vue'
import MyMixin from './MyMixin.vue'

interface MyInterface {
    myProperty: string

export default defineComponent({
    name: 'ExampleComponent',

    components: {

    mixins: [MyMixin],

    props: {
        defaultBoolean: {
            type: Boolean as PropType<boolean>,
            default: true,
        defaultProp: {
            type: String as PropType<'option 1' | 'option 2'>,
            default: 'option 1',
        requiredStringProp: {
            type: String as PropType<string>,
            required: true,
        notRequiredStringProp: {
            type: String as PropType<string>,
            required: false,
        objectProp: {
            type: Object as PropType<MyInterface>,
            required: false,

    emits: {
        'my-event' (): boolean {
            // TODO add validator
            return true
        'my-event-with-payload-param' (num: number): boolean {
            // TODO add validator
            return true
        'my-event-with-payload-return' (num: number): boolean {
            // TODO add validator
            return true

    data() {
        return {
            myDataOne: 'stuff',
            myPrivateData: 'more stuff',
            MY_CONST: 123

    watch: {
        myDataOne: {
            immediate: true,
            deep: true,
            handler: 'onMyDataOne',

    computed: {
        // refs
        myDiv(): HTMLDivElement {
            return this.$refs.myDiv as HTMLDivElement
        myDataOneUppercase () {
            return this.myDataOne.toUpperCase()

    methods: {
        // Emits
        emitMyEvent (): void {
        emitMyEventWithPayloadParam (num: number): void {
            this.myDataOne = 'other stuff'
            this.$emit('my-event-with-payload-param', num)
        emitMyEventWithPayloadReturn (num: number): void {
            this.myPrivateData = 'more more stuff'
            this.$emit('my-event-with-payload-return', this.myPrivateData, num)
        // Methods
        logSomething (something: any): void {

        doMath(a: number, b: number): number {
            return a + b

        doSomethingWithRef() {
            this.myDiv.addEventListener('click', () => this.logSomething(this.doMath(1,1)))

        emitAllTheThings (): void {
        // watch methods
        onMyDataOne(newVal: string, oldVal:string) {
            console.log(`changed from ${oldVal} to ${newVal}!`)


This program was created to batch migrate vue components using the Class Property Decorators to regular Options API syntax.








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