An evaluator for localization results, which compares with a reliable pose trajectory. Specifically, comparisons between different start times, end times, and periods are supported, since evaluation will be automatically aligned with the one with fewer data.
Clone this repo to the local environment.
$ git clone
Evaluatable data types are limited to the format of CSV or ros2 bag, and the start time, end time, and period can be different for each data. Specifically, a valid CSV file requires at least the following entries.
- Timestamp
- Position (x,y,z)
- Rotation (Quaternion or Euler[degree or radian])
And a valid ros2 bag file should have one of the following types of topics.
A standard configuration file for pose evaluation consists of the following parts.
- Reference
- Result1, Result2, ...
- Optional settings
It is required that the reference block should have the name of Reference and the names of result blocks should begin with Result.
When specifying the paths, it is recommended to use the absolute path.
There is a sample YAML file at config/evaluation_pose.yaml
To create your own configuration file, just use the following templates for CSV or ros2 bag,
Template of CSV (click to expand)
## Auxiliary info
label: any
type: 0 # [0]: csv, [1]: ros2bag
path: /path/to/csv
## Time
separate_time_stamp: false # [true]:Set secs_stamp_column and nsecs_stamp_column / [false]:Set stamp_column
secs_stamp_column: 2
nsecs_stamp_column: 3
stamp_column: 0
## Position
x_column: 1
y_column: 2
z_column: 3
## Rotation
use_quaternion: false # [true]:Set Quaternion / [false]:Set Euler
# Quaternion
ori_x_column: 8
ori_y_column: 9
ori_z_column: 10
ori_w_column: 11
# Euler
use_radian: true # [true]:radian / [false]:degree
roll_column: 4
pitch_column: 5
yaw_column: 6
## TF
tf_time: 0 # [s]
tf_x: 0 # [m]
tf_y: 0 # [m]
tf_z: 0 # [m]
tf_roll: 0 # [rad]
tf_pitch: 0 # [rad]
tf_yaw: 0 # [rad]
inv_roll: 1 # 1 or -1
inv_pitch: 1 # 1 or -1
inv_yaw: 1 # 1 or -1
# Display ellipse (put 2D covariance in result file)
display_ellipse: false
covariance_xx_column: 10
covariance_xy_column: 11
covariance_yx_column: 12
covariance_yy_column: 13
Template of ros2 bag (click to expand)
## Auxiliary info
label: any
type: 1 # [0]: csv, [1]: ros2bag
path: /path/to/ros2bag
## Rosbag info
topic_name: /localization/pose_estimator/pose_with_covariance
storage_id: sqlite3
serialization_format: cdr
## TF
tf_time: 0 # [s]
tf_x: 0 # [m]
tf_y: 0 # [m]
tf_z: 0 # [m]
tf_roll: 0 # [rad]
tf_pitch: 0 # [rad]
tf_yaw: 0 # [rad]
inv_roll: 1 # 1 or -1
inv_pitch: 1 # 1 or -1
inv_yaw: 1 # 1 or -1
# Display ellipse (put 2D covariance in result file)
display_ellipse: false # use PoseWithCovarianceStamped tyep topic in result data
Template of optional settings (click to expand)
# Horizontal axis
axis_type: 0 # [0]:time, [1]:distance
degree_type: 0 # [0]:radian, [1]:degree
# Trajectory graph dilution
dilution_step: 10 # at least 1, the larger the sparser for better performance
# Trajectory graph numbering
progress_info: 0 # [0]:off, [1]:number, [2]:time, [3]:ros time, [4]:distance
interval: 0 # progress_info is [2]:second, [3]:second, [4]:meter
# Font
title_font_size: 14
label_font_size: 10
ticks_font_size: 8
# Save
save_figures: true
save_extension_type: png # without "."
save_dataframe: true
output_directory: /path/to/output/directory
use_lerp: false
and run with
$ cd localization_evaluation_toolkit
$ python3 scripts/ config/evaluation_pose.yaml
For example, you may output the following graphs with the sample data.
$ cd localization_evaluation_toolkit
$ python3 scripts/ sample_data/config/sasashima_evaluation.yaml
A standard configuration file for twist evaluation consists of the following parts.
- Reference
- Twist
- Optional settings
It is required that the reference block should have the name of Reference and the names of result blocks should begin with Twist.
When specifying the paths, it is recommended to use the absolute path.
There is a sample YAML file at config/evaluation_twist.yaml
To create your own configuration file, just use the following templates,
Template of Reference (click to expand)
## Auxiliary info
label: reference
path: /path/to/reference/csv
## Time
separate_time_stamp: false # [true]:Set secs_stamp_column and nsecs_stamp_column / [false]:Set stamp_column
secs_stamp_column: 1
nsecs_stamp_column: 2
stamp_column: 2
## Position
x_column: 4
y_column: 5
z_column: 6
## Rotation
use_quaternion: true # [true]:Set Quaternion / [false]:Set Euler
# Quaternion
ori_x_column: 7
ori_y_column: 8
ori_z_column: 9
ori_w_column: 10
# Euler
use_radian: true # [true]:radian / [false]:degree
roll_column: 7
pitch_column: 8
yaw_column: 9
## Enu velocity
use_enu_vel: false # [true]: use enu velocity / [false]: ignored
vel_x_column: 0
vel_y_column: 0
vel_z_column: 0
## Angular
use_angular: false # [true]: use angular / [false]: ignored
angular_x_column: 0
angular_y_column: 0
angular_z_column: 0
# GNSS quality
use_gnss_qual: false # [true]: use GNSS quality / [false]: ignored
gnss_qual: 10
Template of Twist (click to expand)
## Auxiliary info
label: twist
path: /path/to/twist/csv
## Time
separate_time_stamp: false # [true]:Set secs_stamp_column and nsecs_stamp_column / [false]:Set stamp_column
secs_stamp_column: 1
nsecs_stamp_column: 2
stamp_column: 2
## Linear
linear_x_column: 4
linear_y_column: 5
linear_z_column: 6
## Angular
angular_x_column: 7
angular_y_column: 8
angular_z_column: 9
Template of optional settings (click to expand)
# Trajectory graph numbering
progress_info: 0 # [0]:off, [1]:number, [2]:time, [3]:ros time, [4]:distance
interval: 0 # progress_info is [2]:second, [3]:second, [4]:meter
# Misc
sync_time_threshold: 0.01 # Time threshold for judgment for time synchronization [s]
leap_time: 0.0 # Offset correction for time synchronizatio [s]
based_heading_angle: false # [true]:The heading angle is based on North / [false]:The heading angle is based on East (ros data)
distance_length: 100 # Distance to calculate relative trajectory [m]
distance_step: 50 # Calculate relative trajectories step [m]
eval_step_max: 3.0 # Maximum value of error to be evaluated default [m]
# Font
title_font_size: 14
label_font_size: 10
ticks_font_size: 8
# Save
save_figures: true
save_extension_type: png # without "."
save_dataframe: true
output_directory: /path/to/output/directory
and run with
$ cd localization_evaluation_toolkit
$ python3 scripts/ config/evaluation_twist.yaml
Evaluation of TP, NVTL, execution time, iteration and error ellipse with ros2 bag files.
The input rosbag file should contain the following (at least one) topic.
$ cd localization_evaluation_toolkit/sub_scripts
$ source ~/xxxxxx/install/setup.bash
$ python3 [bag_path] [output_folder_path]
Currently, refer to the original doc page for details.
Create a CSV file with covariance columns from rosbag file. In detail, refer to qiita article for details.
$ cd localization_evaluation_toolkit/sub_scripts
$ python [input_bag_path] [output_folder_path]