Check out our Demo of the distribution build.
- Gulp with full ES6 support for task definition
- JSPM Package Manager for client side package management
- PostCSS for advanced CSS features, automatic prefixes and compression
- Best in class CSS compression with CSS-O
- Linting JavaScript sources with ESLint
- VueJS for client side view management and components
- Support for
-files for seamless component-driven development - Support live-editing and -reloading of all files types incl. css, js, vue components.
- VueRouter navigation inside a VueJS application
- Vuex application architecture for centralized state management
- Vuex Validator for (simple and complex) centralized state validation
- CSS Modules for preventing conflicts between VueJS components
- Support SugarSS for all imports (even mixed file types)
- Linting of CSS source files based on stylelint
- System notifications using node-notifier for updates on rebuilding/errors.
- Automatic deployment builds using the magic of AssetGraph with full support for hashed asset names.
- Integration of UI testing based on CasperJS and PhantomJS (Webkit-based) / SlimerJS (Gecko-based)
- Dynamic SVG optimization for inlined SVG graphics/icons.
- Adds information about Git revision to all HTML files.
- Favicon hashing + additional IE fallback support
- Asset Management
- Font System PostCSS Plugin
- Layout Selector PostCSS Plugin
- Web Font Integration
- Automatic SVG Sprite Sheets
- Testing Integration mit Karma Testrunner
- API documentation generator
- Deployment with Support for SRI (Subresource Integrity)
Copyright 2016
Sebastian Software GmbH