- autopairs
- bufferline
- Comment
- friendly-snippets
- gitsigns
- indent-blankline
- LuaSnip
- lazy
- mason
- mason-lspconfig
- nvim-base16
- nvim-cmp
- nvim-colorizer
- nvim-lspconfig
- nvim-tree
- telescope
- treesitter
[ for old users ] - Recently switched from 'packer' to 'lazy', therefore run
rm -rf ~/.local/share/nvim/site/
Make a backup of previous config
[ -d $HOME/.config/nvim ] && mv $HOME/.config/nvim nvim.old
- Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/Manas140/Conscious.git $HOME/.config/nvim
Keybinds | Info |
Tab | Next Buffer |
Shift + Tab | Previous Buffer |
h + s | Open a horizontal split |
v + s | Open a vertical split |
Space + v | Open a terminal in vertical split |
Space + h | Open a terminal in split |
Space + t | New tab |
Space + x | Close Buffer |
Control + s | Write file |
Space + m | Toggle minimal mode |
Space + / | Toggle comment |
Space + Space | Open telescope |
f + f | Open telescope find_files |
Control + n | Toggle Nvim tree |
Control + b | Focus Nvim tree |